How to visualize and animate (geophysical) models

This publication is the beginning of a series of articles. If you're interested, tell me about it, and if you're not interested, the cycle will end there, then just see the list of necessary software and examples below.

Also see other articles in the series:

This is not a step-by-step guide on the visualization of three- and four-dimensional data, but an approach to how and how to do it and, moreover, to do it qualitatively. Probably many of us have been in situations where there is already data prepared with great difficulty, which must be visualized, but it is not known how to do this so as not to spoil the whole impression of the work done. There are many commercial software for these purposes, but we will only consider Open Source programs.

Tambora Volcano, Indonesia

A little background

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Open Source VTK Open Source ParaView. ParaView Open Source N-Cube ParaView plugin for 3D/4D GIS Data Visualization GeoTIFF (, , ) ( , , , ) (, , ).

Open Source PyVista VTK Jupyter Notebook. , ParaView Jupyter Notebook — — PyVista. PyVista , Jupyter Notebook .

mantaflow , ( , , ).





Gravity Inversion Model on The Globe.png

Jupyter Notebook — Project Jupyter exists to develop open-source software, open-standards, and services for interactive computing across dozens of programming languages.

mantaflow — open-source framework targeted at fluid simulation research in Computer Graphics and Machine Learning.

N-Cube ParaView plugin for 3D/4D GIS Data Visualization

ParaView — ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application.

PyVista — 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK)

VTK — The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is open source software for manipulating and displaying scientific data. It comes with state-of-the-art tools for 3D rendering, a suite of widgets for 3D interaction, and extensive 2D plotting capability.

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