Top 5 Books to Read by a Manager


Team management is a true calling. A good manager knows the strengths and weaknesses of the team with which he works, and knows how to correctly and not without imagination to distribute these resources. But the gaming industry has its own characteristics. Creative, passionate and somewhere chaotic people come to it. And here the problems begin. Project managers at Banzai Games have put together the top 5 books for you that will help you become the person who decides them and wants to go after them.

Five vices of the team

Goodreads Score - 4.04

This book is a true black box from the world of the IT industry. The author talks about a company that was ruined by chaotic throwings of management, which could not establish processes within teams - both personal and professional. You will learn about what kind of rake a manager should not step on, so as not to ruin not only his career, but also other people's work.


Listening is prohibited

Goodreads score - 3.80

Communication is everything. The larger the company becomes, the better you realize that the ability to talk with a team is more expensive than gold. The author of the book suggests asking each other questions - and in the process of dialogue you will understand that there are other points of view. And they will lead you to success. But learning to listen and ask is not so simple. And this book will help you with this.


The ideal IT company. How to get a team of programmers from geeks

Goodreads Score - 4.11

A common obstacle to team building is the unity of the dissimilar. It can be difficult for a manager to set up this complex mechanism when each of his subordinates is a person. In a rather ironic form, the author talks about patterns of behavior, the roles of people in a team, as well as why compromises are simply necessary.


Tough leader. Management Rules by General of the Afghan War

Goodreads score - 4.22

What should you do in a situation where you are not responsible for a team of 5 people, but immediately for 50? At such moments, many managers lose their nerves, but a collaboration of authors who are not the first to manage people is in a hurry to help them - because they fought in the war! And the examples in this book suddenly fit perfectly into office reality.


Blitz-scaling: How to create a large business at the speed of light

Goodreads Score - 4.04

Modern IT dictates strict game rules. To lead the studio to success, a talented manager needs to make decisions with lightning speed, and think even faster. Unfortunately, this pace does not always affect the team in the best way. In this book, the co-founder of LinkedIn shares his mistakes - the most valuable thing a businessman has.


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