In search of pocket excellence

Hello everyone!

Somehow, in our polls, we were fixated on the desktop sphere, but the mobile market today is even bigger and, let's say, more interesting in every sense. Therefore, today's Friday poll will relate to the mobile sphere, and, in particular, to the sphere of mobile browsers. So suddenly. And we will be interested in the very first question, which is inevitable when talking about a mobile browser.

The fact is that the desktop has already developed a kind of stable list of browsers, which has no more than a dozen top-end and as many alternative options. But this is not so in the mobile market. The same browser search in the app for Android gives you a list of 250 web browsers of various types, sizes, shades, functionality and other criteria. And after all, almost all of us use one of them, or even several. From here the idea of ​​today's poll was born.

Photo by William Hook

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