How to move from any host provider with cPanel to Plesk in Rusonix in just five steps

It happens that people change their hosting providers. This is done for various reasons: some are simply unhappy with the speed or quality of services, others find the same quality, but at a lower price. Others don’t like control panels ...

If you are in this situation, now is the time to transfer your sites and projects to Rusonix .

However, moving your site can seem like a daunting task. In this guide, we will explain a simple procedure with step-by-step instructions so that you can confidently and easily transfer all your data to Rusonix servers .

Transferring your site can be done in just five steps:

Step 1. Uploading site files from a former host provider

Using the FTP manager or file manager of your current hosting provider, copy the site files to your computer. Be sure to make a backup on an independent medium.

Step 2. Exporting the database of your website

Since you are using cPanel, exporting databases will not be a difficult task. To do this, use phpMyAdmin, which is an integral part of each cPanel. Do not be alarmed if you see strange names of files and databases: even if you don’t understand everything, you can still do it yourself.

  • Find the tab where the databases are hiding and open it.
  • Click the phpMyAdmin icon to open the interface.
  • Find and click the "Export" button.
  • Select "quick method - show only the minimum parameters."
  • «SQL» .
  • «», .
  • . , — .

Everything went smoothly? Your database is now ready for transfer to Rusonix servers. Go to the next step.

Step 3. Download site files

Open the Plesk panel in Rusonix and go to the "Websites and Domains" section. Click the “Download” button and select a saved archive with your site. Please note that the Plesk panel only supports archives in zip format.

Select the archive saved on the computer and click on the “Extract files” button.

Step 4. Importing databases

As with the export, you will use MySQL to import the databases. It is actually not that difficult. So you also need to enter phpMyAdmin, find the "Import" button and click it. Then just select the saved sql file on your computer and import it.

Step 5. Change DNS

This is a small detail that is easy to miss. After you have transferred your site, you must switch the DNS record of the domain from the previous server to the Rusonix server. If this is not done, users will be redirected to the page with an error. The new DNS is easy to learn in support of Rusonix.

After you send a request to move DNS records, it can take several hours, and in some cases, a whole day, to switch.

If, for some reason, you will not succeed, those. Rusonix support will independently transfer all your data to the server .

Are you not satisfied with your current hosting provider? Do not waste your time - choose Rusonix! Here you will find not only a powerful and fast infrastructure, but you will also be pleasantly surprised by the professionalism and warm friendly atmosphere of technical support.

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