Gamers are never ex. Fond memories and forbidden pleasures - in a survey by DataArt

At the end of last year, we conducted an internal study, interviewing colleagues about their favorite games of childhood and youth, the present and the near future. In order to get the most complete picture of nostalgia and expectations, we turned for comments to enthusiastic gamers from DataArt.

Favorite childhood game

Heroes of Might Magic lead by a wide margin at this point in the survey. Which is not surprising, because the average age in the company is 32 years, and the game was released in 1995. Hi, elementary / middle school!

Elena Konovalova, QA Engineer, St. Petersburg:“For the sake of the Heroes, I did not skip school, but spent a couple of months about 10 hours on them, of course, having fallen into a black hole at home and at the control. And you know what all the salt is? When I boasted of my classmates my successes laughed at me, because I did not play the third, but in the most dumb version - Heroes of Might and Magic 4! It was a complete failure, and on the same day from school they called my mother and told about my performance and attendance at additional classes. In short, I didn’t see the computer for six months and still don’t admit to anyone that I met the heroes through the fourth version. ”

Andrey Silchuk, Delivery Manager, head of the R&D center DataArt in Odessa:“Thanks to the Heroes, I became friends with one of my best homies! Without our computers, we sat at one in the club and played heroes. True, once everything turned out to be very sad: we came and saw that someone had rubbed our save ... "

Did you know that even David Mulich, the senior director of Heroes of Might and Magic 3, is aware of the problems of his Russian fans?

Vadim Dandish, QA engineer, Voronezh: “After graduating from the university, I regularly visited my student friends in the hostel for about a year. The five of us staged Heroes of Might and Magic 3 marathons for the weekend. We spent 48 hours in the game without a break: two PCs, food, drinks, tips and everything else ... ”

However, we found absolutely amazing games.

MARS.SAV. 4 - go left, 5 - stop, 6 - go right, spacebar - shoot. If you are suddenly the owner of a terminal compatible with VT52, “Martians” and other similar games can be downloaded here

Evgeny Putilin, Java developer, Voronezh: “I was born in 1975, respectively, as a child, I only had access to computers only at my father’s work. The first time I got into the engine room, probably about 12 years old. Because it was exotic, I couldn’t get the machine time, it saved me because I was the son of the head of the computer department. The first game was a variant of Space Invaders in pseudographics on SM-4. The name of the executable was mars. "

— - DataArt — Pong (1970 !) , . Ms Pac Man / Galaga arcade machine!

The absolute champion in the time spent in the game was World of Warcraft. Dota 2 is breathing in his back, albeit from afar. We decided to talk with top fans of both games from DataArt and asked them to answer some of the complaints that envious WoW and Dota had expressed that did not achieve noticeable success in them.

Konstantin Mayurnikov, PHP-developer, Dnipro: On the spell [the main character, but you, of course, already know this, - Approx. Ed.] I have played almost a year of live time, plus there are still altos. So I have an account in December 2007. WoW is close to me, the world built in it and its filling, lor [history of the Warcraft universe, - Approx. Ed., just in case] and all the near-midnight (comics, books, fan fiction, videos, etc.), microhistories, quests and the depth of all of the above.

I love World of Warcraft for:

  • , . , , , - . !
  • .
  • “Easy to learn, hard to master”.
  • — .
  • : .
  • ( ).
  • .

I think that Blizzard, as always, gathers all the best in one place. Therefore, I, being an avid MMO fan, trying Korean free grindilki, and WoW killers, and all sorts of KKI [collectible card games - Note. Ed.], always returning to World of Warcraft. And let's say, at Dota I just did not have enough time.

Nicolas Diaz, Sitecore Developer, Buenos Aires: I spent over 2,000 hours playing Valve-developed Dota 2, and between 1,000 and 1,500 hours in Dota, on a custom Warcraft III map. That is, in total on my account about 3500 hours of the game - more than 400 working days.

I love Dota 2 for:

For communication: I have been playing it with friends for more than six years.
For complexity and constant search: each party needs to be approached with new ideas for improving the strategy, to work in a team to surpass the team strategy of rivals. Joint action here is generally the most important point.
Lack of paid tools. All players are equal and have the same set of heroes whose characteristics cannot be improved for money. It’s impossible to buy anything useful for the match, and the availability of resources outside the game is losing your meaning.
Short fights. Together with the search for the party and preparation for it, you can meet the hour. And I am a family man, and I have little free time.
You need to fight in Dota with players of approximately the same level. Experienced players will not help you, but they will not be able to get you just for fun.

I respect World of Warcraft - I think this is one of the finest developed MMORPGs - but I never had enough time to play it properly. From MOBA - even though I tried League of Legends and Heroes of Newerth - I consider Dota to be the most exciting. It is more complicated and therefore more interesting.

Defending your favorite game
1. — WoW !
. .: WoW — . . , , «». , .
1. — Dota 2 — Warcraft!
. .: Dota , .
. , , , .

2. — WoW — - !
. .: WoW . PvP PvE ( ) BlizzCon, . . , , : , , , .
2. — Dota 2 — , !
. .: ( ), , . !

3. — WoW . !
. .: WoW , . , . , - . , , - . ( ), . — , , , .
3. — Dota 2 ! !
. .: . , , . , , 100 .

4. — WoW !
. .: . 21 12 . 3 , . , — , . , — . . — .
4. — Dota 2 !
. .: , — . - , . , , ( ) ! .

5. — Wow !
. .: , , , . , , , , , hard to master.
5. — Dota !
. .: , , Valve . . , . , .

Guilty pleasure

The main guilty pleasure of colleagues was the game Sims. "Sims" are known for their insidious ability to delay - it’s good if the characters are too tired of endless complaints, or you just get tired of the need to plan other people's lives and careers, you can get rid of them. Anastasia Mazur - project manager from Kharkov

told us about the experience of communicating with Sims :

“I played all versions of the Sims - from the very first to the very last. Sometimes I go in now, though very rarely - that’s the survey became a good occasion to recall how they are there. I’m just interested in developing characters, making them rich and with cool work (well, sometimes not without cheats, yes). The game, I think, develops some managerial skills - proper planning is very important for the sims: in order to have time to eat, to go to work, and everything else. I did not build Gantt charts for them, but still. Although sometimes it becomes especially boring and I begin to have fun! ”

And on condition of anonymity, she shared with us the motives and methods of eliminating the tedious characters. Wait, did we violate this condition?

“What irritated me most about the Sims was that when I taught them some new sciences, they were constantly distracted by food and toilet. Oh, what! But to destroy the characters I often had to not for this. I just liked it when the Sims had their own family history and a beautiful cemetery in the courtyard of a country house ... Sometimes the process could be accelerated. For this, there are classic tricks: a room without windows, doors and everything except the bare walls, a pool with a remote staircase, as well as stairs by the pool. Well, burning toilets, probably everyone who played the Sims, also know. It happened that my sims simply died from what they wanted to eat when there was no money. Then I understood what life is! ”

In an amazing way, the question of the death of the characters was decided by Maxim Shevchenko, a .NET developer from Wroclaw. He cheated Death by making her a member of the family - this is what we call soft skills.

Another colleague confidentially admitted that it was thanks to Sims that she realized that she wanted to work in IT. After all, 11 broken add-ons had to be put on the broken version of the game, without messing up anywhere in the registry. And after 12 hours it became clear that understanding software is more fun than drowning men in the pool.

The most anticipated

With the greatest impatience, in 2020, our colleagues are waiting for the release of CyberPunk 2077. Of course, there Keanu Reeves!

Pavel Peganov, RUBY developer, St. Petersburg:“CD Projekt Red, behind Cyberpunk 2077, is known for its exceptional respect for the players. Their game is likely to be played as a full-fledged rich RPG without any tricks and delays. Recently, many other major publishers simply stepped on to impose on the developers of their games various additional game mechanics for frantically squeezing money out of players during the game, so that the game would generate income as long as active players remain in it. But it’s not even about the huge price of the game for the end user, just the pleasure of such games is much lower for me - I immediately see attempts to manipulate in the direction of microtransactions and they break immersion great. And Cyberpunk 2077 promises to be a very large and, so to speak, “whole” game.

Federico Bergstein, .NET Developer from Buenos Aires,remembered playing Cyberpunk 2020 board role-playing game in the 1990s and zero. Ilya Lysenko, a JavaScript developer from Kiev, who is also a big fan of the original desktop and cyberpunk in general, added that there are a lot of direct reasons for counting:

“Judging by the trailers released by the studio, they don’t just throw individual fragments of the lore of the original desktop RPG into the plot. For example, Johnny Silverhand, played by Keanu Reeves, is also a character in the original game. I did not expect such attention from the developer to the primary source and was very pleasantly surprised. ”

Elena Konovalova, QA engineer from St. Petersburg,predicts mass holidays for September 2020 and admits that he just doesn’t specifically watch the news about the upcoming release of the game: “I want to play Cyberpunk 2077 so much that I even persuade my husband to buy Plakha (nothing, I still have time, I think I’ll have to go to blackmail). I look forward to playing a delightful story that I want to immerse myself in and an extraordinary ending - my dream is that it can be passed several times. The gameplay interests me a little - I'm one of those who chose RPG Mode in Mass Effest 3.

For the game I want to sit unbiased. I’m completely reluctant to listen to someone’s opinion, because Cyberpunk 2077, like Malevich’s square, someone will say: “Bullshit”, and someone: “Providence of God.”

Game tonight

Among fans of chess and backgammon, the percentage of those who were fond of games about Mario and the plasticine phantasmagoria Neverhood in childhood is especially high. And those who in childhood preferred Tetris, and then fell in love with shooters: Counter Strike, Doom, Duke Nukem, Half Life, BioShock, do not play anything and do not expect anything. This is hardly a coincidence!

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