Tired, but: Germany completely stopped the first wave of COVID-19

A couple of days ago I realized that the vast majority of the public simply did not understand the essence and purpose of quarantine measures. Neither full quarantine, nor its stepwise implementations.

But Germany ( in fact - only Bavaria, and in fact - only the southern part of Munich and its suburbs), in fact, the first wave of coronavirus imported from China was completely isolated and taken to zero.

Only 16 people got sick.

Of these, 14 - through the central office of the Webasto auto supplier where the carrier was a Chinese colleague who came from February 19 to 25 to discuss projects. And 2 people - among those evacuated from Wuhan and then quarantined.

And everyone recovered.

About a dozen days in mid-February, there was not a single new patient in the country - out of the above 16 people, the last two or three infected, who had actually recovered, were bored and were waiting for the official “term of isolation imprisonment” to expire.

And then, alas, with the end of the carnival-Pancake holiday from the already "sick" northern regions of Italy, the coronavirus was delivered a second time.

Look at the dynamic infographic, in an article from the Die Welt publication below - there in early February the number of infected people reached the number 16, froze for a week (i.e. there were no more cases) - and disappeared in the 20th of February (returned to zero).


I emphasize: it seems that all of the 16 patients with the first wave were isolated in airtight hospital room-boxes, and those who contacted them were asked to stay at home without leaving their residential area (i.e., home quarantine), and regularly phoned. In case of suspicious symptoms - they did a test for the disease.

Here, under the “asked to stay at home”, essentially an official order follows not to leave the territory of the home - otherwise a person who decides to violate this instruction is recognized as criminally responsible for spreading a dangerous disease and bringing a life threat to other people.

Thus, the epidemic was stopped. Yes, for a while - but completely stopped and eliminated.

Remember this when you are unsure why quarantine is needed.

And read articles from the habrovrachMeklonintegrator Baragolchemist steanlaband many others.

Do not be ill!

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