Covid-19, your society and you in terms of data science

As data scientists, we must be able to analyze and interpret the data. And we were very concerned about the results of data analysis regarding covid-19. The most vulnerable categories are at greatest risk - older people and people with incomes below the average, but to control the spread and impact of the disease, we all must change our behavior. Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly, avoid crowding, cancel events, and do not touch your face. In this post, we will explain the reason for our concern, and explain why you should also worry. A summary of key information can be found in the publication by Ethan Alley of Corona in Brief (the author is the president of a nonprofit organization developing technologies to reduce the risk of pandemics).


  1. We need a working medical system
  2. This is not something like the flu.
  3. The Do Not Panic, Keep Calm approach does not help
  4. It concerns not only you
  5. We must make the curve more gentle
  6. Society reaction matters
  7. We are poorly informed in the USA
  8. Conclusion

UFO Care Minute

The pandemic COVID-19, a potentially severe acute respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (2019-nCoV), has officially been announced in the world. There is a lot of information on Habré on this topic - always remember that it can be both reliable / useful, and vice versa.

We urge you to be critical of any published information.

Official sources

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Wash your hands, take care of your loved ones, stay at home whenever possible and work remotely.

Read publications about: coronavirus | remote work


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(Farzad Mostashari), Health IT, : « , , - . … — , , . , — ». , , . .

(Liz Specht):
2,8 1000 . 330 . 1 . , 65% . , 330 . (, - .). , 10% , . , – , COVID19 . 8 . - . 2 , 6 . - , . , .


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(Richard Besser), (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) H1N1 2009, , « , , , ». :

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, COVID-19 , . (CDC) , , , , , . 66 650 , 10 000 .

, . , , , , . , ( Data Science – The Problem with Metrics is a Fundamental Problem for AI). Google AI (Jeff Dean) :

(), ( UNAIDS), , / . , . , , ( : , , , , , , ). , , / COVID-19. , , , , , . , .

, , COVID-19. [Health and Human Services Secretary] (Alex Azar), Wired, « , , , - . , . , ». , Wired:

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(Sylvain Gugger) (Alexis Gallagher) .


1 — , . , , R0, , , . , , , covid-19. , .

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3 After this decision, we worked hard to find a way to launch a virtual course, which, we hope, will be even better than the full-time version. We were able to open it to everyone in the world, and every day we will work with virtual training and project teams.

4 We also made many other small changes to our lifestyle, including playing sports at home, instead of going to the gym, replacing all our meetings at a video conference and skipping nightly events that we were looking forward to.

A. Ogurtsov, Y. Kashnitsky and T. Gabruseva worked on the translation.

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