I went to a remote control - launched a podcast: what to read for beginners - 5 proven books

I ’ve been listening to podcasts since 2010, and I’m recording from 2012. Then there were few sensible books on the topic, but the situation changed. I tell you what to read. I hope it comes in handy to diversify remote work and switch from virus news to something more productive.

Vipul Uthaiah , Unsplash.com

I'm really curious about who writes what. If I see that someone has launched a new program, I download releases - I listen. When there are no such finds, I ask who has any podcasts.

The general trend is understandable - more and more people want to do their programs and spend time (and companies spend money) on equipment, recording and editing. Many try to do everything perfectly right away, others progress from release to release, and others do not bother and write to a smartphone. By the way, the last option is also suitable for starting!

In the golden age of conversational content, there is an audience for everyone. It's true. But if you want to improve and pump something in this area, here is a systematic information on the topic.

Podcasting: The Audio Media Revolution

280 pages of interviews with producers and presenters of broadcasts, thanks to which podcasting became widespread. These are people from Edison Research, BBC, Libsyn and other iconic organizations in this field.

They share their experiences and tell what needs to be done so that the stories in your program are no worse than in the acclaimed “Serial” podcast. Only the table of contents makes it clear that we must take and read. Here are a couple of examples of key sections of the book:

  • “Splatters of Shit: Story, Science and Digital Speech on Radiolab”;
  • "Blood Culture: Gaming the Podcast System";
  • "The Truth About Serial: It's Not Really About a Murder."

Community, earnings, independent production of gears - there is everything. And I like the presentation of the material in this edition.

Tyler Casey , Unsplash.com

Out on the Wire: The Storytelling Secrets

I will say right away that I am not a fan of graphic short stories, if these are not Jim Lee comics  . Therefore, to decide for yourself whether this is yours or not, open LitHub and read  one chapter  from the book for free.

The book discusses approaches to working with stories using examples like Planet Money, Radiolab, and The Moth. Key points, specific cases - this is, but I can’t get rid of the format.

NPR Guide to Audio Journalism and Production

The bar for the quality of Russian-language podcasts is already quite high. If in 2013 I was in the top of iTunes without any problems  , today it has become much more difficult to get there. I like this situation.

So our small but strong podcast market will only be stronger. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to study the mathematical part - to read what much more experienced people write on the topic.

This book was written by well-known producer and journalist Jonathan Kern, whose reports on 9/11 were awarded the Peabody Prize. He talks about how conversational radio works: from interviews in the studio to recording on the road and conducting conversations with guests. Jonathan worked for many years at  NPR , was responsible for large projects and training specialists, so you should listen to him.

Podcast: Learn How to Stop Babbling

If you want something simpler, take this book. It will help put everything on the shelves and save you from fear of your voice, “verbal salad” and other problems of novice podcasters.

Fernando Lavin , Unsplash.com

The author of the book is professional journalist Mike Eiman. He explains how to plan recording of releases, systematically prepare content, and train your speech skills. What is important, this is an accessible publication, a book is cheaper than many others on the topic.

How to Start a Podcast: Practical tips from the producer of Casefile: True Crime Podcast

The best that can be is first-hand experience, so the book of the producer of the popular true crime program “Casefile” should be noted. Mike Migas (Mike Migas) exchanged a career in a big movie for work with conversational content, and the results of his work speak for themselves.

Casefile is one of the top podcasts. But behind its production is the most diverse work: from administrative tasks to processing audio and writing musical “clothes” for each issue. In the book, Mike talks about his approach to business and gives recommendations.

PS If you would like to launch your technological podcast (personal / corporate / any), I will be happy to help - from organizing remote recording (it will not be superfluous today) to processing audio and distribution. There are some other questions on the topic, feel free to write in a personal email here or on Facebook .

PPS My English-speaking Habraposts (need such - please contact):

When eight o'clock ... is enough, ” he remembered and decided to add a link to a Facebook note about remote work. By the way, a good habratopik on the topic of home office is linked in it.

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