45 youtube channels in English for IT professionals

I wanted to know what my colleagues were watching (except netflixes and media), I conducted a survey. The result was unexpected. I thought, well, I’ll collect 10 channels that all IT professionals watch. There it was! Firstly, there were 10 times more channels than I expected. Secondly, 80% of them are in English. Thirdly, colleagues are watching not only channels about programming, but also about mathematics, science, space, history.
Here's a selection of 45 interesting, according to colleagues from EPAM, youtube channels in English.

Programming channels

I did not divide them into areas, because some channels cover several technologies at once.

The cover of The Coding Train .

  1. Bret Fisher Docker and DevOps β€” DevOps-, , .
  2. Fun Fun Function β€” funny , -, .
  3. IAmTimCorey β€” - C #, SQL .
  4. Joma Tech – , Data Scientist, Data, .
  5. The Coding Train β€” - JavaScript Machine Learning.
  6. The Net Ninja β€” tutorial- -.
  7. Automation Step by Step β€” Raghav Pal β€” , β€” - , DevOps, CI.
  8. edureka! β€” (), .
  9. TraversyMedia β€” -.
  10. sentdex β€” tutorials Python, , , , , -, .
  11. Python Programmer β€” Python.
  12. CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] - This channel will be of interest to DevOps professionals and anyone interested in cloud technology.
  13. Let's build that app - Brian Voong, a San Francisco based developer, talks about how to build a mobile app from scratch.
  14. CodingWithMitch - also about mobile development - only for Android.

Conference video

Separately made channels with recordings from conferences.

Cover art on the DEFCONConference channel .

  1. GOTO Conferences - on this channel, video interviews and presentations from the GOTO Conferences and GOTO Nights conferences on all popular technologies are presented.
  2. Java is a Java and Oracle community video feed about the Java ecosystem.
  3. CppCon β€” ++.
  4. ng-conf β€” Angular Team Angular .
  5. OWASP β€” OWASP AppSec .
  6. DEFCONConference β€” , -.
  7. GeeCON conference β€” Java, Groovy Ruby.
  8. InfoQ , .
  9. NDC Conferences β€” NDC .NET Agile.
  10. Spark Summit - reports from the Data conference.

Since we are talking about Data, I’ll highlight several channels that are mainly devoted to technologies in the field of Data Science, AI, etc.

About Data

  1. Data Savvy - here you can find videos related to Big Data, Hadoop, Spark No SQL, Hbase, Cassandra, as well as Deep Learning and others (it’s a pity that they posted the last video a year ago)
  2. Clouderra Inc - here are some helpful videos from Apache Hadoop distribution developer and a number of Hadoop ecosystem software products.
  3. Siraj Raval talks about artificial intelligence, and also about math, science, etc.
  4. Two Minute Papers - here, rather, entertaining videos about how the neural network (and not only) works.
  5. Deep Mind - a channel, "perhaps about one of the most useful inventions of mankind - artificial intelligence."


Among colleagues found lovers of iron.

Still from the video β€œMaking a CUSTOM iPhone - in Shenzhen, China” on the Strange Parts channel .

  1. LTT - guys do product reviews, lay out step-by-step guides for building computers.
  2. Strange Parts - the guy collects the iPhone from the parts purchased in China (or maybe the Death Star or something else, who knows).
  3. And these guys just do reviews on various Marques Brownlee and Dave Lee gadgets .


As I already said, my colleagues highlighted not only programming channels. Here are a few channels for those who want to pump or refresh their knowledge in mathematics and other exact sciences.

  1. Mathologer is a professor of mathematics at Monash University, Australia, who explains mathematics in an accessible way.
  2. Numberphile - the channel that set the goal - to prove that numbers are just
  3. MindYourDecisions - this channel is simply a storehouse of math problems, logic problems, etc.
  4. Michel van Biezen - short videos on algebra, physics, statistics, geometry and even astronomy.

The science

Still from Kurzgesagt Channel Trailer video on Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshel .

  1. Kurzgesagt β€” In a Nutshell β€” . , .
  2. Simple History β€” , .
  3. CrashCourse β€” , , , .
  4. StarTalk β€” , , . , Β«: Β» ( «»).

Do you speak English?

Perhaps it was worth starting with this.
Despite the fact that EPAM is very busy with English (at least three days a week for 2 hours!), Teachers always recommend additionally listening and watching something, including lessons. Therefore, apparently, colleagues indicated in the survey several channels in the English language.

  1. Learn English With TV Series - this is what everyone loves, we analyze English using movies and TV shows as examples. It seems to be watching a movie, and learned English.
  2. engVid: Learn English - a large database of teachers for every taste and emphasis.
  3. Learn English with Papa Teach Me - a funny teacher (he would be a parody!) Parses and demonstrates various idioms.
  4. Learn English with EnglishClass101.com - an academic approach to the lessons, thoroughly, with the rules on the board.

Perhaps I will dwell on this. If you like it, I’ll make a selection of Russian IT channels that my colleagues have noted. They are much smaller, but there are interesting ones.

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