Escobar Fold 2 - The Scam Continues

The first news about a super-cheap flexible smartphone named after Escobar appeared back in December , and everyone thought that this scam would quickly shut. Meanwhile, the drug lord’s business lives on, and the company even “released” new gadgets. Reviews are made on them, celebrities are shot with them, the number of half-naked models in commercials still breaks records, and someone even gets devices.

The Escobar Fold 2 was recently presented , the smartphone is even cooler than the first. With insane features and at a uniquely low price. For some reason, no one talks about this phenomenon on Habré, although the story comes out quite interesting.

Pablo Escobar Fold 1, , , « Apple», Royole FlexPai. -, . . Apple , ( ) – . Samsung.

, Rest In Peace Samsung, . .

– Escobar Fold 2. $399 : 5 , Snapdragon 855, 12 , 512 . , , , Escobar.Inc.

- . , Fold 2 – … Samsung Galaxy Fold, . !

– Galaxy Fold, Samsung . . , , , . !

Escobar.Inc Samsung, – . , , Galaxy Fold $1980, Escobar Fold 1 $399.

Mrwhosetheboss . , , . Samsung Galaxy Fold, .

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Mrwhosetheboss , , Escobar.Inc Galaxy Fold:

  • , Samsung;
  • ;
  • , «» Samsung Galaxy Fold.

- Fold 2, , « ». , , , , .

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, . , – . . (, - ) Escobar.Inc 2014 20 . - . Escobar.Inc.

, - , , . Escobar Fold 1 , 4 . , - . , , Twitter . . , , (« », « , »).

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