Testing the Amazon Lumberyard game engine. Approaches and Tools

Amazon Games. Sounds unusual? How to test the product for both developers and gamers? Under the cut - testing of the Amazon Lumberyard game engine, approaches in both manual testing and automation, as well as the tools used on the project.

Lumberyard is a cross-platform game engine where you can create games for free for most modern platforms: PC, Mac, iOS / Android, all consoles, including virtual reality glasses. It is also pretty deeply integrated with Amazon Web Services and Twitch’s game broadcast service.

Under the cut - video and transcript of the report of Artem Nesiolovsky from the Heisenbug conference .

About the speaker: graduated from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Faculty of Cybernetics, more than 8 years in development and testing. He worked both on desktop projects, such as the GeForce Experience, the online MMORPG Lineage II, and in mobile - the game Cut the Rope, as well as in the Yandex.Images web project. He is currently an automation engineer at Amazon on the Amazon Lumberyard project.

Post structure

  • Game engine: features, as well as differences between testing the engine and testing games.
  • Manual testing: how we tried to find out the coverage of features of the project with functional tests.
  • Automation: errors and bumps that we filled and treated afterwards.
  • Tools with which we automate our engine.
  • Interesting bugs from our project that you probably met when you played games yourself.

Further narration on behalf of the speaker.

Why is Amazon doing games at all? In 2014, Amazon, like many tech giants, notes that games are becoming the second most popular form of entertainment for humanity. The first, oddly enough, is television, or rather, everything related to video streaming (YouTube, Netflix and everything else). Game developers are also beginning to use AWS services more actively for their online games.

Amazon decides to build an ecosystem on three pillars: open its gaming studio to create games that people will then stream and watch on Twitch. These games will also show what interesting gameplay ideas can be implemented using AWS Cloud.

How did it all start?

In 2004, the German company Crytek released a game called "FarCry". After some time, Crytek begins to license its engine on which the game was built, so that third-party companies can take the finished engine and start creating a game, gameplay, fill it with content without a big investment in technology. When Amazon started playing games, it also immediately opened several studios and began developing several games.

So that every studio does not invent a bicycle - its own rendering engine, its animation system, physics, and so on, Amazon licenses CryEngine version 3 and launches the development of several games at once. The Grand Tour has already been released on the Xbox and PlayStation. Two more are under development: MMORPG "New World" and the online shooter "Crucible". After the development of these games has started, Amazon begins to provide for free the engine on which these games are developed. Because it is highly integrated with Amazon's cloud services, you can attract more people to use AWS.

A game engine is a set of APIs, a game engine for building a future game. So that developers do not need to write their own gaming systems, you can just take a set of APIs, i.e. engine, and start writing your own game logic, add content there and engage in creativity, instead of developing technology from scratch. Also, some engines have an editor. This is a desktop program in which you can create levels, that is, open your level and add content and game logic there.

Instead of talking for a long time, sometimes it’s easier to show one video:

Link to video 8: 33-9: 53

Here is our editor and its interface. A game is launched inside it, which we provide together with the engine. "Starter Game" exists so that people can log in, play, change something and figure out how it works.

In general, 3D games can be imagined as a set of three-dimensional objects that move in a three-dimensional world and somehow interact with each other. In this video you can see:

  • static geometry with textures: earth, stones, grass, trees;
  • dynamic geometry - the character is animated, reacts to the actions of the player;
  • user interface: task views in the upper left corner.

The player can meet with hostile characters, game logic will appear, it will be possible to shoot - robots shoot in response. About physics: the character will start shooting at barrels, they will move from collisions with shots and from interacting with the character. In the editor at any time you can exit the game mode and get back to the editing mode, in which you can immediately change the properties of objects, move them, and this will immediately appear on the gameplay. Imagine an approximate number of places where something could go wrong, break down and stop working properly?

How to test the engine?

Testing the engine is based on three main points. The first is testing the editor and tools: the correct operation, the tools should open, nothing to crash, everything should be displayed correctly, user scripts should be executed without errors, the process of creating a game without accompanying bugs. Only game creators will use the editor. The second is testing the engine itself or the engine API. The game engine, in turn, is that part of the code that will work including on players' computers. This part of the project is tested through the advance creation of levels and games. Subsequently, the created levels can be tested on each new build of the engine to make sure that all game elements used at one or another level work as they should.And the third component is the testing of infrastructure and compatibility: the engine can be configured and build with different parameters, the game can be deployed on various devices, and it will look and work almost the same everywhere.
Features of the project

The first feature - we support most of the existing gaming platforms. Despite the fact that the editor itself only works on PC, runtime, i.e. The game can be built on Mac, smartphones, consoles, and even virtual reality glasses.

The second feature - our users - these are two types of people with completely different requests. On the one hand, these are developers, programmers, artists and designers who will work on creating the game. And on the other hand, these are gamers, on the machines of which the game will then work. The requirements for these two groups are completely different.

The third feature - in such programs that allow you to create something new, the widest possible range of possible products of this application is implied in advance. On our engine, you can build absolutely any game, starting from something simple, such as Tetris, and ending with a complex online project, which is played by thousands of people at the same time.

All three of these features greatly affect the number of custom scripts, each of which needs to be tested.

Look at this screenshot and imagine how many test cases you could write just for this part of the functionality? In total, we have more than 11 thousand test cases on the project and this database is growing by about 3-4 thousand test cases every year.

Link to the video 13: 20-13: 54

We find most of the bugs during the interaction of several components with each other. In this video, snow in the normal state is displayed on the cube as it should, but as soon as the character begins to interact with him, the snow begins to disappear. Most of the bugs we find are in such places where several components join.

Link to the video 14: 08-14: 41

However, bugs do not always occur when there are only two conditions. It often happens that bugs appear when several components converge at once. In this case, we are considering a bug in which, in a normal situation, the character simply stands on the ground. It is worth adding another degree of freedom - to raise the character above the ground: when he falls, the animation starts playing and the camera approaches / moves away - the texture starts to disappear. Here, three components interact at once: height, character animation, and camera distance. It is impossible to think through all these options in advance, and often we find such bugs only during ad-hoc testing.

Link to the video 15: 02-15: 49

There is another feature - we have many non-deterministic systems. These are systems in which, with the same input, the final result may differ. A simple example is that there are random variables in the system. In our case, these are systems of physics in which there are many calculations with floating point numbers. Floating point operations on different processors or compilers can be performed a little differently. Because of this, the resulting functionality will always be slightly different. As a result, such systems are quite difficult to automate, because it is difficult to explain to the machine in which case this is a bug, and in which case these are acceptable differences.

Link to the video 16: 03-17: 14

There are quite a few non-trivial interactions in the engine and in the editor itself. Users often interact within three-dimensional space using the mouse and keyboard. This video will feature a feature called Simulated object. Things dressed on the character must move according to the laws of physics when moving the character on which these items are worn. For example, clothes or a briefcase. As such an element in the video - the hand of the character. When the character moves, the hand also begins to respond. Often, in order to test such functionality, you need to do non-trivial actions: switch something in the UI, move objects in three-dimensional space, do drag-and-drop, also look at the animation graphs that are located below, and do everything in real time. This feature affects the complexity of automation.

How to determine the coverage?

At some point, we realized that we wrote a lot of test cases, but it was difficult to determine what coverage we had. We found most critical bugs not during our full regression test, but during ad-hoc testing, which was carried out at the end of the release cycle. We started thinking: we have an engine with a great deal of functionality, we have a repository in which 12,000 cases - how to understand in which places there is enough coverage and in which it would be worth adding test cases?

We turned to the theory of testing, began to read about how people define test coverage. One way is to determine through source code. In our case, it is difficult to do. We have several million lines of code and it was impossible to complete this check in a short time. The second method is to evaluate coverage through an assessment of requirements. In agile processes, requirements are often stored only in the head of people, and not in the documentation, so through the requirements to make a coverage assessment was also not realistic. As a result, we turned to the only possible way for us - the definition of coverage through writing a model.

We chose a model called ACC - Attribute, Component, Capability. ACC is one of the simplest models, which is quite common in Amazon for modeling software. The model is built on three main pillars. Firstly, these are components, nouns are the main working parts of the system. For us, this is viewport, texture, game essence. The following are capabilities - verbs - what these components can do. For example, they can display on the screen, calculate something, move something, and so on. And the third part is attributes - adjectives or adverbs related to both the components and their capabilities. Attributes describe the parameters of capabilities: fast, security, scalable, secure, and so on. All this can be reduced to three questions: who? what is he doing? And How?

We will analyze this model with a small example. Below is a demo of a small part of functionality:

Link to video 19: 59-21: 02

Viewport is the part of the editor where the level is visible. The video showed that it is possible to rotate the camera, move around the level, it is possible to add a character from the local conductor of game objects. You can move a character, or create a new game entity by right-clicking, you can select all current entities at the level and move them all together. You can also add another geometric element and (as in all three-dimensional editors) change not only its position in space, but also change its angle and resize it. A window called “Viewport” has different rendering modes. For example, the shadows are turned off, or some graphic effects of post-processing are turned off. You can enter the game mode to immediately test the changes just made.

Let's look at the ACC model itself. We quickly realized that these models are very convenient to create using Mindmaps, and then translate them either into tablets or directly into the structure in TestRail or in any other repository for test cases. The main component itself is visible in the diagram in the center - Viewport - and further from above the red branch is the Viewport feature that allows you to move around the level: you can rotate the camera, you can fly using the “W”, “A”, “S”, “D” buttons.

His second opportunity (orange branch) is to create game entities either through Viewport or via drag-n-drop from the game explorer.

And the third - game entities can be manipulated: they can be distinguished, their location changed, rotated, and so on. The green branch on the left is the Viewport configuration when switching rendering modes. An attribute is highlighted in the blue branch, which indicates that Viewport should also meet certain performance parameters. If it slows down, then it will be difficult for developers to do anything.

The entire tree structure is then transferred to TestRail. When we transferred the test cases from our previous system to the new structure, it immediately became clear where the test cases were missing - in some places empty folders appeared.

Link to the video 23: 01-24: 10

These structures grow quite rapidly. Viewport actually refers to the editor, which is only part of the engine. Two main parts: the editor itself and the game engine itself. On the right in the picture above you can see several components that are not related to the tree. For example, a rendering or scripting system, animations are separate, because they relate immediately to both the editor and the engine. That is, the rendering system will work in runtime on the final devices, but in the editor itself it will be possible to change some parameters: time of day and night, editing materials, particle system.

Results and Conclusions

ACC modeling helped highlight areas in which test-covered sufferers. Filling the gaps in the coverage, the number of bugs found after our full regression pass was reduced by about 70%. Easy-to-build ACC models have also proven to be a good source of documentation. The new people who came to the project studied them and quickly could get some idea of ​​the engine. Creation / updating of ACC models is closely included in our process of developing new features.

We started to automate the engine through user interface automation. The editor interface is written in the QT library. This is a library for writing cross-platform UI for desktop applications, which can work on both Mac and Windows. We used a tool called Squish from Froglogic, which works on a similar system with WebDriver, adjusted for the desktop environment. In this tool, an approach similar to Page Object (from the world of WebDriver) is used, it is called differently - Composite Elements Architecture. Selectors are made on the main components (like a “window” or “button”) and functions that can be performed with these elements are registered. For example, “right-click”, “left-click”, “save”, “close”, “exit”. Then these elements are combined into a single structure,you can access them inside your script, use them, take a screenshot and compare.

Problems and Solutions

The first problem is stability. We wrote tests that test business logic through the user interface - what is the problem? When the business logic does not change, but the interface changes - the tests fall, you need to upload new screenshots.

The next problem is the lack of functionality. Many user cases are not just in pressing a button, but in interaction with the three-dimensional world. This library did not allow this, new solutions were needed.

The third problem is speed. For any UI tests, you need to fully render the entire engine. It takes time, the machines for these tests must be powerful enough.

The solution came in the form of a Shiboken library. This library provides binders from C ++ code in Python, which makes it possible to directly call functions provided by the editor or the engine without rendering the UI editor. An analogue from the world of web - Headless automation (something similar to PhantomJS) - you can automate a web application without launching a browser. In this case, a similar system, only for a desktop application written in C ++.

Having started investing in this framework, we realized that it can be used not only to automate testing, but also to automate any processes inside the engine. For example, a designer needs to put 100 light sources in a row (for example, he makes a road and you need to put lights). Instead of manually representing all of these light sources, you simply write a script that creates a game entity, adds a point light source there and prescribes that every 10 meters you need to copy the previously created point light. A bonus for our users in the form of a tool for automating routine tasks.

The second part of the solution to the problem. We quickly realized that to automate various parts of our engine — for example, graphics and network parts — we needed completely different frameworks. It is impossible to create a single, monstrous framework that will help automate everything at once. Therefore, we began to develop a framework called Lumberyard Test Tools (for short - LyTestTools). It is based on Pytest (quite a lot of things are written in the engine in Python). We decided to use the so-called Plug-and-play architecture - the central group of automation engineers writes the main part of the framework, which can download, configure the engine, deploy it to various platforms, run tests and collect logs, upload reports to our database or S3 and draw graphics in Quicksight. Plug-and-play is achieved through Test Helper's,which will be written by teams in the field that develops features.

That is, the graphics development team will test with screenshots, and the network interaction team will check the forwarded packets. At the same time, they will all be connected to our common framework (as both teams develop and test modules of a single engine) so that they all have the same interfaces for running tests and generating reports, so that everything works more or less standardly and correctly works with our CI / Cd.

Interaction with Lumberyard

What can be the ways of interaction / automation of a desktop application? The first type of interaction between the framework and the engine - directly from Python, the process is launched using the Subprocess function, if the application implies launching through the command line. You can read input / output from standard input / output output and thus make assertions. The next type - this interaction through the analysis of logs - you can read and analyze the logs left by the application. The third is through the network. In the game launchers, there is a module called Remote console. When a certain port is open on the device, our framework can send packets / specific commands. For example, take a screenshot or open some specific level. Another method is interaction through comparing visual information, i.e. screenshots.Also previously mentioned was the method of calling the application’s functionality directly through the product API (in our case, this is a call through Python-bindings to the C ++ editor / engine functionality).

Let's move on to examples of using our framework for automating the engine.

Take a look at this screenshot.

The detail on this site is quite high - a large amount of vegetation. In modern games, levels can take up to several tens and hundreds of game kilometers. Naturally, each of these game bushes is not put down manually, otherwise the developers would simply go crazy. For them, our engine has special tools.

One of them is called the Vegetation Tool. Small demo:

Link to video 32: 18-34: 06

We see the standard start of the level. There is terrane and you can very quickly make a relief: in the background make mountains, in the central part also highlight a small hill. You can paint the ground itself green with a grass texture. The process of adding vegetation, in this case, trees, is further demonstrated. Geometry — trees, is added to the tool — a subset of them is highlighted, and any necessary drawing can be drawn with these trees. This is a pretty simple example, this tool has many customizable parameters. For example, you can select not one tree, but several at once and set a parameter for them, stand at a certain distance from each other, or set random parameters for the size or rotation of these trees. You can add a game character and immediately run in the level, test,what have you just grown in your own play garden.

Let's now see how we automated this feature with our framework using a couple of tests as an example.

Link to video 34: 20-34: 58

There is a standard terrane and a lot of the same type of grass is grown on it. This type of rendering is very processor intensive. If there are a lot of such elements, you can do a load test. A game script has been added here, which when starting the game mode will simply make a flight through this level. The task is to test this functionality and verify that the game launcher is stable and will not crash.

This is an example of how the team that developed the feature for growing vegetation wrote Test Helper, which allows you to work with these features. This is an example of using our framework. The launcher class is highlighted in green. When the test starts, the launcher is deployed, starts with timeout parameters, and we do an assert to verify that the launcher does not crash after a while. Then we turn it off.

The parameterization code above shows that we can reuse the same code on different platforms. Moreover, we can reuse the same code at different levels or projects. For example, platforms are highlighted in red: in one case it is Windows, in another case it is Mac; the project is highlighted in yellow; the name level is highlighted in light yellow.

Link to video 36: 07-36: 47

Now about the test - in this case, run it through the command line. A program opens called Asset Processor, one of the main parts of the engine. This program processes source assets (for example, models and textures created by artists) into formats that are understandable for the engine and writes everything to the database (SQLite) so that the engine can quickly navigate and load the necessary data during the game. Next, the launcher starts, the game mode starts, the camera flies above the level for several seconds and the test ends. We see that one test was successful and two tests were skipped. This happened because during the recording of the video the test was chased on Windows, and in the parameterization there are two more platforms that were respectively skipped during this launch.

There is a more difficult option. We do not just launch the launcher with the finished level, but the script interacts directly with the editor. Blue indicates the name of a separate script that will work with the editor and pull various commands through the API.

Above is the test level. In this case, a smile is drawn on the standard terrain using a previously prepared texture (mask). It is necessary to verify that when using the mask, painting will be carried out only along a previously selected contour and will not go beyond it.

The team working with the game world wrote its extension for working with terrane, which is then inserted into our framework. A new brush is created, which will draw on the “Cobblestones” mask, the brush is set to red and the selected layer is painted over.

In continuation, a new brush is created, a different intensity is set for it. The mask is no longer used, and in the cycle, already in another part of the level, a new element is drawn.

Let's see how this script works.

Link to video 38: 42-39: 35

First, the Asset Processor will start, which will check the status of the asset database and process the newly added items if necessary. Next, the editor starts. The level will open with a smile, and a script will start that runs with the editor. He paints the layer over the mask, then creates a blue circle and starts taking screenshots. Subsequently, the screenshots will be compared with the reference ones, and, if everything is in order, the test will be completed.

The test takes such screenshots for comparison with standards. Here you can see that the picture went clearly along the border.

Graphic arts

We also use our framework for testing graphics.

Link to the video 40: 04-40: 56

Graphics - one of the most difficult parts of the engine, which takes up most of the code. You can and should check everything - starting with simple things, such as geometry and textures, and more complex features - dynamic shadows, lighting, post-processing effects. On the video in the right corner you can see the reflection in the puddle - it all works in real time on our engine. When the camera flies inside, you can see more advanced rendering elements, for example, glare, transparent elements, such as glass, as well as the display of elements such as metal surfaces. How is this functionality tested with screenshots?

This is our character, Rin. With it, we often test artist pipelines. Artists create something in their editor (for example, a character), and then draw textures on it. Asset Processor processes the original data to deploy on various platforms, and the graphics engine will deal with the display.

Surely you often encountered a bug when "textures did not load." In fact, there are a lot of problems when something happened to displaying textures.

But all of them are well caught by comparing screenshots. In the first screenshot you can see a bug - some materials are not loaded well. In these screenshots, the same level where the motorcycle was and the camera flew inside the cafe, which was shown in the video earlier. Why does everything look so boring here? Because screenshots are not taken at the very last stage of rendering, when the graphics engine laid out all its effects, but in stages. At first, only rendering of simple geometry and textures is taken: shadows are removed, complex lighting elements are removed. If you test everything at the very last stage and look at Diff Image, it will be difficult to say what exactly broke.

If you do this in stages, you can roughly understand in which part of the graphics engine something went wrong. Here is the algorithm by which we compare the screenshots.

By comparing screenshots, you can test graphics, display elements, textures, materials, shaders.

I’ll give an example of one bug from the old version of our engine when we did not have this framework.

Link to video 43: 10-43: 44

It relates to the Vegetation system. After adding trees, the graphic part begins to draw shadows under them. It is necessary to press “Ctrl + Z” (“Cancel”), the trees disappear, and the shadows remain. If you take a screenshot at the beginning, when the tree is standing and after clicking "Cancel", then such a bug is easy to catch in automatic mode after comparing with the reference screenshots of Before and After.

By comparing screenshots, the Asset pipeline is also very well tested. When the artists created something in 3D editors (Maya, 3dsMax), you need to check that everything is displayed in the game in the same way and nothing was lost: the chicken has feathers, all animals have fur, people have the correct skin texture and other things.

Link to the video 44: 16-44: 52

On the right side of the program is the Asset Processor, which monitors the display in the game of everything that the artist painted. He will tell us that everything is in order with these assets - they should work. On the video you can see that some trees turned black. Some are displayed normally, and some green textures just disappeared. Naturally, in this form you can’t release an engine or assets.

Not everything can be caught

Link to video 45: 03-45: 17

Some kind of bugs begin to form only when several elements interact with each other. Two Rin models are displayed normally if they are removed from each other, but if you bring them closer, problems with geometry begin. Unfortunately, such bugs are difficult to catch even in advance of automation. Often they can be noticed only when testers start to do something in exploratory testing mode or when the engine already falls into the hands of customers.

By comparing screenshots, you can test the interface of the editor itself.

Game components

Also, screenshots can test some simple game components. An example is a simple level on which there is a door and a script that, when you press the spacebar, starts the door to open and close.

You can take a screenshot at the beginning and at the end. If everything matches, then the script that changes the location of the element works correctly.


We quickly realized that screenshots of the same functionality are very different on different platforms, in some cases there may be differences on the same platform depending on the type of video card. How to deal with this, so as not to store 100500 screenshots? There is a tool, Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform is a software renderer that allows you to do all the graphics without resorting to the driver and the video card. Using this tool, you can drive most of the functional graphics tests without depending on the drivers and hardware.


Last but not least, the game engine must be productive! GPUs can be tested using various graphical profilers, such as PIX. RAM can be tested in Visual Studio itself. Further, more about how processor performance is tested using the RADTelemetry tool.

Know what Input Lag is?

Link to video 47: 29-48: 21

Input Lag - this is the delay between pressing the controller / keyboard key by the player and the moment when the game begins to respond to pressing. Input Lag happens because of data transmission over the network, when packets go for a long time or the server responds for a long time, as well as in engines and without the use of networking. When someone messes up in the code that is responsible for the animation, the Input lag can become so high that the character begins to respond too late. In a simple approximation, this is tested quite easily: a virtual keyboard is opened and a video is shot, on which the moment of pressing the space bar and the moment of the start of the animation are recorded.

We look at how many frames per second the engine is giving out. You can calculate how much each frame took in milliseconds (1000 / FPS). If you play the video frame-by-frame, you can calculate how many frames have passed since the click before the character begins to move. Knowing how many milliseconds each frame occupies, it can be calculated that, for example, 200 milliseconds passed between pressing a space and the beginning of the animation. With a standard human response of 100 milliseconds, this is too slow and gamers will immediately say that such a delay is worthless. This testing method has its problems. Firstly, there will be errors. For example, the virtual keyboard will have a delay. Secondly, in games, artists often make animations so that the character does not immediately begin to make the main movement. There is the so-called anticipation: before the main action,for example, by jumping, the character first bends a little and only then begins to jump. This can take a couple of frames. How did we fight this? We started testing this part with a more accurate approach.

There is a program called RADTelemetry.

Link to video 49: 44-50: 47

It allows you to profile the processor. Vertical frames are laid out here: No. 629, 630 - you can see how much time each frame took. Horizontally either processor cores or application execution threads are laid off if the application is multi-threaded. If you click on any of the threads, the name of all the functions that are in this thread when they were launched, how long they took to execute from the total, how many times they were executed, will be displayed on the left. Using this application, you can accurately understand how much time has passed since the moment the game registered the keystroke, before it launched the Play Animation function. This program is able to put its logs into text files, and then using them you can draw useful performance charts of different builds in time distribution.

And where is AWS here?

In conclusion, a few words about AWS. On the one hand, we use it to drive our tests. We run tests on EC2 and on devices from Device Farm. Results are added to the database in S3, and graphs are displayed on Quicksight. Test statistics can be viewed in CloudWatch. Since the engine is highly integrated with AWS services, we test these integrations as well - both manually and automatically. For example, CloudCanvas is a service that allows you to create functionality for network games without programming, that is, on the server you can simply configure chips such as Leaderboards, score tables, and achievements. For things like gaming monetization, you can not look for your server programmer, but immediately start using CloudCanvas. Amazon GameLift is essentially a scalable system for game servers.Integration with Twitch - when users watch the broadcast of two players who compete among themselves. A Twitch poll is created “Which player do you support?” - people start voting in the chat, the game reads the answers, and one of the players (like in the Hunger Games) can lose an extra bonus or prevent it.


The first thing we realized is that in such large projects there is no single silver bullet with which you can automate everything. In our case, the Plug-and-play framework worked well. We wrote a common framework and allowed the rest of the teams to conveniently embed their solutions. Using examples of screenshots and vegetation comparison, the system showed how these frameworks work. I hope that some applications and industrial solutions (such as Microsoft’s Software Renderer or RADTelemetry.) Provided in this article will be useful for practicing engineers working in games or CAD systems.

In conclusion, links to all the tools that were shown in the report:

I hope that I managed to tell how the testing of engines differs from testing games. Recently, the process has stepped far forward - testing game engines is not at all simple, but it is very interesting.

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