Parameterized 3D modeling of the bearing cup in nanoCAD Plus 20

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This article will focus on the nanoCAD CAD platform, and more specifically, on its 3D module. It so happened that from release to release, all vertical solutions based on the nanoCAD platform, exactly like the platform itself, are necessarily accompanied by various printed materials: textbooks, manuals, manuals, articles, descriptions, etc. Unfortunately, among all the features of nanoCAD, the functionality of the 3D module is somewhat deprived of attention in this regard. Although, of course, it is well described in the textbook "nanoCAD Plus 10. Adaptation to the educational process" by A.S. Kuvshinova. But, the functionality of nanoCAD does not stand still, and therefore the content of educational materials should be updated in parallel with the release of new versions of nanoCAD. In the manual A.S. Kuvshinova considered the functionality of the 10th version,and at the time of publication of this article, the 20th version is relevant. Yes, and teaching aids A.S. Kuvshinova is still paid.

The new version of nanoCAD has seriously expanded the capabilities of the 3D module for designing parametric 3D assemblies by adding 3D dependencies, but more on that later. To begin with, we will step by step get acquainted with the basic functionality of the 3D module, thereby preparing the basis for the next part, which will focus on 3D dependencies. So for anyone who wants to start designing in nanoCAD in full 3D - read on!

3. 3D
5. 3D
6. 2D

Short interface description
We will consider the process of creating a parameterized 3D model of a bearing cup. Further, for all the tools used, various methods of calling will be indicated, including several options for presenting the interface.
To switch between the ribbon and the classic version of the interface, you need to click on the button in the upper right corner of the nanoCAD window (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Interface switching button

The drop-down menu bar is active in the classic version of the interface and is located at the top of the nanoCAD screen, above the toolbars (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. A drop-down menu bar in the classic interface.

To add / remove a toolbar, it is necessary in the classic version of the U interfaceravoy K Buttons M yshi (PCM) to press the space panel space. A context menu will appear. In this menu, L Eva K Buttons M yshi (LMB) Select "Toolbars ..." (Fig. 3) In the window that opens, select the necessary checkboxes panel and click "Close" .

Fig. 3. The context menu item of the toolbar settings

You can also enter commands into the nanoCAD command line to quickly call up tools (Fig. 4). If the cursor does not stand in any text field, then the text entered by default will be printed on the command line.

Fig. 4. The input location on the command line 

To create a solid-state 3D model with variable geometry parameters, you first need to draw a parametric 2D sketch of the part.

Create a new sketch. To do this, call the command “start sketching” on the command line , either in the drop-down menu “3D” → “2D Sketch” → “Add a flat sketch” , either in the “3D” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “3D Tools” tab (Fig. . 5).

Fig. 5. Panel in 3D masonry. Add a flat sketch. Inactive sketch mode

After that, the command line will select the plane of the world coordinate system. In this plane will be plotting. Select the “XY” plane (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Select a sketch plane.

Further drawing will occur in sketch mode.

To understand in what mode drawing is done, you need to pay attention to the status of the 3D panel or the 3D tools tab . In the inactive sketch mode, the panel looks like in Figure 5. With the active sketch mode, the panel looks like in Figure 7.

Fig. 7 Panel and 3D tab in sketch mode.

You can also pay attention to the panel “3D Build History” . When editing a sketch actively, a lightning bolt icon will appear next to it (Fig. 8). Accordingly, if no sketch is marked with a lightning bolt, the sketch editing mode is inactive.

To open the build history tab on the command line, call the command "showtab3dhistorynet"or in the drop-down menu “3D” → “History of 3D constructions ...” Either click on the icon “History of constructions” in the “3D-tools” tab (Fig. 9)

Fig. 8. The panel of the history of 3D constructions. Thumbnail mode

Fig. 9. The 3D tab. History

To open an already created sketch for editing on the command line, call the redplace command either in the 3D → 2D Sketch → Edit Flat Sketch drop-down menu , either in the 3D panel or in the ribbon interface on the tab “ 3D tools ” (Fig. 10). LMB in the history of 3D constructions, select a sketch. When you hover over it, it will be highlighted in color (Fig. 11).

Fig. 10. Panel and 3D tab. Edit flat sketch

. 11. The history of 3D construction. Selecting a sketch for editing

You can also open a sketch for editing by “double-clicking on it” or by right-clicking on a sketch in the 3D construction history, where you need to select the “Edit” item in the context menu (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. The history of 3D construction. Opening a sketch for editing

1.2. Drawing the original path
In the sketch, arbitrarily draw the original contour of the part so that it roughly matches Figure 13. Under the contour, add a horizontal line. To draw on the command line, call the command “Polyline” , either in the “Drawing” → “Polyline” drop-down menu , or in the “Drawing” panel , or in the ribbon interface on the “Construction” tab (Fig. 14).

To close the circuit, it is not necessary for LMC to indicate its start point, it is necessary to right-click the command context menu of the command and select the "Close" item .

Add a horizontal line below the outline. On the command line, call the “line” command , either in the “Draw” → “ Line drop-down menu or in the panel"Drawing" , or in the ribbon interface on the tab "Build" (Fig. 15).

Fig. 13. The initial contour of the part

Fig. 14. The Drawing panel and the Build tab. Polyline

Fig. 15. The Drawing panel and the Build tab. Line

It is important that the number of vertices of the polyline of the original path (Fig. 13) coincides with the number of vertices of the polyline drawn by you.

To quickly remove or add a vertex, select the drawn polyline LMB. Smart pens will appear. The square handles correspond to the vertices of the polyline (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16. The selected source circuit

LMC click on the top that you want to delete, or on the top next to which you want to add a new one. After that, the dynamic editing mode of the polyline is activated (Fig. 17, 18, 19).

By pressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard , you can cyclically select the method of editing the vertex:

  • Just the cursor will correspond to stretching (Fig. 17).
  • A minus sign next to the cursor will indicate the removal of a vertex (Fig. 18).
  • A plus sign next to the cursor will indicate the addition of a vertex (Fig. 19).

Fig. 17. Editing the top. Stretching

Fig. 18. Editing the top. Removing

Fig. 19. Editing the top. Appendix

2.1. Geometric dependencies

Continuing to work in sketch mode, add the dependencies on the sketch. To do this, use geometric dependencies on the panel and the tab "Dependencies" (Fig. 20). This type of dependency imposes restrictions on the relative position of drawing objects.

Fig. 20. Geometrical dependencies

Put the geometrical dependence "Horizontal" for all horizontal lines of the sketch. On the command line, call the “Horizontal” command , either in the “Dependencies” → “Geometric” → “Horizontal” drop-down menu , or in the “Dependencies” panel , or in the ribbon interface on the “Dependencies” tab (Fig. 21).

LMC in sequence indicate all horizontal lines.

Fig. 21. The panel and the Dependencies tab. Horizontalness

Put the “Verticality” geometric relationship for all the vertical lines of the sketch. On the command line, call the “Vertical” command , either in the “Dependencies” → “Geometric” → “Vertical” drop-down menu , or in the “Dependencies” panel , or in the ribbon interface on the “Dependencies” tab (Fig. 22).
LMC in sequence indicate all vertical lines.

Fig. 22. The panel and the Dependencies tab. Vertical

The horizontal segment under the part’s contour will be the center line when constructing the 3D body of revolution, so put down the “Fixation” relationship for the ends of the segment . On the command line, call the “commit” command , either in the “Dependencies” → “Geometric” → “Fix” pop-up menu , or in the “Dependencies” panel , or in the ribbon interface on the “Dependencies” tab (Fig. 23).
LMB select the ends of the segment.

Fig. 23. The panel and the Dependencies tab. Fixation The

affixed dependencies should correspond to Figure 24.

Fig. 24. Sketch with geometric dependencies


• Dependencies can be set automatically.

First remove the affixed dependencies. To do this, on the command line, call the “dependencies” command , either in the “Dependencies” drop-down menu → “Remove Dependencies” , or in the “Dependencies” panel , or in the ribbon interface on the “Dependencies” tab (Fig. 25).

LMC consistently indicate affixed dependencies. The dependence selected for removal will be painted in dark color (Fig. 26). After specifying the dependencies to be deleted, press “space” or “Enter” to confirm .

Fig. 25. Panel and tab Dependencies. Removing dependencies

Fig. 26. Removing dependencies

To configure dependency auto-imposition on the command line, call the “dependency” command either in the “Dependencies” drop-down menu → “Dependency Overlay Settings” , either in the “Dependencies” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “Dependencies” tab (Fig. 27).

Fig. 27. The panel and tab Dependencies. Configuring overlay of dependencies

In the settings window that opens, check the boxes next to the Horizontal and Vertical dependencies , as in Figure 28 and click OK .

Fig. 28. Dependency Overlay Settings

Automatically add dependencies using auto-add dependencies. To do this, on the command line, call the “Autodependence” command , either in the “Dependencies” → “Auto-overlay dependencies” drop-down menu , either in the “Dependencies” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “Dependencies” tab (Fig. 29).

LMC point to the polyline and press “space” or “enter” to confirm .

Fig. 29. The Dependencies panel. Auto-Dependency Dependencies

When using Auto-Dependency Dependencies, it is important to check the correctness of the imposed dependencies!

• Using the Dependencies panelit does not allow creating objects and primitives (with the exception of the modeling operations “3D rectangular array” and “3D circular array” displayed in the parameter manager), therefore, it was important that the number of vertices of the polyline coincide in paragraph 1.

2.2. Dimensional dependencies
Continuing to work with the sketch, put down the dimensional dependencies. To do this, use the dimensional dependencies on the panel or the tab "Dependencies" (Fig. 30). This type of dependency allows you to specify the parametric dimensions of the drawing.

Fig. 30. The Dependencies panel. Parametric dimensions

To see the dimensional dependencies affixed to the sketches, open the sketch for editing.

In the sketch you are editing, put the parametric dimensions on the vertical dimensions. To do this, call the “screwdriver” command on the command line , either in the “Dependencies” → “Parametric Sizes” → “Vertical Sizes” drop-down menu , either in the “Dependencies” panel or in the ribbon interface on the tab“Dependencies” (Fig. 31).
To change the value of a parameter, double-click LMB on the dimensional dependence and after the “equal” sign enter the value. Install vertical dimensions from the center line, as in Figure 32.

Fig. 31. The panel and tab Dependencies. Vertical size

Fig. 32. Sketch with vertical dimensions

Put the parametric angular size on the chamfer. On the command line, call the “zavuglrazm” command , either in the “Dependencies” drop-down menu → “Parametric dimensions” → “Angular size” , either in the “Dependencies” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “Dependencies” tab (Fig. 33).
Indicate the chamfer angle with this size.

Fig. 33. Panel and tab Dependencies. Angular Dimension

Dimensioning is performed as in Figure 34.

Fig. 34. Sketch with the size of the chamfer.

Put down the parametric horizontal dimensions. To do this, on the command line, call the “zavgorrazm” command , either in the “Dependencies” dropdown menu → “Parametric sizes” → “Horizontal size” , either in the “Dependencies” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “Dependencies” tab (Fig. 35 )

Dimensioning is performed as in figure 36.

Fig. 35. The panel and tab Dependencies. Horizontal size

Fig. 36. Sketch with horizontal dimensions

Finish editing the sketch. To do this, call the command “finish sketch” on the command line , either in the drop-down menu “3D” → “2D Sketch” → “Finish editing a flat sketch” , either in the “3D” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “3D Tools” tab (Fig. 37).

Fig. 37. The panel and tab Dependencies. Finish editing a flat sketch 

Create a rotation body using a parametric sketch. To do this, use the "3D Rotation" command . On the command line, call the “3-rotation” command , either in the “3D” → “3D Elements” → “3D Rotation” drop-down menu , either in the “3D” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “3D Tools” tab (Fig. 38).

Fig. 38. Panel and tab 3D. 3D Rotation

The “3D Rotation” command window opens (Fig. 39). LMB indicate the interior of the sketch; when you hover over it, it will be painted over. Click on the "Axis" button , in the window for the command and LMB, specify the sketch axis. A 3D rotation body will be built. To confirm, click“OK .

Fig. 39 3D Command Parameters Rotation 

4.1. Parametric sketch of the hole

Create a new parametric sketch on the end face of the cup flange. To do this, call the Start Sketch command on the command line , either in the 3D menu → 2D Sketch → Add Flat Sketch , either in the 3D panel or in the ribbon interface on the 3D Tools tab ( fig. 5).

LMC indicate the end surface of the flange (Fig. 40). When you hover the surface will change color.

Fig. 40. Selecting the sketch plane.

In the sketch, draw two axes that coincide with the X and Y axes . To do this, on the command line, call the " Line " command , or in the "Drawing" → " Line " drop-down menu, or on the "Drawing" panel (Fig. 15).

The line segments must lie at the origin. Verify that the Node snap is enabled in the object snap panel . RMB click on the “LINK” panel and activate the “Node” binding if it is not active (Fig. 41). In order for the segments to be directed along the axes, turn on the “ORTO” mode , for this LMB select this mode on the bottom panel (Fig. 42), or press the “F8” key .

Fig. 41. Object snap Node

Fig. 42. ORTO mode Attachment

to the drawn axes will be carried out by parametric dimensions, therefore indicate the “Fixation” dependence for the ends of the segments (Fig. 43).

Fig. 43. The imposition of geometric dependencies on the axis.

Draw an arbitrary circle. To do this, call the "Circle" command on the command line , either in the "Drawing" → "Circle" → "Center, Radius" drop-down menu , either in the "Drawing" panel or in the ribbon interface on the "Build" tab (Fig. 44) .

Fig. 44. The Drawing panel and the Build tab. Circle

Set the diameter of the circle. To do this, call the command “zavdiamrasm” on the command line , either in the drop-down menu “Dependencies” → “Parametric Sizes” → “Diametrical Size” , either in the “Dependencies” panel or in the ribbon interface on the tab“Dependencies” (Fig. 45).
LMC indicate the circle and put down the size (Fig. 46). 

Fig. 45. The panel and tab Dependencies. Diametrical size

Fig. 46. ​​Setting the diametric size on the sketch

Set the parametric dimensions between the circle and the axes so that the center of the circle lies on one of the axes. To do this, call the command “zavlinrazm” on the command line , either in the drop-down menu “Dependencies” → “Parametric Sizes” → “Linear Size” , either in the “Dependencies” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “Dependencies” tab (Fig. 47 )

Fig. 47. Panel and tab Dependencies. Linear size

Indicate the vertical and horizontal dimensions between the center of the circle and the axes (Fig. 48). Notice that one dimension defines half the diameter and the other the offset of the center of the circle from the axis.

Fig. 48. Sketch with dimensions specifying the location of the hole

Finish editing the sketch.

4.2. Hole cutting
Cut a hole according to the previously created parametric sketch. To do this, call the command “3-extrusion” on the command line , either in the drop-down menu “3D” → “3D Elements” → “3D Extrusion” , either in the “3D” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “3D Tools” tab ( fig. 49).

Fig. 49. The panel and the 3D tab. 3D Extruding

The 3D extruding command window opens (Fig. 50). Specify the interior of the sketch with LMB; when you hover over it, it will be painted over. Then, in the command settings window, specify the parameters as in Figure 50 and click OK .

Fig. 50. Operation 3D extrusion. Cutting Through

4.3. Create a circular array of holes
Create a circular array of holes using the previously cut hole. To do this, call the “3-Array” command on the command line , either in the “3D” → “3D Elements” → “3D Circular Arrays” drop-down menu , either in the “3D” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “3D Tools” tab (Fig. 51).

Fig. 51. Panel and tab 3D. 3D Circular array. The 3D circular array

command options window will appear (Fig. 52). Specify LMC the cylindrical surface of the hole, then in the parameters window select the parameter "Axis of rotation" and LMC indicate the cylindrical surface of the glass. Hole phantoms will appear. Set the remaining parameters, as in Figure 52. To confirm, click OK..

Fig. 52. Operation 3D Circular array

You can also use 3D modeling tools to create chamfers and fillets.

Create a chamfer using the 3D modeling tool. To do this, on the command line, call the “3-chamfer” command , either in the “3D” → “3D Elements” → “3D Chamfer” drop-down menu , either in the “3D” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “3D Tools” tab (Fig. 53).

Fig. 53. The panel and the 3D tab. 3D Chamfer The 3D Chamfer

command options window appears. Select LMB ribs, selected ribs change color. Set the command parameters as in Figure 54 and click OK .

Fig. 54. The 3D chamfer

Fillet is created in the same way. At a command prompt, invoke the command“3-rounding” , either in the drop-down menu “3D” → “3D Elements” → “3D Rounding” , either in the “3D” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “3D Tools” tab (Fig. 55).

Calling the team twice, put down the fillets as in Figures 56, 57.

Fig. 55. Panel and the 3D tab. 3D Rounding

Fig. 56. Operation 3D Rounding.

Fig. 57. Operation 3D Rounding. 

Create 2 views:

  • front view
  • right view

To do this, on the command line, call the “ext2-view” command , either in the “3D” → “2D views” drop-down menu , or in the “2D views” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “3D Tools” tab (Fig. 58).

LMC specify the 3D part and press the “space” or “Enter” key to confirm . A front view drawing appears. Specify LMC insertion point of the view. Now you can put the rest of the species. Move the cursor to the left of the front view. A view will appear on the right, indicate the insertion point. To complete the command, click RMB or the Esc key . To view affixed with projection dependencies activate the "ORTO" mode .

Fig. 58. The 2D views panel and the 3D tab. 2D view

Create a section from the right view. To do this, call the command “ext2-times” on the command line , either in the drop-down menu “3D” → “2D Views” → “2D Section” , either in the “2D Views” panel or in the ribbon interface on the “3D Tools” tab (Fig. 59).

LMC specify the right view, then using the “Quadrant” object snap (Fig. 60), draw a cut line. Specify LMC the insertion point of the section. As a result, 2 species and a section should be obtained (Fig. 61).

Fig. 59. The 2D views panel and the 3D tab. 2D section

Fig. 60. Object snap Quadrant

Fig. 61. Views and section

Open the parameter manager. To do this, on the command line, call the “managerparameter” command , either in the “Dependencies” → “Parameter Manager” drop-down menu , or in the “Dependencies” panel , or in the ribbon interface on the “Dependencies” tab (Fig. 62).

Fig. 62. Panel and tab Dependencies. Parameter Manager The Parameter Manager

window opens. The 4 columns display:

Name . In this column, the user can give the names of parameters, thereby facilitating access to the parameter.
Expression. In this column, the user can specify a mathematical expression for calculating the parameter value. You can use parameter names, mathematical operators, and functions in mathematical expressions. To learn more about the supported operators and functions, open the Help. To immediately get into the help about the parameter manager, click on the help button in the parameter manager window (Fig. 63). This button is on most nanoCAD windows.

Fig. 63. Settings manager. reference

  • Value . This column displays the parameter value calculated by the given expression.
  • Linked object . This column displays the name of the object to which the parameter belongs.

To quickly sort a column in ascending or descending order, click LMB on its name.

Initially, the parameter name consists of the letter designation of the parameter type and serial number (Fig. 64).

Fig. 64. The initial name of the parameter.

All parameters are divided into 3 categories (Fig. 66):

  • Dimensional dependencies . These are parametric dimensions affixed using the dependency panel (Fig. 30).
  • Model parameters . These parameters contain settings for 3D modeling operations (Fig. 65).

Fig. 65. The panel and the 3D tab. Operations displayed in the parameter manager

User parameters . Parameters that the user himself can set. They do not have an associated object, but the name of a custom parameter can be used in expressions to calculate the values ​​of other parameters. To create a new user parameter, you need to click on the button "Create a new user parameter" (Fig. 65).

Fig. 66. Settings manager. Categories and creating a custom parameter

A large number of names are displayed in the open window of the parameter manager. It is difficult to immediately understand which parameter is responsible for what. In the "Model Parameters" group, LMB select some parameter. A related parameter object on the model is highlighted in color (Fig. 67).

Fig. 67. Settings manager. Group Model parameters. Search for a related object

In the settings manager window, click the Close button .

To understand what the parameters of the “Dimensional Dependencies” group are responsible for , you need to open a related object (sketch) for editing.

For convenience of accessing the parameter, it needs to be assigned the corresponding name. To rename a parameter in a sketch, double-click LMB on the dimensional constraint. A window for editing the dimension dependence parameter opens, where you can change the name and value / expression (Fig. 67). These changes will also be visible in the parameter manager window.

Fig. 68. Dimension dependence parameter edit window

Rename several parameters. Renaming parameters is more convenient in the sketch, and setting expressions in the parameter manager, so first rename the parameters in the sketches (Fig. 69, 70), and then write mathematical expressions for them (Fig. 71) in the parameter manager. For convenience, sort the parameter names before writing mathematical expressions (Fig. 71).

Fig. 69. Renamed parameters in the sketch

. 70. Renamed parameters in the sketch

. 71. Settings manager. Names and Expressions

Create three custom parameters. Name them and expressions as shown in Figure 72. Then rename the “n” parameter in the “Model Parameters” group, and write a mathematical expression for it as in Figure 72. This parameter is responsible for the number of holes in the circular array.

Fig. 72. Settings manager. Custom parameters and number of holes

Close the parameter manager window, confirming the parameter changes. Open the parameter manager again and set the parameter Dpodsh to 45. Close the parameter manager window. Pay attention to how the 3D model of the part and the views associated with it were rebuilt. Set the parameter Dpodsh to 55. Analyze the work of expressions in the parameter manager.

To be continued and feedback
And so, in the first part of the article, we step-by-step examined the process of creating a parametrized bearing cup model, and also created 2D views and sections associated with the model that dynamically change in the wake of changing model parameters. In the next part, we will add new parts to our glass by setting their relative positions using the 3D dependency tools. To be continued ...

If you have any comments / questions / suggestions, write comments. Well, if you are in Krasnoyarsk, then come to our office, we will discuss what tasks arise in 3D modeling.

The address of our office is Krasnoyarsk, st. Uritsky, 52 t. 8 (800) 201-63-85

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