Remote. 15 rules for those who have never tried but itch

Remote work is great. It can be sad only if you have never worked like this, but now you had to. But this is also okay, the main thing is to follow simple rules.

Because you yourself know why we throughout the HTML Academy left the office and sit at home (at home) together, so I collected five tips from all for beginner remote workers, carefully sorted and mixed the result with photos of jobs. Read, watch, inspire and work. Remote - the norm! 

Fresh air and physical education

Get out of the house. Of course, this is not very suitable for quarantine, but otherwise you can forget how people look and how to talk to them

. Move. When you work in an office, you at least spend your energy on getting to it. On a remote site, there is a temptation to lie constantly in bed, there are chips, watch TV shows until the morning. In general, there is nothing wrong with that. But the lack of movement is harmful to health. 

In order not to hurt the back, the scales did not +20 kilograms, and the brain thought well, move even at home. Do the simplest physical exercises at least 30 minutes a day to stay awake and be in shape after a month or two.

Tanya went to workout

Make a workplace (but sometimes lying - the norm)

The advice is simple: organize space and not work where you usually relax. Well, if there is a table. You can put all kinds of things on the table .

Pay for the good internet. Do not forget to pay for the Internet, otherwise everything happens. If you work where there is no good Internet, find a backup source (the distribution of Wi-Fi from the phone is also suitable).

Headphones and a microphone. We need group chat not to turn into misery.

Rest and work on schedule

On a remote home and work are mixed. Therefore, it is important not only the allocated place for work, but also a certain time for doing tasks. Otherwise, it will seem to you that you can always work - and then you will quickly burn out. And if you don’t believe in burnout, then you’ll just get tired.

Lock the graph. Work at the same time when you are used to working in the office - from 9 to 17, or from 12 to 20, or anytime else. It is important that the schedule should be in order not to accidentally start working around the clock. The frames of the working day are sometimes erased, and you can work all day and go to bed hugging with a laptop. A good plan is to turn off all work programs after a certain time.

Measure the time.At first it is very easy to recycle or underwork. At first, a timer or a time tracker helps a lot - they are different and googled easily.

Katya, manager on a
remote site Disable notifications in working chat rooms after hours and on weekends, and try not to answer working questions at this time. This is generally true for office workers, but on a remote site, the borders are less clearly defined.

pepelsbey, author of professional courses on a remote site

Do not work near the bed

At first it seems that the coolest thing in the distance is the work of lying in bed, or whatever else you like. But you will quickly realize that it’s cool to sleep in bed and watch TV shows. But to tune into a working mood - so-so. A place of sleep and rest should remain for the brain, and let the work be somewhere else.

Do not work near food.

Put chocolates, cookies and other snacks in the cabinets, and instead place crispy vegetables and always keep water nearby. “In order not to gobble up compulsively,” as Tanya says with KDPV.

Ilya, backend developer on a remote site

But food is important

Do not forget to take time to eat. In the office, after all, you have lunch and regularly run for tea and coffee - the same thing here. The main thing is not to overdo it and warn colleagues.

Food is out of work. Do not skip meals, but do not combine meals with work.

Zhenya, author of this article on a remote site

Plan work

Without doing the tasks, we will all be fired. Therefore, you need to organize everything so that the process does not differ from what usually happens in the office.

Eat the toad. At first, unpleasant tasks. There are unpleasant tasks in any work - you always want to postpone them for later. Often this very “later” comes too late. If the task cannot be skipped in principle, then it is better to do it at the beginning of the working day. So you do not lose focus and do not prematurely send the task to the queue.

Do not carry it. No need to transfer work tasks to later because no one sees what you are doing. So the working mode gets off, and everything merges in one long day.

Do not take off.If you suddenly completed the daily plan in just a few hours and you, in theory, have a lot of free time - this does not mean that the working day is over. At this time, you can do some other business work, make a backlog, or ask the manager what to do next. And you can not do it if you have closed lists or Forster.

Igor, the developer of Node.js courses on a remote site
Work for the day should be planned. My practice has shown that it is better to make it at the end of the day. It turns out that you are planning a business day on Monday night. A plus of the approach: this way you will surely be able to plan an important business that really needs to be done the next day. Planning day to day can get your schedule flowing. They seemed to have worked, but did not advance in solving the strategic problem. A clear plan drawn up on the eve will not let you go astray.

Ira, head of the professional courses department

Call up with colleagues

And one of the important ones: to organize convenient communication with the team. It is important to call up with voice and video - and discuss not only working issues, but also something that happens outside of tasks, deadlines and projects. This is especially important in quarantine, when everyone has the outside world limited by the walls of the apartment.

Tell the team what and why you are doing. You probably know that the most difficult thing in organizing a workflow is to correctly establish communication? Even in the office it is sometimes difficult to do. Now imagine that the complexity of this puzzle is multiplied by 100500 when the team is separate from each other. Therefore, arrange daily calls for 10 minutes and talk about your tasks - this way you can better organize yourself.

Ask more clarifying questions.Communicating live, you can read the intonation, but on the remote banal irony may seem offensive and inappropriate to you. So feel free to ask, “What do you mean?” To better understand each other;

Be quick. Communication should be fast and efficient. This applies to both clients and colleagues. If you work with clients, then they should not notice the difference at all, since they pay money and wait for fruitful and operational work, regardless of where you work.

Overlap. For remote teams, there is the concept of overlap - this is the hours when the whole team is connected and the time at which you can ask a question and get an answer as quickly as possible. Somewhere it's four hours, some teams at HTML Academy have six.

Teamwork. Use google documents, Word online or any code editor with support for Live Share.

Seryozha, the head of the remote

Don't be distracted (and minimize distraction)

Talk to your family. Explain to loved ones that working at home is the same kind of work, and that does not mean that you are free to do anything during working hours. Yes, there is more freedom and flexibility, but work tasks will not go anywhere.

In fact, the remote can be much more productive than working in the office if nothing distracts you at home. For example, children can be distracting - and this is a separate big topic, how to combine work and children (multitasking will be added).

Do not invent new habits. If you didn’t listen to YouTube at work, then there’s nothing to start, you’re still at work, just remotely.

Chat with loved ones. Schedule time for communication with loved ones, without being distracted by work matters.

It works better with a cat

Or with a dog. See for yourself:

Katya, curator at the remote location,

Lera, project manager at the remote location

Denis, HR Director at the remote location


Free time for self-education and nice things

If you have free time, spend on self-education - at home there are fewer distractions. The time that is usually spent on the road can be devoted to some pleasant things - lie in the bathroom, work out, go for a walk. If you can quit everything and change your profession , because you can.

I ’m learning to make up for two hours, freed from the road. And then, as usual, I’ll catch up on something in the wrong post, and then disintegrate.

Invent rituals

It can be anything - for example, I drink coffee at 13:00, and from 14 to 14:15 I have a quiet hour. I’m lying right and doing nothing.
Katya, a curator on a remote site
Come up with some kind of chip that can only be done at home. For example, I lay my feet on the warm belly of a dog sleeping under a table.

Pasha, a product engineer on a remote site

Get dressed

You need to create a feeling in your brain that you are going to work, and when it ends, there will be some kind of ritual that will show it. Do not sit in pajamas all day at the computer, but dress in comfortable clothes in which you will work and call up colleagues.

Household chores - after work

If you work from home, then you have the same schedule as in the office. That is, household chores / partying, etc. - performed after the working day, and not jointly. Do not waste time cleaning and other household items. You need to leave yourself time for relaxation, housework, communication, etc. This is more difficult to set up at home, because there is no way from the office to the home that manages to switch.

Arthur, designer on the remote (behind the scenes)

Relax and enjoy

It will not work to be lazy (it is a delusion that if you are from home, you can suffer from garbage). So relax and work - and if you do everything as it is written above, it will turn out easy and pleasant. 

15 rules of a good remote

  1. Fresh air and physical education
  2. Make a workplace
  3. Rest and work on schedule
  4. Do not work near the bed
  5. Do not work near food.
  6. But food is important
  7. Plan work
  8. Call up with colleagues
  9. Don't be distracted (and minimize distraction)
  10. It works better with a cat
  11. Free time for self-education and nice things
  12. Invent rituals
  13. Get dressed
  14. Household chores - after work
  15. Relax and enjoy

And be healthy. Tell me, by the way, how is your remote ’going? What did not expect, where are the difficulties and pitfalls?

And I ran - still the series have not been watched.

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