The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 406 (March 9 - 15, 2020)

We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers     |    Entertaining     |    


podcast CSSSR Podcast: News 512 - IT-laws, down with git flow, Firefox 74, rollup 2.0.0, Rust 1.42, development of Django
podcast Web Standards podcast No. 220. Colors, CSS history, assembly in Rome, a film about Vue, i18n, Google Fonts, game devs, mitaps
Frontend podcast Youth podcast (18+) No. 128: Coronovirus. How to survive
video ProConf # 53: VueConf 2019 Toronto - ProConf DANGER | Thousands of thousands | VueJS 3.0 | Shoulder React |
video en "ALL YOUR HTML" # s3e17: OGL Instancing animation. Another session of creative live coding by Yuri Artyukh

Web development

habr As wrote their WYSIWYG editor
habr Visualization of the work of service workers
en Happy 31st birthday, World Wide Web!
en RedwoodJS: a new framework that extends JAMstack to a full stack and includes React, GraphQL, Prisma2 and many more out of the box
en What's new in DevTools (Chrome 82)
en Performance benefits of variable fonts
en Insert video with flexible width


habr Pure CSS: 4 methods for animating link colors
en CSS viewport units
en Flexbox and absolute positioning
en How to draw a line chart with CSS
en Considerations for choosing fonts for a multilingual site
en Adventures in CSS translucent lands
en Setting height and width on images again is important


habr Little-known but popular JS frameworks for the frontend
habr It could be another JavaScript framework
habr 10 excellent Github repositories that every web developer should know
7 useful tricks with rest parameters and spread operators on JavaScript objects
en Comparison of different ways to do HTTP Javascript queries in 2020
en JavaScript: the first 20 years
en How I created a 3D game in just 2 KB of JavaScript
en Signal interruption: how to cancel an asynchronous task in JavaScript

habr Firefox browser extension device (WebExtensions)
Google Chrome will show website creators how people with visual impairments see their web pages
Firefox 74 release
Firefox 74, technical details for developers
Firefox Preview 4.0 for Android is available
en 6 big reasons try the new Firefox Android preview


Due to a dangerous bug, Avast disables the JavaScript engine in its antivirus
Artificial intelligence in cybersecurity
Web designer turns old books and brochures of the 19th century into interactive sites
NVIDIA encouraged gamers to use their PCs to combat COVID-19
How quantum computers can change the world

We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.

Last week's digest .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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