Coronavirus vs Russian IT-business: are companies ready to transfer employees to a remote location?


The spread of COVID-19 is gaining momentum. To date, according to statistics, more than 126 thousand people are infected with the coronavirus worldwide, more than 4600 have died. On the eve of the World Health Organization announced a controlled pandemic. A number of global IT giants have already announced that they are introducing special security measures for their employees and canceling developer conferences. The editorial board of Habr decided to ask the leading players of the Russian market about whether they are ready to transfer the work completely to remote mode.

Kaspersky Lab

Marina Alekseeva, Human Resources Director:

“For Kaspersky Lab, the health of employees has the highest priority, the company takes all available measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus. In this regard, at the moment, we have decided to temporarily close our offices in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai, all employees in China work from home. In other countries of the APAC region (Asia Pacific), the company has a flexible work schedule, and in the offices themselves they are given respiratory masks and sanitizers to their colleagues.

We also ask all employees to refrain from business trips as soon as possible, especially to those countries where many cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded.

Within two weeks after returning from these countries, people are encouraged to work from home and analyze their health status. We closely monitor the situation and regularly remind employees about simple rules that should be followed to reduce the risk of getting sick, but please do not panic. There are no cases of coronavirus infection among our employees.

The company’s offices in Italy are temporarily closed for quarantine, while employees in other European countries and the USA are recommended to work remotely. ” Group

Sergey Luchin, spokesperson:

“People are our main value, so even before the introduction of official restrictions, we asked colleagues returning from high-risk countries to work remotely for two weeks (with full preservation of wages and all conditions). It was possible to stay at home in the event of a malaise or go to the doctor even on a planned visit earlier, so the new rules did not affect the daily work.

In the office of Group, a doctor worked every day, there were automatic machines for cleaning hands, and in the first-aid kit there was a thermometer and a set of necessary preparations. After the first reports of coronavirus, we installed disinfecting devices on each floor, purchased individual antiseptics, and organized the distribution of hygiene masks and respirators.

We monitor the situation and regularly share with employees relevant information in the mail and on the company's internal portal. ”

"In contact with"

Press service:

“The company is potentially ready to send employees to a remote location, but such a development of events does not seem critical to us, because the employees of IT companies do not have to constantly work from the office. We always try to offer to work from home if he is not feeling well.

The VKontakte team works from different cities - we are based in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi. We also have regional representatives and many remote employees. Team meetings are now often held online, so we do not expect any technical difficulties.

We try to conduct meetings with colleagues and partners by video link. Our employees no longer go on business trips and conferences abroad, we also try to limit trips around Russia, especially to large events. In case of malaise, we recommend colleagues to stay home and work remotely. And if an employee returned from countries where more than 100 cases of coronavirus were registered, we ask him to work from home for two weeks.

We monitor the situation - we focus on the position and recommendations of the World Health Organization. Foreign business trips are temporarily canceled. We’re trying to translate everything online as much as possible if the situation requires it. ”


Anna Aibasheva, head of press service:

“We are taking all measures necessary in this situation to minimize the risks associated with the spread of coronavirus. The company follows the recommendations of federal and regional regulatory authorities. In particular, restrictions on business trips of employees have been introduced. And for those returning from countries whose visit is not recommended by the authorities of the Russian Federation, it is possible to work from home for 14 days: all aspects of remote work have long been worked out in the company as part of the BeeFREE program.

In 2019, this project reduced the cost of renting administrative offices by 25%, and their area decreased by 24%.

The opportunity to work from any convenient place several days a week is now used by 65% ​​of administrative office employees from different departments: finance, marketing, HR, IT and others.

According to the results of internal surveys, 97% of managers noted that employees work outside the office as effectively as from a traditional workplace. ”


Yulia Plekhova, spokeswoman:

“Measures for the prevention of diseases (ARI / SARS / influenza) were reported to employees, the office regularly sanitizes the workspace. It is recommended to consult a doctor at the first ailment and stay at home if you feel unwell. It is also recommended that all employees postpone personal trips to countries at risk.

Since 2010, MegaFon has been actively using solutions for remote virtual desktops (VDI) based on Citrix products, as well as other technological products that allow remote access to company resources to employees, contractors and partners. In the circumstances, due to a possible increase in the need for remote work, it is planned to expand the capacity of these solutions. ”


Tatyana Savelieva, General Manager in Eastern and Central Europe:

“We are promptly following the news and changes regarding the situation associated with the outbreak of the virus. A good riker is a healthy riker (we have more than 1,000 employees worldwide!). Therefore, in the near future we had to abandon all public events and corporate events and, if possible, reduce the number of business trips. Preventive measures have also been taken at all Wrike offices - we carry out additional disinfection and always keep alcohol wipes and sanitizers available.

Now we are also actively experimenting with new formats of meetings: we refused to hold an offline meeting in Prague and launched a live broadcast on Youtube, making the event accessible to residents of different countries.

With new candidates, we are conducting an interview on Zoom, some of the meetings within the company were also transferred completely online.

As for the remote work of employees, we provide this opportunity in agreement with the immediate supervisor. Those colleagues who recently visited countries with a wide spread of the virus, we ask you to stay home for 14 days. Wrike just aims at effective team interaction - for many years we have been developing a platform for the productive work of distributed teams, so the current situation has had little impact on the Raikov team.

We also care about our customers - now they can add an unlimited number of guest users to the account until the subscription is renewed. Inside the company, we actively use the best practices for remote work and are ready to share our experience. We are launching Wrike Coffee, a weekly webinar on how to increase productivity, and a series of blog posts with tips and lifehacks for effective remote work.

We plan to continue to experiment with online event formats and take care of the health of our employees, customers and guests. Health to everyone! ”

"Dodo Pizza"

Press Service:

“Our employees always have the opportunity to work remotely. Everyone has personal laptops and a headset to work efficiently outside the office. Since we have 4 offices in different cities, we can effectively configure remote communication.

We stop all business trips of employees, as well as guest visits to our office. All internal events, for example, weekly meetings, are transferred to the online mode. Nevertheless, we do not close offices, but create safe conditions. We have freely available medical masks and antiseptics. We treat surfaces daily with antiseptic agents. We also give information to employees about what measures they can take to protect themselves. ”

Tinkoff Bank

Instructions for employees have been posted on the bank's HR portal.

Continue to follow simple hygiene rules:

  • More often and thoroughly wash my hands with soap, face, nose and use the antiseptic agents that are on all coffee points in Tinkoff Cafe and Tinkoff Sport. Also in gyms sports equipment is additionally disinfected.
  • Avoid physical contact when greeting at the office. Watch a motivational video with tips from Oliver :)
  • In order to take care of you and maintain hygiene, from next week on the coffee points there will be fruits that are peeled - these are bananas and tangerines.
  • We have increased the working hours of office doctors. Now the doctor can be consulted during business hours from Monday to Friday.
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