Market audience data segment of online advertising and marketing. Part. 1. Changes in legislation

Data is now in vogue, but the data market is just emerging: there is no common terminology, the structure of the data market and big data, analytics has not been fixed. In any case, data is the most important asset and concept firmly entrenched in our lives. They are used in all areas of business and industries, new examples of use appear every day.

Our company CleverDATA and the Association for the Development of Financial Technologies have prepared an overview of the audience data market in the segment of online advertising and marketing for 2019. Now in this segment there is a very strong lack of objective information and statistics on the current state of affairs and dynamics, so we decided to share the results of our work with Habr’s readers. 

In this article we will tell how the legislation in the field of audience data has changed in Russia and abroad, and in the second part we will present market statistics.


The audience data market has been around for more than five years, but it is still under development. An analysis of the information background shows a strong clustering of players in the market, competition is only emerging. Most of the data exchange flows in one-to-one mode, which necessitates the integration of the “each with each” type and the corresponding multiple cash and labor costs, which again is the reason for the high cost of entering such business models for participants and the low rate of market development.

Differences in the legislation of different countries lead to the segmentation of the global market into a number of local ones. International players in the Russian market are practically not present, and vice versa. Nevertheless, in 2019, one can note the high dynamics of development, the transition from “research” to normal daily work, the active growth of data providers and the emergence of new players.

Changes in Russian law

Project “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”

Digital Profile Creation Plan

Acceptance of edits on the digital profile in Federal Law 149- “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”IV quarter 2019Not accepted, there are projects
Conducting an experiment on the National Data Management System (NSMS) and digital profileII quarter 2019 - II quarter 2020 yearIn the process
Finalization of the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA) regarding the creation of a digital profileII quarter 2019 - IV quarter 2019In the process
Pilot operation of the digital profile, a pilot project with banks participating in the experimentIV quarter 2019 - I quarter 2020 yearIn the process
Commissioning of the digital profileIV quarter 2020 year 

What has been done

Draft Federal Law No. 747513-7

Draft on the digital profile of citizens and legal entities: amendments to the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information” (concept of digital profile, procedure for identifying citizens).

  • Contributed to the State Duma 07/05/2019.
  • Criticism from the FSB: increased risk of citizen data leaks.
  • Current status: did not reach 1 reading.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.06.2019 No. 710

  • 1 2019 31 2020 , .
  • 31 2020 .

– « , » (ID 04/13/10-19/00096018)

  • : , , , .
  • .

« , , , » (ID 01/02/10-19/00096522)

  • , , , , .

21.12.2019 â„– 1746

  • (44-) - .
  • , 26.20.2 « », , () .

News from 01/13/2020: “State Transport Leasing Company” (GTLK) announced the receipt of 3 billion rubles of budget funds under the federal project “Digital Technologies” of the national program “Digital Economy”. The funds have been allocated to support the GTLK's “Preferential Leasing Program for Digital Assets” aimed at leasing digital equipment and software under preferential terms for enterprises in key areas of the economy, social sphere and state institutions.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2018 No. 1279

  • Starting May 5, telecom operators are required to help instant messengers identify users.
  • The rules for identifying users of Internet instant messengers have been introduced (within 20 minutes, telecom operators are required to respond to requests about the availability of information about the user of the number).

01.05.2019 № 90-; 13.11.2019 № 1443; 29.07.2019 № 216 – .

  • , , .
  • , , .
  •   .
  • .

02.12.2019 â„– 405-

  • 2 : . – 1 6 . . 19.7 , 3 . 5 . .
  • .

58776-2019 « . ».

  • ( , , . .).
  • Approved by Rosstandart, will enter into force on September 1, 2020.

Big Data Regulation

Article 783.1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Features of the contract for the provision of services for the provision of information The 

contract, by virtue of which the contractor undertakes to take actions to provide certain information to the customer (the contract for the provision of services for the provision of information), may provide for the obligation of one of the parties or both parties not to perform during a certain period of action, as a result of which information may be disclosed to third parties.

  • From October 1, 2019, Art. 783.1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation "Features of the contract for the provision of services for the provision of information" from Chapter 39 "Paid services."
  • : « ( – big data) ( 783.1 ). 783.1 , ( ). , , , ».
  • , .

« » (ID 04/13/09-19/00095069)

  • .
  • 152- :

    1) « » – , = , . , 152-;

    2) « » – , = , . , .
  • , . , , – .
  • (. . ) , ( , ). ( ). , .
  • GDPR, , .

X « »

  • . ( ): .

  • (RIW 2019) . () .
  • , «- », «», «», « », , , oneFactor, QIWI, Group, , «», «», .
  • GDPR.
  • , , , .
  • .
  • , , , – .
  • «» .
  • , , , , .
  • , .
  • If analytics for commercial purposes uses publicly available information posted in the form of open data, then the participants in the Code consider it good practice to test the possibility of using such data. The mere fact that some data is open does not mean that its use is unlimited.
  • It is recognized as good practice to use data for direct (targeted) marketing if personalized offers allow a potential purchaser to provide an optimal choice of goods (work, services), and also provided that a potential purchaser is able to refuse to receive such personalized offers.


Who should own user data?

  • «» Double Data ( «»), – .
  • HeadHunter ( «») «» (« ») – 26.03.2019, . . «» «» . , , . 2.8 «» , / .
  • «» «», «», «-», , . 10 2019 .: «» «-» , .
  • «» 23 2020 . â„– 11/01/10-9/2019 «» , . HeadHunter .
  • â„– 02-0577/2019, () - . , « , â„– 152- « »».


  • Statista 2020 , GDPR ( 2018 ) 114 . 160 . .
  • (40,6 .), (37,6 .), (22,2 .), (10,5 .), (9,8 .), – , , , , . , 0,25% (). 50 , Google. – British Airways (183,4 , 214 , ) Marriott (99 , 116 , ). , GDPR. , . .
  • 25 2018 WP29 (Article 29 Data Protection Working Party) European Data Protection Board (EDPB). , , , GDPR, . , EDPB.
  • , GDPR, , .

1 2020 California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

  • .
  • .
  • :

    â—‹ . ( ) , , .

    â—‹ , 12 , . . 1 2019 . 45 , 90 .

    â—‹ . .

    â—‹ . .

    ○ . (opt out – , ). – 1 .
  • 16 . , , .
  • : CCPA - , . , ( ), .
  • CCPA:

    â—‹ .

    â—‹ :

    1. 25 .

    2. // 50 . //.

    3.  50% .

    4.  , .
  • , , , , . , , , , , : , , .
  • :

    â—‹ - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, opt out.

    â—‹ .

    â—‹ .

    â—‹ , .
  • You can create a custom web page for California consumers to comply with CCPA.
  • If the user's data was lost or stolen, the company will have to pay from 100 to 750 dollars to each victim + take other measures that the court considers necessary.
  • If a user sends a complaint to a company about a violation related to his personal data, that company must resolve the problem within 30 days.
  • At the same time, according to the SSRA, companies are not required to disclose any facts of violations if they have not received a corresponding request from users.


In 2018, Brazil approved a bill that comprehensively regulates data protection - The General Data Protection Law, federal law 13.709 / 2018 (LGPD). It takes effect in 2020.

The law applies to any processing of personal data that:

  • implemented in Brazil;
  • occurs to offer goods or services in Brazil;
  • refers to individuals who were in Brazil when the data was collected.

Thus, the law will apply regardless of the citizenship of the data subject, the means used to process the data, the jurisdiction in which the company’s headquarters is located, or the data storage location ( Source ).

Unlike GDPR, LGPD does not distinguish between anonymous data and pseudonymous data ( Source ).


Having analyzed the changes in Russian and foreign legislation governing the topic of data, we came to the following conclusions.

  • . , , , . 
  • Big Data. .
  • .
  • .
  • .
  • , (, ).

1st party data, : , , : e-mail, display, video, mobile . CRM- . E-mail , – . , . , , , , .
2nd party datadigital . second-party data, (first-party data) . , , ; CRM ( ).
3rd party data, , . . , , , -, . - third-party data.
Demand-side platform (DSP)() . , , -, .
Device ID.
IDFA, , . Apple (IDFA) iOS .
Look-alike (LaL). ( , , ) , 1st, 2nd 3rd party () .
MAC-, (, ) ( . media access control, MAC).
Match rate( / ).
Offline data, - (CRM, , -), , : , , e-mail, . . ., . . - .
Online data, - (DMP, DSP, SSP), , : cookie, device ID .
Programmatic, - , .
/, (, , lifestyle . .).
/, : , , , . .
, . , , , – / « ».
(cookies), - -. , .
: , (, , ). , , . .
, (. . ., ) .
(DMP), , (1st, 2nd, 3rd), () . DMP . , . DMP DSP, SSP, CRM (), CMS ( ), DCO ( ), (Ad Server).
, . : , , . .
/, , .
, , . : , ( ) – Raw Data Suppliers, , – Processed Data Suppliers. , , , . (, , ).
, , , - .
, , , B2C- . .
/, (, - . .).
(, . .).

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