Testosterone, why is it for men and how to maintain strength in old age

The article is devoted to such an important hormone as testosterone, and an explanation of why it makes men men. Also, the article will be interesting to read by the fair floor.


  • Discovery story
  • What is testosterone and how does it work in the body
  • Norms of testosterone, diagnosis, and also a little about replacement therapy T
  • Risks of excess and lack of testosterone
  • Food to boost testosterone levels


The first mention of sex hormones was the work of Adolf Bertold. Back in 1849, it was suggested that very active substances are found in the extract of the seminal glands. Of course, then their structure remained undefined. After 40 years, his research received brief support from Professor Harvard Brown-Secar. At a meeting of the Paris Biological Society, he reported on the results of the experiment on himself. Here you can exert a little imagination. The professor was already 72 years old and, having felt increased working capacity, muscle strength and sexual activity, he declared a “rejuvenating effect”. There are a lot of people eager to experience this, but, alas, the effect did not last long and came to naught, and often after some time the condition worsened. As a result, for a long time, work in this direction was suspended.

Further, in the 1930s, a lot of work was done to isolate sex hormones from the testicles of animals (testicles) and test them, of course, on animals. For the first time isolated in its pure form, three sex hormones, namely for the release of estrogen, progesterone and androsterone, Adolf Butenandt in 1939 received the Nobel Prize. These studies were boosted by pharmaceutical titans such as Schering (Berlin, Germany), Organon (Oss, the Netherlands) and Siba (Basel, Switzerland). Testosterone itself was isolated in 1934.

Testosterone - what is it?

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone and anabolic steroid. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the words hormone and steroid, as we often have to face the fact that people use these words without understanding their meaning (Those who are in the know, praise yourself, you are great).

So, the hormone is a biologically active substance that has a regulatory effect on metabolism and physiological functions. But when people hear the word steroid, many imagine what inflated men use, who are not averse to spending an extra hour an hour admiring themselves in the mirror.

But everything is much simpler - steroids are chemicals that contain the steran substructure shown in the following figure. But representatives of this group of substances have much more functionality than making muscle giants from people. Many of them can save your life at a critical moment.

Testosterone and steran


The synthesis of glucocorticosteroids is controlled by the hypothalamic-pituitary system (this is what you have in your head). In the hypothalamus, corticotropin-releasing hormone is produced. This hormone causes the synthesis of adrenocorticotropic hormone in the anterior pituitary gland. The latter causes the synthesis of hormones of the adrenal cortex. The precursor of glucocorticoids is cholesterol (in).

In the human body, many different hormones and steroids coexist in balance. And not all hormones are steroids, like not all steroids are hormones.
One of the ways of testosterone formation in the body is steroidogenesis, which occurs in the adrenal glands [1] (picture below) Through several enzymatic transformations from cholesterol, testosterone is formed in the body, which is not the last in this branched system of biochemical transformations.

Steroidogenesis [1]

It is important to note that more than 95% of testosterone is synthesized in the body of men in the testes, the so-called Leydig cells in the presence of luteinizing hormone (LH). Male gonads also contain Sertoli cells, which need testosterone for spermatogenesis.

The remaining 4% is formed as a result of the work of the adrenal glands. In women, testosterone is synthesized by the adrenal glands in much smaller quantities than in men, also by thecal cells in the ovaries and, during pregnancy, the placenta.

Like most hormones, testosterone enters the target tissue in the blood, where most of it is transported by binding to certain plasma proteins, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and to a lesser extent albumin. 1.5 - 2% of testosterone remains unbound.

Metabolism of Testosterone in the Liver

Testosterone levels in men

Testosterone levels

Norms Helix
AgeMen nmol / L
under 14 years oldUp to 2.37
14 - 18 years old0.98 - 38.5
19 - 50 years old8.64 - 29
50+ years6.68 - 25.7

Here we indicate the norms for women, but regarding steroid hormones for the opposite sex, a separate article will be written.
AgeWomen nmol / L
6-10 years0.07 - 0.69
18-50 years old0.29 - 1.67
50+ years0.1 - 1.42

The gray zone is the lower border of testosterone. Lifext norms - values ​​above the gray zone
Testosterone indicators according to the European Urological Association [2] for men aged 40 to 79 years for prescribing testosterone replacement therapy. Accordingly, for men aged 18.19 to 40 years, the gray zone ends at about 11 nmol / L as well.
Total TFree T
less than 230 ng / dl (8 nmol / l), gray zone: 230-317 ng / dl (8-11 nmol / l)less than 60 pg / ml (220 pmol / l) when the total T in the gray zone

Detection of low testosterone levels in men is relatively common [2]. Symptoms of hypogonadism (testicular insufficiency, accompanied by a decrease in the level of sex hormones) are very common in men aged (60 +). Nevertheless, the discussion of the need for testosterone replacement therapy in this age group remains open, due to the fact that it also has enough side effects. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out such therapy only under the supervision of a physician .

Hypogonadism can have many reasons and can be divided into two groups: congenital and acquired. Genetic disorders are congenital, which, unfortunately, we are not able to influence. Acquired include various disorders caused by infections, radiation, exposure to medications (alkylating agents, suramin, ketoconazole and, unexpectedly, glucocorticosteroids, etc.), natural toxins, chronic disorders of the liver and / or kidneys, and diabetes. It is important to note that hypogonadism is common among HIV-infected men.

Indications for the appointment of testosterone therapy according to the norms of the European Urological Association are indicated above. Also, one of the necessary reasons for prescribing replacement therapy is the presence of clinical manifestations, such as decreased libido, lack of morning erections, erectile dysfunction. It is important to note that before prescribing testosterone replacement therapy, therapy of secondary diseases that caused testosterone deficiency, as well as taking into account contraindications and the presence of clinical manifestations of T. deficiency, are preliminarily necessary.

After administration of the drug, monitoring of testosterone, as well as indicators of such hormones as dihydrotestosterone (the most active form of testosterone) and estradiol (the main female hormone), is necessary. Testosterone should be measured 3-6 months after the start of therapy or dose changes, and then, if it is stable, monitoring should be carried out every month. Testosterone serum level measurement time depends on the drug used. If testosterone is above or below the target range, appropriate adjustments should be made to the dose or dosing interval to avoid a consistent supraphysiological or subtherapeutic level.
The main risk group is people over the age of 60. Hypogonadism was the cause of sexual dysfunction in approximately 36% of cases [2].

What are some testosterone drugs

It is highly not recommended to independently carry out testosterone replacement therapy, but here what drugs exist, it will be said here. As a rule, these are various testosterone esters, for example, testosterone propionate, testosterone undecanoate (as well as phenylpropionate, decanoate and others), they differ in duration and intensity of action, since they hydrolyze in the body at different rates.
These drugs are introduced into the body in various ways. There are tablets, gels, and injectable drugs. It is important to note that with the administration of testosterone orally, the effects on the liver can be fatal.

The main effects of testosterone preparations

Lowering low-density lipoproteins ("Bad" cholesterol). Increased high density lipoprotein (“Good” cholesterol). In estradiol, for example, the effect is opposite.
Increases the level of erythropoietin, in connection with this, the level of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit may increase. Therefore, on a testosterone course, it is necessary to monitor a general blood test. Platelet count is also rising. Testosterone affects the synthesis of osteoblasts - young bone cells.

Steroid hormones have a great effect on water-salt metabolism, and therefore violations in this area can lead to the formation of edema and other undesirable consequences.

One side effect is acne. Baldness is also possible against the background of an increase in the active form of testosterone - dihydrotestosterone.

While taking testosterone, gynecomastia is possible - an increase in the breast with hypertrophy of the glands and adipose tissue. To reduce the risk of gynecomastia, aromatization inhibitors are used, which should lead to a decrease in the conversion of testosterone to estradiol.

And now why testosterone drugs are so popular in sports. Testosterone has anabolic activity - an activity that promotes the synthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, polysaccharides, proteins, ATP.

Testosterone has androgenic activity - an activity that promotes the acquisition by one gender of signs of the other sex, a negative effect for most people, if you do not take into account the transgender people who consciously do this.

The concentration of testosterone in blood plasma is inversely proportional to such markers of inflammation as interleukin-1-beta, interleukin-6, TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor), C-reactive protein, the number of leukocytes, endotoxins. As a result of meta-analysis of substitution therapy, a decrease in these indicators was observed [3,4].

In men with insufficiency of the secretory ability of the thyroid gland, restoration of its functions was observed.

Testosterone and brain

Testosterone and its derivatives influence behavior [5,6]. The most active neurosteroids are dihydrotestosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenediol. Testosterone and its derivatives affect attachment, sexual desire, including monogamous and polygamous, the desire to dominate, as well as the ability to take risks.
High testosterone makes men more aggressive, contributes to antisocial behavior.

It has a similar effect on women, in general, women are even more sensitive to testosterone. It is important to note that in romantic relationships, male testosterone falls, and female, on the contrary, grows. In paternity, testosterone levels also drop.

The effect of T and its metabolites on the functioning of the nervous system
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Alcohol is the enemy of testosterone

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  • [9]. . . 47 % 16 % 2 .
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  • Extra virgin olive oil . After three weeks of administration, healthy men experienced an increase in testosterone levels of 17-20% and luteinizing hormone (LH) by 42%.
  • Onion [13]. It has a similar effect to ginger.

testosterone boosters [14]

Lifext Conclusions

The cost of tests for total testosterone is 650-770 rubles.
Lifext Standards for Men (General T). A separate article will be released for women on the topic of hormones.
AgeMen nmol / L
under 14 years oldUp to 2.37
14 - 18 years old0.98 - 38.5
19 - 50 years old11 - 29
50+ years11 - 25.7

  • Risk groups - people with impaired liver, kidney, diabetes, HIV-infected. People with chronic inflammation, as well as men over the age of 60.
  • 5 , , - 60 5 .
  • , , , . , , D . . .

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We made an application in which we implement all the methods of prolonging life. An early version has been released right now, where monitoring and individual evaluation of analyzes work.

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