For the first time a photon was teleported from one chip to another

The experiment was conducted by specialists from the University of Bristol. New technology will contribute to the development of quantum computers on silicon circuits. We tell how their system is arranged. We also consider several third-party projects related to quantum teleportation.

Photo - Steve Jurvetson - CC BY / Photo modified

What is the essence of technology

Quantum teleportation is a process involving the transfer of a quantum state to a distance using entangled photons. They are destroyed at the point of departure and recreated at the point of reception. In the future, this feature can be used to transmit information.

The first particle transfer within a single silicon chip - by 6 mm - was performed by a group of physicists from the Swiss Higher Technical School of Zurich (ETH Zurich) in 2013.

But at the end of last year, their colleagues from Bristol improved the technology and were the first in the world to teleport a photon between microcircuits. This achievement is another step towards the development of quantum networks and silicon chip computers.

How it works

It is built on non-linear photon sources and linear quantum circuits. Physicists used miniature transmitters and receivers no larger than five millimeters in size.

The teleportation process itself takes place in several stages:

  • The source generates two pairs of entangled photons.
  • , — .
  • , , . .

Specialists from the University of Bristol also conducted an experiment with four sources and demonstrated the state of Greenberger-Horne-Zellinger ( p . 3 ). It is characterized by a quantum entanglement of a system of at least three qubits.

The degree of coincidence of quantum states during their transfer from chip to chip was 88.5%. The figure is comparable to the same indicator for teleportation on a single chip ( page 4 ). Such accuracy is enough to efficiently transmit information through fiber optic channels. But for the implementation of a fault-tolerant quantum computer, this parameter must reach the 99% bar. A team of physicists notes that they will continue research in this direction.

Other experiments

Last summer, from Yokohama State University engineers in Japan had a teleport light particles inside the diamond. Using micro and radio waves, the researchers linked the electron spin to the nuclear spin of carbon. Then a photon was introduced into the system - the electron immediately absorbed it and transmitted information about it to the second particle. In fact, the engineers managed to form a miniature quantum repeater for scanning networks.

In August 2019, Chinese scientists successfully teleported Qutrit , a cell with three possible states. To do this, they assembled a complex optical system of lasers, beam splitters and barium borate crystals. Around the same time, a similar experiment was conductedAn international team of researchers led by Austrian physicist Anton Zeilinger (Anton Zeilinger).

Photos - Donald Giannatti - Unsplash

â€ĻA number of experts are developing related to the teleportation of photons in space. One of the first in 2016 such a satellite launched China. Using a laser, he transmitted a qubit to a distance of 1,200 kilometers - from orbit to a receiving station in Tibet.

Such technologies pave the way for the deployment of global quantum networks. Perhaps in the near future they will allow us to combine familiar computers with quantum machines based on silicon components.

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