“More interactivity!” or How was TeamLead Conf 2020

While a terrible virus is raging in the world and everyone is moving together to online communication, we decided to recall our past offline event.

A month ago, the Moscow TeamLead onf 2020 died down , breaking through the ceiling in the amount of timlides per square meter - 1,500 participants flocked to the WTC site. Why they were gathered and what was done with them at the conference - we will tell here. In short: “God of the Grom” ordered to watch reports, participate in workshops and engage in sacred networking.


To begin with, we introduced a new format - workshops on eternal softskills topics. So we got more interactivity, in addition to classic reports and backstage mitaps. The bottom line is that, unlike the reports, you are maximally involved in the process of working with the coach. The material is well absorbed and, if you are set to work, there is a high probability of getting insights.

Maxim Dorofeev (mnogosdelal.ru) cheerfully and fervently said that such a beast is procrastination. In an interactive format, he dismantled the procrastinated case of each of the participants, outlining the first steps and touching on topics of personal and team effectiveness.
If in a nutshell one of our participants: “Dorofeev is handsome,” and you can’t argue :)

At the workshop of Alexander Orlov (Stratoplan), participants were invited to pour out the soul of their working groups about conflict situations at work. And as you know, truth is born in a dispute, and who is right or wrong can be discussed forever (we had 3 hours).

Alexander shared the schemes of a constructive way out of conflicts, which, we hope, many have already successfully applied.

Dmitry Lazarev (facilitato.ru) taught how to make decisions correctly, and this is not easy under the views and gossip of your team.

Kirill Ananstasin (aka komikaki) proposed to “flip” the role of a leader in a modern technology company.

Here is what Anton Chernousov writes (akagolodnyj), who took part in the workshop of Cyril:
“Among the four workshops, I managed to participate in an unusual action from Cyril Anastasin -“ An Informal Leader “. Kirill, better known in wide circles as the author of komikaki comic memes, opened up for me from a completely unexpected angle. He took the audience and, thanks to his charisma, art and unusual presentation of material, conducted on a winding and complex topic - Leadership. His experience and observation of changes in people and teams provided a lot of food for thought. Although there were not so many practical tasks at this workshop, they created the necessary impact. Another month I was immersed in the topic of leadership, using notes drawn up at a meeting with Cyril. "
Participants came out puzzled and enlightened and asked to repeat.

Do you think the reports decided to relax? And here it is not :) Let's talk about the three best according to the participants.

Yegor Tolstoy "How to Sit Timlid"

Yegor shared with the audience what he had to go through, taking the path of team leadership: how his colleagues laughed at his old commits, called him a Jira programmer, and worked more efficiently without him.

And then, in an easy and humorous manner, harmful advice was followed on how to sit up a team lead. Check if something responds to you:
Tip number 1. He himself will not leave - break it!
Tip number 2. Ask “Why Vasya Senor, but I do not?”
Tip number 3. Learn how to grow if you are already a senior.
In total, we counted as many as 12, so to be completely sure that they do not want to sit you up, we strongly recommend that you look at the report.

There were many more interesting figures about hiring, universal skills, salary forks, the appeal to the philosophy of Servant Leadership, common myths and, of course, recipes, what to do with all this. And most importantly, the presentation turned out to be much more informative than it could be, because it was supported by statistics ( very useful numbers ).

Bright, with a great sense of humor - this report is doomed not to leave you indifferent, be sure to look and laugh heartily at your remote workstation (no one will hear anyway;)).

Askhat Urazbayev “Flexible Management of Data Science-Products”

Did you know that 87% of Data Science projects do not get into production? Do you know why? Askhat identified three problems:

  • Business and DS do not understand each other.
  • Team members do not know how to interact.
  • Poor quality results in low maturity.

And he examined in detail and sparkling how to solve them, taking into account the characteristics of Data Science specialists.
As our participants rated Askhat’s speech: “The guru of scrum re-invented the scrum in front of astonished users.”

Maxim Tsepkov “Belbin Model for IT: Strength and Weakness of Different Teams”

Maxim spoke about the competent distribution of roles and building a team using the Belbin model.

Surely you are faced with endless disputes between competing ideas, paralysis in decision-making, too confident leader or unproductive team of stars? And all that was needed was to understand who the Pedant, the Idea Generator, or the Strategic Analyst was in the team, and who the Team Soul or Shaper was.

And guided by the principles of the Belbin model, correctly distribute roles, find out how successful teams are arranged, and learn how to form them.

We suggest you look at the report and hope that it will inspire you as well as our participants.

We also liked the report “Leveling: how the game helped to establish development processes and survive the growth crisis” . Julia Suvorova (Level.Travel) told how they introduced gamification into the processes and thus increased motivation and engagement, made development measurable, shared product verticals and much more. And besides, this idea made it possible for the whole company to feel like heroes from the history of the Crusade and try on the mantle of a king, judge, or witch's hat.

The report of Valera Razgulyaev “Autonomy, promises, trust and other principles of the work of Vkusvilla” responded in the soul of many participants. It would seem that the story is about retail, but sincere, with specific cases and unexpected decisions. The story with notes of the speaker’s personal experiences gave food for the mind and insights for introduction.

Seryozha Popov (League A.) in the report “How to work with juniors?” raised a hot topic of hiring in IT and talked about the features of communication with novice developers. Probably, many participants recalled their first steps in the professional field.

The entire junior life cycle in one report with a good share of humor and care, and even indicating where to go after them.


The lion's share of the time was occupied by the practical track on soft skills from Aletheia Digital.

Historically, the mitaps of Alexander Ziza and Virna Stern are wildly popular. They always leave in a hoarse voice, not missing a single question, but skipping breakfast, lunch and afterparty. TeamLead Conf 2020 was no exception, discussing team development, responsibility, working with toxic colleagues, reflection and communication skills. Some of these topics have already sounded in one way or another in Alexander’s reports and articles: “Team development and reflection as a management communication of a team leader” , “Communications as a performance zone of a team leader” and the recent top topic - “Toxicity and leadership in team work”. You can try to catch up on them, but, of course, this does not compare with the analysis of the participants' cases at the meeting.

And now about the exhibition

Here, too, were not without surprises. The center of gravity was the Podlodka podcast- styled cabaret booth .

The hosts of the podcast called to play in the thematic “Crocodile”, offered to fire Yegor Tolstoy, practicing complex managerial cases, put the participants in the bar in order to shake oneself after hard mental work on the reports, and played at the end of the second day of the Nintendo Switch.

The KnowledgeConf booth had a special police force that selected the most serious crimes against knowledge. The most terrible among the lack of onboarding, non-fixation of incidents, the docks and reality rassynchron, and other things turned out to be the deliberate concealment of knowledge. We do not punish criminals, we re-educate them :)

Therefore, for his crime, the “criminal” received a ticket to the knowledge management conference, which will be held on May 18 in the online format - professional knowledge managers already know how to do this effectively.

Sberbank built a small town - Sbercity, where it was possible to play in the IT version of the games "Snake" and "Bombochka".

At the Evrone booth, you had to guess the sunset country in the picture, Nixys talked heart-to-heart about DevOps, and coffee with photographs was brewed in the lounge area.

Podcast Zinky prod proposed to come up with a funny rhyme about Rust, documentat.io was remembered for the stand design with old manuals, Burning Lead arranged managerial fights.

Have you noticed how many IT media we have collected under one roof? Podcast Podlodka , Podcast Zinc Prod , Podcast Devleads , Podcast The Art of Programming . And also IT-Beard and SHIFU bloggers came to us.

And the guys and I made a small surprise for the viewers of the broadcast - while the participants on the site in between reports of the conference talked in the exhibition area, the audience could watch small interviews with the speakers. For example, Lex ITBoroda talked with Mikhail Samarin (Futurice), Anton “Hungry” talked with Olga Prokhodskaya , and Nikita and Ilya from Devleads discussed the upcoming report with Maxim Tsepkov.

The conference has ended, and now expect from your valiant team leaders to work to increase confidence, discuss an individual development plan and talk 1-to-1 heart-to-heart. So that you are ready, regardless of whether you have to implement changes or participate in them, we publish a link to the playlist best reports of the past conference.
Saint TeamLead Conf 2020Call for Papers , early bird- ! ;)

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