How to quickly transfer a company to remote work: a free online conference of Netology and TalentTech

One by one, the business is quarantined - now office workers work at home. The question arises: how to maintain the effectiveness of each member of the team, how to set tasks in new conditions, achieve results and maintain team spirit. And it will last from several weeks to several months, if not longer.

March 26 Netology and TalentTech will hold a joint online conference " Distributed Team Management " . Experienced lecturers and practitioners will share knowledge on organizing remote work.

We invite business owners, executives and all those who manage teams. As well as employees who are interested in maintaining productivity and organizing comfortable work from home.

The conference will help managers to understand whether the company is ready for the transition to remote work. What needs to be foreseen and organized so that the transition to a remote location is as painless and effective as possible. The conference will help employees organize work so that it does not affect personal productivity.

What shall we talk about

What tools will help in the work

What to use for chats and conferences, how to work with files, set goals and ensure data security.

How to organize the transition

How to equip a workplace at home, effectively coordinate a team and achieve increased self-organization.

What rules to play

How to determine a work schedule, build communications, control reporting and remain a team.

What will the conference participants get

  • List of application tools for launching a home office.
  • Squeezing the best practices and life hacks - how to work efficiently from home.
  • Access to Telegram chat to exchange experiences.

The conference will be held March 26 online. The visit is free by prior registration on the page " Distributed Team Management ".

Conference organizers

TalentTech is a technology company within Severgroup. Key areas and competencies: EdTech - educational technology; HRTech - technologies in hiring and personnel management; and freelance. The company accumulates the vast experience in managing distributed teams in a rapidly changing world.

Netology is a university of online professions. Faculties of Netology graduate specialists in marketing, business and management, design, programming, analytics and Data Science.

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