Real experience of transferring almost all employees to a remote site

Hello, Habr. Today I want to share the experience of our company in transferring employees to remote work. No, we did not do this in connection with coronavirus quarantine, but as a result, we were completely ready for the measures recommended by business in large cities. So today I want to share with all those interested in these developments. Under the cut - briefly about our internal experience in organizational work.

Upd. This post is not talking about the offer of any services or commercial services. Just an experience that can be useful if you are wired up with the organization of remote work for unprepared employees.

If we are still unfamiliar, Neti is a small IT company, in total we have about 250 employees. Only 10% of programmers come regularly to our office, and 90% already worked from home .... or from where it is convenient. But even for these 10%, not much will change if they switch to remote work.

Employees of almost all departments also do not always work in the office. In order for managers to fulfill their responsibilities while negotiating with clients in different regions of Russia and abroad, we have implemented and tested collaboration tools and set up remote access to servers.

Remote Infrastructure

Today we use tools that have already proven their effectiveness, such as:

  • Skype for communication with clients and within the team
  • Confluence to create documentation
  • Jira Confluence
  • Trello
  • Google Drive

In addition, we have established a Yammer corporate social network for communication within the company. In Jira, tasks are recorded and work hours are tracked, and workflow takes place there. We use Jira to collect customer feedback and employee opinions, including the โ€œIdea Boxโ€ - the opportunity to make our own suggestions for improving the company.

Due to the integration of Jira with 1C, which we did ourselves, tasks and hours are uploaded to the accounting system. Based on this information, โ€œ1Cโ€ calculates salaries, allowances, refining, and also evaluates the economy for projects, departments and employees. Detailed business indicators cover all employees and all teams, helping to make management decisions.

Distributed Team Management

But from the point of view of team management, the issue of remote work looks a little more complicated. And it is about this that my colleague Andrei Makarov is ready to tell. Its webinar will be held March 25 at 17-00 Moscow time. I invite everyone to whom our positive experience can be connected via the link to Timepad .

The webinar will mainly focus on the necessary SoftSkills and related know-how that will come in handy when emergency creating a distributed team. You can learn more about the webinar program in its announcement on Timepad, and if you are interested in any other questions, let's discuss this in the comments, and we will try to add them to the webinar.

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