Asterisk: external trunks in Request Sent state

A familiar picture?

[root@pbx scripts]# asterisk -x "sip show registry"
Host                                    dnsmgr Username       Refresh State                Reg.Time                          Y      XXXXXXXXXXX         102 Request Sent           Fri, 20 Mar 2020 09:19:31                      N      XXXXXX             105 Request Sent           Fri, 20 Mar 2020 09:20:55                     Y      XXXXXXXXXXX@       165 Request Sent           Fri, 20 Mar 2020 09:20:28                       Y      XXXXXXXXXXXXXX       105 Request Sent           Fri, 20 Mar 2020 09:19:50

Once she got me too, and I wrote a script.

I tried to search for ready-made recipes, the majority boiled down to this: I got a ping of the addresses, turned on the debug and saw in it exactly what was said in the first sentence of the quote "packets go, but the answers do not come." But why? Point number 1 was ruled out elementary. Point number 2 - too, because a test connection from the same IP address but a different internal host worked. Point number 4 is absolutely "zhost". But number 3 is already closer. It just doesn’t block, but for some reason it does not allow the host to exchange packets with Asterisk. And this happens in 99% of cases after point 2, when the PPPoE session breaks. The session is then restored, and access to the Internet from LAN is also available, but UDP sessions are stuck. Here is what Mikrotik tells us through which these sessions go:

, .

1) .
4) .

[admin@MikroTik] > /ip firewall connection print where dst-address~":5060" and srcnat
Flags: E - expected, S - seen-reply, A - assured, C - confirmed, D - dying, F - fasttrack, s - srcnat, d - dstnat
 0  SAC  s  udp  10.X.X.X:5060                 59m48s           0bps      0bps        2 172        2 191       1 358 335
 1  SAC  s  udp  10.X.X.X:5060               59m47s           0bps      0bps        1 611        1 662         996 786
 2  SAC  s  udp  10.X.X.X:5060                 59m44s           0bps      0bps        1 837        1 830       1 114 259
 3  SAC  s  udp  10.X.X.X:5060                59m21s           0bps      0bps        2 501        2 509       1 614 239

This is the state of the sessions in normal mode when everything is working. In the absence of registrations, if memory serves me correctly, there is no flag S - seen-reply.

We try to cut down the stuck sessions with the command:

[admin@MikroTik] > ip firewall connection remove [find where dst-address~":5060" and srcnat]

And, lo and behold, literally in a second trunks are restored, calls go on, life blooms with bright colors! So we are writing a script!

First, we need to control Mikrot based on information from Asterisk. Therefore, the script will be run in cron every 5 minutes on the host with Asterisk, and we will manage Mikrot via ssh with a certificate. Here there perfectly painted everything - how to create the key and tied it to a new user on the microtia.

Well, the script itself:


if /usr/sbin/asterisk -x "sip show registry" | grep -q "Request Sent"; then
    echo "$(date) Resetting UDP connections on Mikrotik" >> /var/log/asterisk/mikrotik
    ssh -l admin-ssh -i /XXXX/.ssh/id_dsa 10.X.X.X 'ip firewall connection remove [find where dst-address~":5060" and srcnat]'
    sleep 2
    asterisk -x "sip reload"

Just in case, 2 seconds after the reset of the hung-up sessions, we update the registration - so that it definitely works!

From September 4, 2019, the script worked 273 times, judging by the log. You can calculate how much he saved me time, and the managers and their client nerves.

PS A similar situation occurs on all routers that I came across in conjunction with Asterisk. And only Mikrot can solve the problem without affecting other services. The rest of the routers need to be stupidly overloaded.

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