How to apply for a temporary transfer to remote work

If a month ago, the issue of transferring employees to remote work was a matter of the employer's taste, then in the current situation it may become an urgent need. During the week, many clients approached us with requests for registration of remote employees. Based on the results, I decided to prepare a brief instruction on the transfer of personnel from the office to a remote mode of operation.

The sequence of actions when switching to remote work under the cut

1. We collect statements of employees on transfer to remote work.

Formally, a change in the employee’s place of work is not considered a transfer, because labor function remains unchanged. However, a change in location entails a change in working conditions. When such changes are introduced at the initiative of the employer, the employee must be notified no later than 2 months in advance.

The employee's statement about the transition to a remote mode of operation avoids such red tape.

2. We sign an additional agreement with the employees to the employment contract.

Changes in working conditions require adjustment of the employment contract by drawing up an additional agreement. Since we are talking about the transition of an employee to a remote mode of work, a lot of new conditions must be introduced into an employment contract taking into account the requirements of labor legislation.

In particular, it is necessary to change the conditions of the place of work, working hours, technical equipment of the workplace, reporting and additional conditions for dismissal for violations of the conditions of remote work.

Since the transfer to remote work can be a temporary measure, the agreement must resolve the issue of the procedure for returning employees to work in the office. Like the transfer to udalenka ’, returning to a stationary workplace entails a change in working conditions. This requires the consent of the employee. Therefore, this issue is easier to resolve in advance.

3. We issue an order to change the labor regime

The order should include a list of posts and employees who switch to remote work, the date the remote work begins.

The employees specified in the order must be familiarized with its contents for signature.

4. We conclude an agreement with the employee on full liability

This is an additional step when the conditions on the technical equipment of the workplace are included in the agreement at the expense of the employer.

We transfer the transfer of equipment to a specific employee in a bilateral act.

We return the employees to the office in a mirror manner.

  1. We collect applications for the transition to work in the office.
  2. Those who disagree are notified of changes in working conditions in a pre-agreed manner, and in the absence thereof, in writing for signature 2 months before the introduction of the changes.
  3. Terminate the supplementary agreement to the employment contract.
  4. We accept equipment from the employee according to the act and terminate the contract for full liability.

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