How we improved Smart Search on in 2019: infographics

On there are now more than 44 million resumes and about 601 thousand vacancies. They must be correlated with each other so that at the request of the applicant he will immediately be given in the top of the search results those vacancies that are most suitable for him, and at the request of the employer - the most suitable resume for a particular vacancy. Artificial intelligence helps us do this - our Smart Search. Thanks to him, job seekers and employers spend less time and effort to find each other.

In addition, Smart Search recommends applicants suitable vacancies, and employers recommend resumes suitable for their vacancies from the database even without a search query.

For example, job seekers see such vacancies when they go to (before even starting the search), and also receive them in the newsletters. Employers also see relevant resumes in their personal account on, on the pages of specific vacancies and in special mailings. Smart search understands by vacancies, resumes and behavior on the site and in applications, what kind of employees or what kind of work our users are looking for.

According to our data, employers invite job seekers whose resume is recommended to them by Smart Search, even more actively than job seekers who themselves responded to the vacancy. The fact is that the recommender system is free from the human factor: it shows the employer the best candidates for his vacancy from the resume database, regardless of whether they already noticed this vacancy and sent a response. For various reasons, the responses of these candidates may not exist at all. For example, because not all suitable candidates are looking for a job at the moment (but they might be interested in your offer if they knew about it). Of those who are looking for work now, not everyone is ready to read hundreds of vacancies. Smart resume recommendations solve these problems.

We are constantly developing Smart Search so that it becomes even more accurate and efficient. For its development, we use machine learning (ML). In 2019, this increased the number of responses to vacancies by 28%, and the number of invitations * of applicants by employers by 16%.

* An invitation to is a signal from the employer to the applicant that he is interested in a resume, an invitation to the first contact (call, interview).
This is exactly what we have improved in search engines for job seekers and for employers to arrive at these results.

Important Search Changes for Applicants

Important search changes for employers

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