How to start a new business in 6 months instead of 3 years

We are a Hitsad company. For 20 years we have been successfully manufacturing and selling goods for the garden and garden, garden figures and furniture for suburban areas throughout Russia. The main production material is composite polymeric materials, but we make part of the products from wood and metal. In terms of assortment, we overtake the majority of Russian manufacturers and successfully compete with manufacturers from China and Poland.

How it all began

Hitsad began with interior flower stands and polystone figures. Then
other directions for a garden and a summer residence appeared. Now we have
wood, metal processing workshops, a painting and molding workshop, and areas for photo and video shooting of finished
products. The possibilities are almost endless. As the market saturates, we again began to look for a new niche for business. And found! Creation of advertising figures . There are similar enterprises in Europe and in America. We are ready to make similar products three times cheaper.

Read on to see if we have implemented a successful project, and what difficulties we

How they usually do, and how we did

Usually Projects are launched from scratch within 3-5 years: market research,
equipment purchase , staff training, advertising and marketing ... When we were looking for a new
direction, we proceeded from the fact that there are facilities, sensible staff, technologies and
equipment that can be used differently, than before. And startanuli in just
six months.

There are many options for attracting attention to business: growth models, foam shapes, gypsum products. But, well, if the polystyrene lasts 3 years, and gypsum figures in our climate do not crumble in a year. Therefore, we decided to position ourselves as a manufacturer of advertising figures for businesses that serve for a long time and do not lose their original appearance.

In short, the production process is as follows:

  1. Draw a sketch or create a three-dimensional model.
  2. If the order is complex, we additionally sculpt a small prototype.
  3. We take pictures of each stage, shoot on video and agree with the client.
  4. We make a metal frame, we attach the form using sculpted clay or plasticine, all by hand. We get a life-size prototype with the desired texture and detail.
  5. In the molding workshop we make molds for the following figures.
  6. Next, the figures are molded from polymer, grinded and given for painting. Manually or by spraying, depending on the needs of the customer.

Here's how it goes:

The most expensive part of production is the creation of the first prototype. A conditional cow for Mu β€’ mu will cost 500,000 rubles. But the next ones - already at 20,000 - 30,000. This is beneficial for growing franchises and networks that need constant purchases.

At the same time, the company’s employees are working on the same equipment for the Hitsad mass segment and for exclusive single orders.

We have no cold sales. We use all available digital marketing technologies. We receive all orders from sites, from YouTube, Zen and social networks.

High-quality visual range captivates our customers. Mobile traffic is approximately 50%. Moreover, we do not always directly advertise a specific figure or other product. For example, we offer training videos for entrepreneurs on how to work with finances, loans, or inform gardeners about the proper care of plants. This way we warm up the audience, create trust and provide websites with warm traffic.

The most creative department is a creative sculpture workshop. Each of our sculptors makes 60–70 sculptures per year. Most of the sculptors are professionals, graduates of an art school with a direction of sculptural modeling.

Every month we produce and ship about 100 batches of advertising figures.

At first glance, everything is simple and cool. I took the same equipment, the same employees, and
created a new business. Success! But, it is worth considering all the nuances, disagreements and be able to
come to common decisions, as a result of which projects are created. Below we give some of them.


Brands Work with large companies is carried out through advertising agencies, and here it is important to comply with all the rules of a brand book.

Complex orders. For such cases, we first make small models.
We carry out the correction, send it to the client for approval, correct the comments. We give recommendations for the installation of complex structures on various surfaces and facades.
Interesting orders. Our team travels to the locations of future figures for measurements and calculation of loads.

Climate and people

Our products are strong and durable thanks to technology and materials. But, nevertheless, we recommend removing the figures for the winter, not leaving them for long periods in the open air, subjecting them to precipitation.


A lot of manual labor, large sizes of volumetric figures require huge areas for photography. Now we have 1 hectare of area for 3D video shooting with a host.

The positive attitude of all employees is important for the implementation of new, sometimes unsuccessful projects with low solvency of customers.

Instead of a total

Any business has a life cycle. Old projects are gradually β€œblown away”, and we are
constantly launching new ones. Trying to predict trends. We are looking for what will be in demand in 3-5 years. Why in 3-5? The niches that shoot in a year are already taken, it’s impossible to fit in. Therefore, we form new markets and needs ourselves.

There is nothing like ours even in Europe. Say, according to the figures, the farther to the west, the less will be the understanding of why they should be placed in their garden. The explanation is simple - they did not have and will not have summer cottages. At most, in Italy they will put up a decorative fountain.

Now in the project Reklam.ru50 people are employed and about 3,000 sq.m. production facilities. In a month we receive about 200 applications for a batch of advertising figures from 10 to 50 pieces. From 50 to 100 orders go into production. So far, we are the only ones in Russia who can make such volumes without compromising on quality.

Write in the comments how you use your experience and resources to launch new directions.

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