Conferences DotNext, Heisenbug, HolyJS, C ++ Russia, DevOops and JPoint are postponed due to coronavirus

TL; DR: JUG Ru Group conferences scheduled for April and May this year ( DotNext , Heisenbug , HolyJS , C ++ Russia , DevOops and JPoint ) are postponed to June-July due to coronavirus.

What's the matter? Today in St. Petersburg, a ban has been imposed on holding mass events of more than 1,000 people. Moscow already had a similar ban. Therefore, we cannot hold our conferences and decided to postpone them to June-July.

What to do? We recommend that you cancel your hotel and airplane ticket reservations right now if you plan to attend the conference from another city.

We will make a transfer news page on our conference sites, a link to which will help you cancel your reservation on AirBnB. Also, check the airline sites: many of them offer options for returning even non-refundable tickets.

And what about the already purchased conference ticket?New conference dates will be announced next week. If they suit you, then you do not need to do anything - the already purchased ticket will be valid on the new date. And if they don’t fit, you can return the money for the conference ticket in full at any time. To do this, write to .

We are doing everything to keep the conference programs or even better: perhaps more speakers with excellent presentations will be able to participate on new dates.

We will keep you informed about all the changes. Take care of yourself.

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