How we struggled with epidemics before and what we do against coronavirus

And before the coronavirus, Moscow was covered by epidemics of other viruses, causing enormous economic damage. First one gets sick, then the second and then half the office and more. Before, we somehow did not think about it, well, people get sick and get sick, like nothing can be done. If you don’t think about it, then of course you can’t. But it turned out that measures could be taken.

UFO Care Minute

The pandemic COVID-19, a potentially severe acute respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (2019-nCoV), has officially been announced in the world. There is a lot of information on Habré on this topic - always remember that it can be both reliable / useful, and vice versa.

We urge you to be critical of any published information.

Official sources

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Wash your hands, take care of your loved ones, stay at home whenever possible and work remotely.

Read publications about: coronavirus | remote work

In our web studio and ITSOFT data center, the offices consist of small rooms with a common corridor. Due to this, a certain degree of isolation is already achieved, but insufficient. People intersect in the meeting room, kitchenette, and just talk. Therefore, you need to explore the remaining pathways of the spread of viruses.

Reason Identification

So, we begin by identifying the problem. We could do little with infections outside the office except to give some well-known advice. However, we can influence the spread of the epidemic in the office. There was a suspicion that the infection was spreading inside the office after the first sick person appeared. We identified the following reasons:

  • personal hygiene;
  • general “food and cookies”;
  • air;
  • unwillingness to hurt at home.

And the main reason that I personally realized only now is the denial. In Russia, the denial of coronavirus is still. Fortunately, I already looked at all this from the inside in Europe. First funny and do not care, then suddenly quarantine and empty shelves in some stores. And people are changing. Those who said it was just the flu now forbid their children from visiting and were strictly quarantined. Denial - does not allow to make the right decisions on time. Better to overtake than not to overtake.

What have been done in past years

  • antiseptics in every room;
  • all snacks in the office - only in individual packaging;
  • ultraviolet bactericidal recirculators;
  • air intake and filtration through Tion;
  • with the first symptoms or feeling unwell, we now stay at home, pay 100%;


We have a kitchenette where people can eat additionally, in addition to the fact that we pay them lunches of their choice at the nearest catering points. One infected person first sneezes into his hands, then climbs into a common jar with cookies or nuts, after him a healthy one climbs in there and now the infection passes from mouth to mouth. Antiseptics partially solve this problem, but do not guarantee 100% disinfection of the entire surface of the hands, a person may not completely disinfect the hands.


Individual packaging gives an additional guarantee, which, together with antiseptics, already represents a serious barrier to the spread of the virus. We hope that nobody will share one chocolate bar for two.



ultraviolet bactericidal recirculators


inflow and air filtration through Tion

From time to time we also clean water coolers and carry out disinfection for order.

The motivation and incentive system is tailored to ensure that there is no reason for people to go to work sick. If you feel unwell, you can stay sick at home even without a sick leave. Often it is sick to go to the doctor there is no strength, and sometimes you can be sick, but the doctor will not give a sick leave, only a person is not made healthy and cannot go to work. And at home, something can be done, or at least be in touch.

Summary of measures introduced

Now we are not ill with the entire office. Only one at a time. A tangible result has been achieved.

By coronavirus

Almost all the authorities of all countries made a mess of it. It was necessary to close air traffic with China, but they waited until the northern animal came to them and inflicted a blow on the health of citizens and the economy. The scribe has come.

At the time of the coronavirus epidemic - measuring the temperature of everyone in the office every day and sending home those who are 37+. It seems that all adults, but they can’t measure the temperature of the house themselves. In the week of March 10-13, two people were sent home due to fever.

Since March 10, everyone who is in poor health and at high risk has been allowed to work at home.


March 13th was our last working day. Further, since many countries are closing, emergencies are declared, WHO announced a pandemic, Yandex closed offices, then we also switched to a remote site, leaving only those on duty in data centers.

EU quarantine look

Now I am in Slovenia, I am in quarantine. The incidence here on March 15 was 105 people per 1,000,000 inhabitants, i.e. the likelihood of meeting a sick person is several times higher than in China, taking into account the fact that there are now all current cases, and in China the incidence has been spread out over time.

In Slovenia, all restaurants, bars, hairdressers, beauty salons, dentistry, etc. are closed. etc. Public transport does not go. Of course kindergartens and schools. Grocery stores work. Young people deny, get together and hang out. Some adults also deny, offer to gather with children in nature once kindergartens and schools are closed. There are enough people who want to test Darwin's theory. And until they get quarantine, there is no sense in canceling it. I called relatives to Russia. I could not convince anyone to take action in time. They did not believe. Now events are developing rapidly. He said that after a while you will have the same thing, but the people do not believe.

All health and minimal loss. Share in the comments what measures you are taking.

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