Transparent Squid with SSL-Bump for Gentoo with nft



Recently, I undertook to translate the firewall on my PC with time-tested iptables to the brand new nftables. For a more in-depth study of nf tables, I set myself the task: to configure a transparent proxy server (Squid) with encrypted connection parsing (HTTPS) to distribute Internet access to virtual machines, Raspberry Pi PCs, as well as my smartphone (running Android 6th release) over a wireless connection (using the hostapd application).

, .
, ( , , . .). , , .

«Gentoo Linux» «OpenRC».

USE="caps ssl ssl-crtd"
dev-libs / openssl-1.1.1c-r1
USE = "asm test zlib"
Nft appnet-firewall / nftables-0.9.2
USE = "doc gmp modern_kernel"
Ip applicationsys-apps / iproute2-5.2.0-r1
USE = "caps minimal"
Logging Serviceapp-admin / ulogd-2.0.7-r1
USE = "nfct nflog"

Kernel tuning

Same thing but text
[*] Networking support --->
Networking options --->
[*] TCP/IP networking
[*] IP: advanced router
[*] IP: policy routing
[*] Network packet filtering framework (Netfilter) --->
[*] Advanced netfilter configuration
Core Netfilter Configuration --->
# ,
[*] Netfilter ingress support
# ,
<*> Netfilter LOG over NFNETLINK interface
<*> Netfilter connection tracking support
<*> Netfilter nf_tables support
<*> Netfilter nf_tables set infrastructure
# ,
[*] Netfilter nf_tables netdev tables support
<*> Netfilter nf_tables conntrack module
# ,
<*> Netfilter nf_tables counter module
# ,
<*> Netfilter nf_tables log module
<*> Netfilter nf_tables masquerade support
<*> Netfilter nf_tables nat module
<*> Netfilter nf_tables socket match support
<*> Netfilter nf_tables tproxy support
IP: Netfilter Configuration --->
[*] IPv4 nf_tables support
# ,
<*> Ethernet Bridge nf_tables support --->

For reference, I quote an excerpt from /usr/src/linux/.config:


Network configuration

If the net.lo service is not added to the boot runlevel, then it should be added there:

rc-config add net.lo boot

In the same way, they are created and configured to run for the net service default level. br0 (bridge for virtual machines and smartphone), net. enp0s25 (wired interface) and net. wlp3s0 (wireless interface), for example:

ln -s net.lo /etc/init.d/net.br0
rc-config add net.br0 default

The final configuration file /etc/conf.d/net in our example looks like this (minus the settings not related to our task):


Same thing but text
# TProxy
routes_lo='local default dev lo table 3128'

# Qemu bridge

# Ethernet
dhcp_enp0s25='release nontp'
udhcpc_enp0s25='--retries 8 --timeout 10'
fallback_routes_enp0s25='default via 10.a.0.1'

# Wi-Fi
if [[ -f /var/lib/misc/hostapd ]]; then
  modules_wlp3s0="!ifconfig !iwconfig !wpa_supplicant"

postup() {
  if [ "${IFACE}" == lo ]; then
    ip rule add fwmark 3128 lookup 3128
  return 0

The highlighted lines add a new routing table, in this example under number 3128, and the gate is the default for it (the loopback interface), and the rule is according to which packets marked with a firewall with the label number 3128 (decimal numbers in both cases) served by this schedule.

In order to prevent routed packets from being discarded due to network level addresses mismatch (transparent proxying keeps packets intact!), Add the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf (or change existing ones):


If you need to apply these settings before rebooting, then you should additionally set them for both network interfaces with Internet access:

sysctl net.ipv4.conf.enp0s25.rp_filter=0
sysctl net.ipv4.conf.wlp3s0.rp_filter=0

Proxy settings

Since the normal (opaque) port of the proxy server will be fixed to the bridge address ( ), add the following line to /etc/rc.conf:


The following proxy settings will not be considered in this article:

  • Verification of the identity of users on a regular (non-transparent) port;
  • ICAP to integrate with a data leak prevention device (e.g. InfoWatch Traffic Monitor);
  • Generating encryption keys and creating a certificate.

The configuration file /etc/squid/squid.conf in the end looks like this (just in case, I give it completely):



Same thing but text
1	acl virtual_machines src
2	acl SSL_ports port 443
	#      HTTPS 
3	acl SSL_ports port 1012        #
	#      HTTPS 
4	acl SSL_ports port 33443       #
5	acl Safe_ports port 21         # ftp
6	acl Safe_ports port 80         # http
7	acl Safe_ports port 443        # https
8	acl Safe_ports port 1012       #
9	acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 #  
10	acl CONNECT method CONNECT 
11	http_access deny !Safe_ports
12	http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
13	http_access allow localhost manager
14	http_access deny manager
15	http_access allow localhost
	#      -
16	http_access allow virtual_machines
17	http_access deny all
	#   () .   ,       (,   - FTP)
18	http_port ssl-bump options=ALL:NO_SSLv3:NO_TLSv1 cert=/etc/squid/squid.pem
	#      .     «loopback»,         3128,  ,         
19	http_port tproxy
	#      .     «loopback»,         3128,  ,         
20	https_port tproxy ssl-bump options=ALL:NO_SSLv3:NO_TLSv1 cert=/etc/squid/squid.pem
	# -    ,   -
21	always_direct allow all
	#    ,   
22	acl BrokenButTrustedServers dstdomain "/etc/squid/selfsigned.txt"
	#      ,   
23	sslproxy_cert_error allow BrokenButTrustedServers
24	sslproxy_cert_error deny all
	#       TLS
25	tls_outgoing_options min-version=1.2
26	acl blocked ssl::server_name "/etc/squid/blocked_domains.txt"
	#   ,    -   (          SSL)
27	acl fragile dstdomain "/etc/squid/fragile_domains.txt"
28	acl step1 at_step SslBump1
29	ssl_bump peek step1
30	ssl_bump terminate blocked
	#       ,    -  
31	ssl_bump splice fragile
	#     ,  
32	ssl_bump bump all
33	sslcrtd_program /usr/libexec/squid/security_file_certgen -s /var/lib/squid/ssl -M 4MB
34	cache_dir rock /var/cache/squid-r 512 max-size=32768
35	cache_dir aufs /var/cache/squid 512 64 1024 min-size=32768
36	coredump_dir /var/tmp/squid
37	refresh_pattern    ^ftp:          1440 20% 10080
38	refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0    0%  0
39	refresh_pattern    .              0    20% 4320
40	memory_replacement_policy heap GDSF
41	cache_replacement_policy LFUDA
42	maximum_object_size 32 MB
43	logfile_rotate 3
44	debug_options ALL,1,rotate=3
45	cache_mem 512 MB
46	visible_hostname host.shadow.amn
47	udp_incoming_address
48	pinger_enable off

Firewall setup

Set up the nftables and ulogd services at the “default” run level (the latter is needed for package notification):

rc-config add nftables default
rc-config add ulogd default

Since there will be a bridge in the firewall settings, add the following line to /etc/rc.conf:


For the notification to work in /etc/sysctl.conf, add the following line:

net.netfilter.nf_log.2 = nfnetlink_log

So that the configuration file is in the / etc / nftables folder, we make the following change in /etc/conf.d/nftables:


To prevent temporary changes from being saved in the configuration file, make another change to /etc/conf.d/nftables:


I will describe the tasks assigned to the firewall:

  1. The default rules in all chains of the ip filter table should remove packets (even in the chain of output!). Similarly for netdev filter tables;
  2. Exchange of any kind, except for IPv4 and related service exchange (for example, ARP), is suppressed as soon as possible (neither IPv4 nor IPSec are used);
  3. IPv4 multicast packets are also removed as early as possible;
  4. To protect the Android smartphone (when connected to the bridge using the hostapd application), the broadcast exchange made by virtual machines running under the Microsoft Windows operating system should not be transmitted to the wireless interface.
  5. You can only use our Wi-Fi devices with known MAC addresses.

The configuration file / etc / nftables / rules-save in the end looks like this (minus most of the explanations):







Same thing but text
1	#!/sbin/nft -f
	#  ,     
2	define icmp_types = { destination-unreachable, time-exceeded, parameter-problem, echo-request, echo-reply }
3	define host =
4	define br = br0
5	define my_br_mac = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
6	define eth = enp0s25
7	define my_eth_mac = YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY
8	define wifi = wlp3s0
9	define my_wifi_mac = WW:WW:WW:WW:WW:WW
10	define my_phone = TT:TT:TT:TT:TT:TT
11	define virtual_machines =
12	define privileged_vm = {, }
13	define dhcp_client =
14	define transmission_port = 51413
15	define no_track = { microsoft-ds, ms-wbt-server }
16	define vm_ssh =
17	define infowatch_pc = { 10.a.0.0/16, 10.h.0.0/16 }
18	define infowatch_my = 10.a.b.c
19	define squid_normal = 3128
20	define squid_transp = 3129
21	define squid_trassl = 3130
22	define =
23	define =
24	define = 10.d.e.f
25	define =
26	define =
27	flush ruleset
28	table ip raw {
29	  chain prerouting {
30	    type filter hook prerouting priority -300;
	    #      ,          
31	    meta l4proto { tcp, udp } th dport $transmission_port notrack
32	    tcp sport $no_track ip saddr != $ notrack
33	    ip saddr { $, $ } tcp sport https notrack
34	  }
35	}
36	table ip filter {
37	  chain input {
38	    type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
	    #         ,        «loopback»
39	    iif lo accept
	    #   ICMP       ,       ICMP
40	    icmp type $icmp_types accept
41	    ct state invalid counter drop
	    #   ,     (SACK)  TCP.        ,       
42	    tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size < 999 counter drop
	    #   Bittorrent,         31
43	    iif $eth meta l4proto { tcp, udp } th dport $transmission_port accept
	    #  ,  ,       ,      
44	    tcp flags & (syn | ack) == syn ct state untracked log prefix "Untracked:" group 2 counter counter drop
	    #    ,        32
45	    tcp sport $no_track accept
	    #    ,        33
46	    ip saddr { $, $ } tcp sport https accept
	    #     ,   3128 ( )
47	    iif $br ip saddr $virtual_machines mark set 3128 counter accept
	    #       ,      ()  -
48	    iif $br ip daddr $host ip saddr $virtual_machines tcp dport { domain, http, microsoft-ds, nfs, $squid_normal } accept
49	    ct state { established, related } accept
	    #       ,   
50	    iif $br udp dport { domain, bootps, tftp, 4011 } counter accept
	    #    ,        ,   (.  38)
51	    counter comment "  "
52	  }
53	  chain output {
54	    type filter hook output priority 100; policy drop;
	    #         ,        «loopback»
55	    oif lo accept
	    #   ICMP       ,       ICMP
56	    icmp type $icmp_types counter accept
	    #          (   48  50)
57	    oif { $eth, $wifi } udp dport . udp sport { bootps . bootpc } counter accept
58	    oif $br ip saddr $host ip daddr { $dhcp_client, } udp sport . udp dport { bootps . bootpc } counter accept
59	    oif $br ip saddr $host ip daddr $virtual_machines udp sport { domain, tftp } counter accept
60	    oif $br ip saddr $host ip daddr $virtual_machines tcp sport { domain, http, microsoft-ds } accept
	    #  -           .      HTTPS   ,            
61	    oif $br ip daddr $virtual_machines tcp sport { http, https, 1012 } counter accept
	    #      ,     ,    1024
62	    meta l4proto { tcp, udp } th sport >= 1025 accept
	    #    ,        ,   (.  54)
63	    counter comment "  "
64	  }
65	  chain forward {
66	    type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;
	    #        (MTU)
67	    tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu counter
68	    iif $br ip daddr != $host meta l4proto { tcp, udp } th dport domain drop
	    #      ( -)      ,     ,  ,   .    ,      ( 80  443)     -,    divert         forward (  66  81).  ,   96      ,      80  443
69	    iif $br ip saddr { $privileged_vm, $dhcp_client } accept
70	    oif $br ip daddr { $privileged_vm, $dhcp_client } accept
	    #    ,        ,   (.  66)
71	    counter comment "  "
72	  }
	  #    «   • »     HTTPS  ,   443
73	  set nonstandard_https {
74	    type ipv4_addr . inet_service;
75	    elements = {
76	      $ . 33443, #
77	      $ . 1012, #
78	  }
79	}
80	  chain divert {
81	    type filter hook prerouting priority -150; policy accept;
	    #   3128 (. .)   TCP,   ,    (  -)
82	    meta l4proto tcp socket transparent 1 mark set 3128 accept
	    #   3128 (. .)   TCP   ,   80.      -
83	    ip daddr != {, $host } tcp dport http tproxy to$squid_transp mark set 3128 counter accept
	    #   3128 (. .)   TCP   ,   443.      -
84	    ip daddr != {, $host } tcp dport https tproxy to$squid_trassl mark set 3128 counter accept
	    #    3128 (. .)   TCP        nonstandard_https (.  76  77  ).      -
85	    ip daddr . tcp dport @nonstandard_https tproxy to$squid_trassl mark set 3128 counter accept
86	  }
87	}
88	table ip nat {
89	  chain prerouting {
90	    type nat hook prerouting priority 0; policy accept;
	    #               SSH
91	    iif $eth ip daddr $infowatch_my ip saddr $infowatch_pc tcp dport ssh counter dnat $vm_ssh
92	  }
93	  chain postrouting {
94	    type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept;
	    #      ,   -,         .  -     UID  GID 
95	    oif { $eth, $wifi } ip saddr $virtual_machines skuid . skgid { squid . squid } counter masquerade
	    #      ,     ,  ,     , (   69  70).     ,    ,       HTTPS .           nonstandard_https (.  76  77  ).
96	    oif { $eth, $wifi } ip saddr { $privileged_vm, $dhcp_client } tcp dport != { http, https } log prefix "NAT:" group 2 counter masquerade
97	  }
98	}
99	table bridge filter {
  #   №5:     Wi-Fi   
100	  chain input {
    type filter hook input priority -200; policy accept;
    iif $wifi ether saddr != $my_phone counter drop
  #   №4:    ,    IPv4,      
  chain forward {
101	    type filter hook forward priority -200; policy accept;
102	    oif $wifi ether type arp accept
103	    oif $wifi ip protocol { icmp, tcp, udp } ip daddr != accept
104	    oif $wifi drop
105	  }
  #   №5:   Wi-Fi     
106	  chain output {
    type filter hook input priority 200; policy accept;
    oif $wifi ether daddr != $my_phone counter drop
	#   №2:     ,    IPv4
107	table netdev filter {
108	  chain enp0s25 {
109	    type filter hook ingress device enp0s25 priority 0; policy drop;
110	    ether type arp accept
111	    ether daddr $my_eth_mac ip protocol { icmp, tcp, udp, gre } accept
112	  }
113	  chain wlp3s0 {
114	    type filter hook ingress device wlp3s0 priority 0; policy drop;
	    #  ARP  EAPOL  ,        
115	    ether type { arp, 0x888e } accept
	    #       ,         ,   
116	    ether daddr { $my_br_mac, $my_wifi_mac, ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff } ip protocol { icmp, tcp, udp, gre } accept
117	  }
118	}

Consumer customization

On the PC itself

For more thorough tests of a transparent proxy server, I decided to use it for all applications (with some exceptions, more on that later) on the PC itself.

Add the proxy server certificate to the shared store:

mkdir -p /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
cp /etc/squid/squid.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/squid.crt

Update the repository:


Applications - Firefox and Chromium web browsers do not use a common certificate store, therefore it should be added to the corresponding store of these applications.

Create the configuration file /etc/env.d/38proxy with the following lines:


Update environment variables:


After re-entering the settings will be applied to all applications.

About exceptions:

  1. Just in case, let’s leave the Chromium web browser, it will always connect to the network directly, without a proxy server, for this we will change the / etc / chromium / default configuration file this way:

    CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--enable-seccomp-sandbox —no-proxy-server"
  2. In the presence of the https_proxy environment variable, the xfreerdp application tries to connect through a proxy server, so add the following line to the shell configuration file:

    alias xfreerdp='https_proxy= xfreerdp'
  3. The youtube-dl application cannot verify the certificate, probably due to the nature of the Python certificate store. A permanent solution has not yet been found, so add the following line to the shell configuration file:

    alias youtube-dl='youtube-dl --no-check-certificate'

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS 6 and 7 virtual machines

On the virtual machine, enable PEM certificates:

update-ca-trust force-enable

We rewrite the proxy server certificate from the PC to the virtual machine:

scp squid.crt root@

On the virtual machine we update the certificate:

update-ca-trust extract

On virtual machines with Microsoft Windows operating systems of different editions

The certificate is uploaded to the general certificate store of the machine (not the user!) In the "Trusted Roots ..." section. The Firefox web browser does not use a common certificate store, so the certificate should be added to the corresponding store of this application.

On a Raspberry Pi PC with Raspbian OS

Application upgrade was successful without installing a certificate.

On smartphones with Android OS

The certificate is preloaded onto the device, then installed using the certificate management application. After that, the user will be asked to enhance the security of entering the device (if not already done) with the help of a graphic key or password.


The new Linux firewall (nft) is a great example of free software that goes well with Squid, the de facto standard of a free proxy server.

Primary sources

2. /usr/src/linux/Documentation/networking/tproxy.txt
4. nft (8)

Author: Shamil SaitovNikodim_Tychoblin

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