DUMP 2020 in Yekaterinburg is postponed to November 20, 2020

Well, my friends!

It is already impossible to deny the obvious, so we decided to postpone the DUMP in Yekaterinburg on November 20, 2020. We really hope that by this time the situation will improve, everyone will be healthy and happy :)

Advantages of this solution:

  • we will be able to hold the conference in its entirety - a real mass event for 2020 people - we must also conduct stress testing of the new huge congress hall! 
  • everyone will be healthy and miss live chat 
  • we will make two more bomb sections that we wanted to do before, but didn’t get our hands on it: GameDev and, possibly, β€œChanging the world!”
  • all speakers that have already been posted on the site have confirmed their participation in the conference on November 20
  • In the main program, we will invite headliners that could not in May
  • sponsors will receive more buns from us (as they begin to receive them in May - so until the end of November and continue!).

Anyone who believes that we will not let you down and will not return a ticket will receive a T-shirt from us as a present with any of our corporate images as a present! The rest, of course, we will refund the money for tickets, although we will have a hard time. 

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