Digital events in St. Petersburg from March 16 to March 22

A selection of events for the week.


Business Intelligence Meetup # 1

  • March 18 (Wednesday)
  • Zastavskaya 22korp2A
  • is free
  • Lydia Bursian will describe and compare the multidimensional (SSAS) and tabular models (Azure analysis services), and share the experience of transferring from one model to another.
    Then make a small coffee break. And after the coffee break we’ll carry lean coffee. We are waiting for your suggestions on topics for discussion :) (you can specify during registration).

Monitoring Meetup. CI / CD processes

  • March 19 (Thursday)
  • 60
  • (CI/CD), Gartner, . , . , CI/CD .
    , Monhouse, , CI/CD . 


  • 19 ()
  • 64
     «CREATE MEETUP (Greenplum) LOCATION (’SPB’);», 19 -. : Arenadata QuadCode (IQ Option). , Greenplum Pivotal.

Startup Community Drinkup | SPB

  • 19 ()
  • Russian Startup Community — 19 , .

HackUniversity 2020

  • 20 () — 22 ()
  • 9
  • :   , -, 60+ -, .    3 , , , , .   , , .

Sold Out

  • 21 () — 23 ()
  • 64/1
  • 8 900 .
  • The number of events is growing exponentially,
    and with it competition. It’s been a long time since we could not collect a
    full house for a concert, festival, or conference, just
    pasting the center with posters, making cold calls
    or placing a video on the radio.
    Alas, the time for simple decisions is over. The event market is
    oversaturated. The battle began for the attention of each
    potential participant in the event. The time of new advertising
    channels, fresh ideas in the organization and long-term building
    relationships with customers.

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