Making SIL functions portable between versions in Jira

Hello everyone!

In this article, we continue the discussion about developing our own functions for SIL. The previous article can be read here .

One of the main advantages of SIL is that the code written in SIL will work on all versions of Jira, so we need to make our custom functions work as well.

Create a plugin from sil-extension-archetype

Clone the archetype:

git clone --branch v1 --single-branch

Install the archetype in the local repository and create a plugin from this archetype. More details on how to do this can be found here .

Add SIL Services

In order to make our function portable between different versions of Jira, we will use the services that SIL provides. Those. we will proxy our calls to the Jira Java API via SIL Java Api.

But how do you know which services SIL provides?

We install SIL and go to the following address:

localhost : 2990 / jira / plugins / servlet / upm / osgi

You will see OSGI information on all plugins in Jira:

We will find the plugin in the KATL Commons list and open Registered services:

JMUserServices, JMProjectServices are the services that export Sil.

Now we know what SIL services are available, and by the name of the service we can guess its purpose.

Let's see the code in the created plugin

Now we know what services are available to us. Let's use them in our plugin.

public class BeanService {
    private final KIssueService kIssueService;
    private final ClassLoaderService classLoaderService;
    private final CurrentUserHelper currentUserHelper;
    private final JMIssueSearchServices jmIssueSearchServices;
    private final UserHelper userHelper;
    private final JMIssueServices jmIssueServices;
    public BeanService(@ComponentImport KIssueService kIssueService,
                       @ComponentImport CurrentUserHelper currentUserHelper,
                       @ComponentImport JMIssueSearchServices     jmIssueSearchServices,
                       @ComponentImport UserHelper userHelper,
                       @ComponentImport JMIssueServices jmIssueServices,
                       ClassLoaderService classLoaderService) {
        this.kIssueService = kIssueService;
        this.classLoaderService = classLoaderService;
        this.currentUserHelper = currentUserHelper;
        this.jmIssueSearchServices = jmIssueSearchServices;
        this.userHelper = userHelper;
        this.jmIssueServices = jmIssueServices;

This class contains all the services that we will use for our functions. I create a separate such class so as not to duplicate the call to services in each function.

Let's look at these lines:

 private final KIssueService kIssueService;

Getterthis is a Lombok annotation that creates a get method for the kIssueService property.

We create class properties for each service used. Next, we get these services through the constructor.

    public BeanService(@ComponentImport KIssueService kIssueService,
                       @ComponentImport CurrentUserHelper currentUserHelper,
                       @ComponentImport JMIssueSearchServices jmIssueSearchServices,
                       @ComponentImport UserHelper userHelper,
                       @ComponentImport JMIssueServices jmIssueServices,
                       ClassLoaderService classLoaderService) {
        this.kIssueService = kIssueService;
        this.classLoaderService = classLoaderService;
        this.currentUserHelper = currentUserHelper;
        this.jmIssueSearchServices = jmIssueSearchServices;
        this.userHelper = userHelper;
        this.jmIssueServices = jmIssueServices;


Add the BeanService bean to the ESLauncher class and pass this bean to our functions:

/*   BeanService */
private final BeanService beanService;

public ESLauncher(@ComponentImport EventPublisher eventPublisher,
                  PluginInfoService pluginInfoService,
                  @ComponentImport CommonPluginConfigurationService commonPluginConfigurationService,
                  @ComponentImport HostConfigurationProvider hostConfigurationProvider,
                  @ClasspathComponent PluginConfigurationServiceImpl pluginConfigurationService,
/*  BeanService */
                  BeanService beanService)
    super(eventPublisher, pluginInfoService, hostConfigurationProvider, pluginConfigurationService);

    log.error("eslauncher constructor");
    this.beanService = beanService;


public void doAtLaunch() {
    log.error("eslauncher doatlaunch");
    RoutineRegistry.register(new SayHello( beanService,"SayHello"));
    RoutineRegistry.register(new SayHello2( beanService,"SayHello2"));
    RoutineRegistry.register(new SayHello3( beanService,"SayHello3"));


Now we can use BeanService in our functions.

In, we will make a function that will accept the user's email address, verify that the user who runs the administrator script, delete all tickets that were created by the user with the transmitted email address.

Of course, we can do this logic without writing our own function. SIL code will look like this:

function deleteIssueForUser(string userEmail) {
  if (isUserInGroup("jira-administrators", currentUserKey())) {
    string[] issues = selectIssues("reporter = " + currentUserKey());
    for (string issue in issues) {


But I wanted to make a small example that would show the basic principles of work.

Here is the class text:

public class SayHello extends AbstractSILRoutine<MutableString> {
    private static final SILType[][] types = {{ TypeInst.STRING }};
    private final BeanService beanService;

    public SayHello(BeanService beanService, String name) {
        super(beanService.getClassLoaderService().getPluginClassLoader(), name, types);
        this.beanService = beanService;

    public SILType<MutableString> getReturnType() {
        return TypeInst.STRING;

    protected SILValue<MutableString>  runRoutine(SILContext silContext, List<SILValue<?>> list)  {
        SILValue param = list.get(0);
        String userEmail = param.toStringValue();
        KIssueService kIssueService = beanService.getKIssueService();
        CurrentUserHelper currentUserHelper = beanService.getCurrentUserHelper();
        JMIssueSearchServices jmIssueSearchServices = beanService.getJmIssueSearchServices();
        UserHelper userHelper = beanService.getUserHelper();
        JMIssueServices jmIssueServices = beanService.getJmIssueServices();
        ApplicationUser requestedUser = userHelper.getUserByEmail(userEmail);

        if (currentUserHelper.isUserAdministrator()) {
            SearchService.ParseResult parseResult = jmIssueSearchServices.getSearchService().parseQuery(requestedUser, "reporter = " + requestedUser.getKey());
            List<Issue> issues = (List<Issue>) kIssueService.searchIssues(requestedUser, parseResult.getQuery());
   -> kIssueService.deindexIssue(jmIssueServices.getIssueManager().getIssueByCurrentKey(issue.getKey())));
        return SILValueFactory.string( "issues deleted");


    public String getParams() {
        return "(userEmail)";

We implement the logic in the runRoutine method:

    protected SILValue<MutableString>  runRoutine(SILContext silContext, List<SILValue<?>> list)  {

/*     */

        SILValue param = list.get(0);
        String userEmail = param.toStringValue();

/*       SIL */

        KIssueService kIssueService = beanService.getKIssueService();
        CurrentUserHelper currentUserHelper = beanService.getCurrentUserHelper();
        JMIssueSearchServices jmIssueSearchServices = beanService.getJmIssueSearchServices();
        UserHelper userHelper = beanService.getUserHelper();
        JMIssueServices jmIssueServices = beanService.getJmIssueServices();

/*  SIL UserHelper,   ApplicationUser    */

        ApplicationUser requestedUser = userHelper.getUserByEmail(userEmail);

/*  SIL CurrentUserHelper,  ,     Jira */

        if (currentUserHelper.isUserAdministrator()) {

/*   SIL      JQL  */

            SearchService.ParseResult parseResult = jmIssueSearchServices.getSearchService().parseQuery(requestedUser, "reporter = " + requestedUser.getKey());
            List<Issue> issues = (List<Issue>) kIssueService.searchIssues(requestedUser, parseResult.getQuery());

/*    */

   -> kIssueService.deindexIssue(jmIssueServices.getIssueManager().getIssueByCurrentKey(issue.getKey())));
        return SILValueFactory.string( "issues deleted");


I made comments on the code.

KIssueFieldsService Service

I would like to separately talk about this service. In SIL, in all methods where you want to transfer a custom field, we can transfer either the field name or the field identifier in the format customfield_NNNNN or the field alias.

If we did not use SIL services, then we would have to implement this logic on our own. But using the KIssueFieldsService service, we use this functionality with one line:

CustomField customField= this.kIssueFieldsService.getCustomField(customFieldName);

Now you know how to create SIL functions portable between versions of Jira.

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