Video @Databases Meetup: DBMS Security, Tarantool in IoT, Greenplum for Big Data Analytics

February 28 was the @Databases mitap organized by Cloud Solutions . More than 300 participants gathered in the Group to discuss current issues of modern production databases.

Under the cut video performances: how "Gazinformservice" prepares a secure DBMS without loss of performance; Arenadata explains what lies at the heart of Greenplum, a powerful, massively parallel DBMS for analytic tasks; and Cloud Solutions - how and on what they built their platform of the Internet of things (spoiler: it could not do without Tarantool).

Security and DBMS. Denis Rozhkov, Head of Software Development, Gazinformservice

Safety and performance are two sore points for everyone who stores user data in the database. Denis Rozhkov shared how to choose the means of protection so as not to see his base on the darknet, while maintaining its performance, and also spoke about the DBMS security nuances using the example of the development of Gazinformservice Jatoba.

Databases in a modern IIoT platform. Andrey Sergeev, Head of the IoT Solutions Development Group, Cloud Solutions

As you know, a universal database does not exist. Especially if you need it for an Internet of things platform that can process millions of events from sensors per second in near real-time mode. Andrey Sergeyev told how they built their IIoT platform in Cloud Solutions, what path they went and why Tarantool could not do without it.

Greenplum: from two to hundreds of servers. We build modern analytics with ACID, ANSI SQL and entirely on OpenSource. Dmitry Pavlov, Chief Product Officer, Arenadata

Since 2009, Dmitry has been working closely with large-scale cluster systems and, like no one else, knows that in conditions when the amount of data grows exponentially, solving analytics problems on traditional DBMSs becomes impossible. He will talk in detail about the popular solution for large-scale analytical systems - the massive-parallel open source DBMS Greenplum.

Stay tuned

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