Quarantine in the Czech Republic: an inside look

Good afternoon.

Now, due to the current situation, many are quarantined in different countries. As you know, Europe is currently the epicenter of the pandemic since there is now the largest number of infected people. I would like to tell you how this happens in the Czech Republic: what restrictions and measures the government is taking to contain the wave of the epidemic. To whom it is interesting I ask under kat.

I myself live in Brno. It is the second largest city in the Czech Republic and the capital of the South Moravian Region in the south of the Czech Republic. Therefore, information is given based on our own observations. Perhaps in other parts of the country everything is a little different.

Restrictive measures began with the cancellation of public events two weeks ago, when the threat of coronovirus appeared in Europe. Then educational institutions were transferred to quarantine. As my former research supervisor told me, teachers are not allowed to meet with students in person or participate in any meetings.

Last Friday, a decree was issued to close all catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, snack bars). Many shops were closed, where there could be a large concentration of people (shops in shopping centers, bookstores, clothing stores). Shopping centers looked deserted.


On weekends, large electronics stores, bakeries and small shops were still operating. From Monday, only pharmacies, grocery stores, bakeries and small shops such as trafika and tabak remained open. Bakery shops have significantly limited opening hours.


Last week, international long-distance trains were banned from stopping in intermediate cities, only in Prague. Later they stopped transport links with neighboring countries, canceled international flights and completely blocked the borders with all neighboring countries.

Since yesterday, they are allowed to go into public transport only in a mask. They say that the police check the buses, although I did not see this. Some Czechs sit in vehicles without a mask, many wrap a scarf around their heads.

In buses, such restrictive ribbons block the driver's cab.


On the streets, many walk in a mask.

In shops you can only be in a mask, keep a distance of 2 meters from other people, use special gloves in the departments of fruits and vegetables and pastries and pay only with a card.

The free movement of citizens is also limited. You can go outside for groceries, for work and for nature. They say they stop and ask where you are going. Although he himself has not yet noticed the checks.

Respirators are long over. There are firms that sell them, but only to entrepreneurs and firms.

Masks are also in short supply now. Many sew them at home. To do this, even opened stores with textiles again.

According to the latest data, about 464 cases of coronovirus infection were recorded in the Czech Republic.

In my opinion, the Czechs apply very rational and effective measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic, and we need to take an example from them.

Let's hope that everything will end soon and life will return to its usual course. I will be glad to hear any opinion and my own observations of the situation in different parts of our planet.

Break through!

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