Pipipax calculator

It's funny to see how people around the world are hysterically buying up long-term storage products (they are afraid of hunger, we understand), salt (in the same place) and ... toilet paper. A mysterious phenomenon: the cleanliness of a nook in many countries today is subconsciously elevated to the level of basic necessities. Why is that? Probably, this topic is still waiting for its researchers. Well, we made a convenient solution for calculating reserves.

Due to stress and fear of the unknown, people need something intimate, calm and confident. So the Israeli social clinical worker Vlad Rodnyansky commented to RIA Novosti the hype around toilet paper during the coronavirus pandemic.

In some places, the situation with pipifax reaches the point of absurdity. The other day, Oregon police in the United States asked citizens not to call emergency number 911 with messages that they had nothing to wipe. However, the inhabitants of Western Europe are not far behind them. The Internet has already been swept by a wave of memes on this subject.


Why toilet paper is picked up from store shelves in other countries, we do not know. But in Russia there was a rumor that ... factories producing toilet paper will soon be re-qualified in the production of medical masks. Do not ask what is the connection here, we ourselves do not understand. It seems that this is from the category of a Soviet joke about the transfer of pasta factories to the production of cartridge cases - and there and there tubes. Probably, this ridiculous rumor became a trigger for the initial wave of hype around toilet paper, and then the process became self-sustaining: ordinary people watch how citizens around bring home packages of paper, decide what needs to be done like everyone else - and here you have empty shelves in supermarkets.

Count all the rolls!

For a convenient calculation, whether you have enough pipipax stocks for a long time, then we made our toilet paper calculator . They even tried to take into account the fluffy force majeure: cats and toilet paper - this is an explosive combination. The authors of the original idea - Ben Sassoon (Ben Sassoon) and Sam Harris (Sam Harris), we give them their due. We supplemented the idea, ennobled and slightly changed the counting algorithm, so life experience in managing toilet paper stocks prompted us.

So, a couple of clicks - and you will find out how many days you donโ€™t have to worry about whether itโ€™s time to break into the warehouse of a nearby store in order to beat off a couple of packs of rolls from other hungry intimate cleanliness. But the main thing - do not panic!


P.S. , : 15% โ€” DONTPANICROOM

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