The most important and useful materials on the coronavirus COVID-19

The cart will slowly push its victims from the cliff to the hospital, conveniently waiting below. They are likely to survive the fall (cartoon physics!), But will require intensive medical care. If you pull the lever by sending the trolley to the lower track, you can at least gain some preparation time, reduce the number of injured and distribute them more, thereby preventing overloading of the hospital staff. But hell, this is a heavy lever, and pulling it will not be nice. (translation by Andrei Dunaev )

I want to initiate the creation of a situational center where you can quickly and centrally receive information FOR INDEPENDENT conclusions about the current state of affairs and measures taken regarding:

a) the virus
b) actions of governments
c) the actions of physicians
d) the actions of workers and employers
e) the actions of each individual person

I don’t know yet how to properly structure it (or maybe put it on a separate site), but for now I want to put together a bunch of texts and interested people. Write in the comments links to useful and rational suggestions.

UFO Care Minute

The pandemic COVID-19, a potentially severe acute respiratory infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (2019-nCoV), has officially been announced in the world. There is a lot of information on Habré on this topic - always remember that it can be both reliable / useful, and vice versa.

We urge you to be critical of any published information.

Official sources

, .

Wash your hands, take care of your loved ones, stay at home whenever possible and work remotely.

Read publications about: coronavirus | remote work

My personal top 10 materials about coronavirus (on March 10)

1. From Sergey Karelov

Why is early panic better?
Summary of what Taleb and Bar Yam said.
Assume that the risk of dying from the coronavirus is still small, and more likely to be hit by a car.
If I do nothing about this risk, I will help the coronovirus spread. And as a result of this, someone will surely die.
This is why panic needs to be scaled now, not rationality.
Paranoia due to coronavirus can be extremely useful, since it is one of the most important factors in a trend change in the spread of coronavirus.

This factor is the only one capable of spreading more virally than the coronavirus itself.
If information about this will spread and reach the consciousness of people faster than the coronavirus, the epidemic will stop.

2. From Sergey Karelov
Today's editorial column of TheLancet magazine that WHO recommends countries to activate the highest level of national response management protocols ”“ ... lessons have not been learned. ”

"The outbreak in northern Italy, where 11 cities are officially blocked, and residents face imprisonment if they try to leave, shocked European political leaders."

"But their actions were slow, and their countries did too little and too late to contain the epidemic."

“High-income countries facing coronavirus outbreaks must take reasonable risks and act more decisively. They must abandon fears of negativity and short-term social and economic consequences that may arise from restrictions on public freedoms as a result of more persistent infection control measures. ”

3. by Andrew Dunaev

About coronavirus

I recommend not just read - to study and understand.


- from SARS in 2003, ≈1,000 people died;
- from MERS in 2012 - 862 people;
- from the coronavirus there are already 3,592 people (the upper forecast bar: ≈10 million if it is not possible to stop the spread; most likely not, because there are already 92 countries).

If it’s hard to believe, I recommend reading about the 1918-1919 flu pandemic (“Spaniard”, H1N1) - it killed 40-50 million people (≈5% of the world's population at that time), about 550 million people were infected, or 29.5 % of the world's population. 2-3 times in ≈100 years - the normal regularity of the occurrence of such viral epidemics.

There is no article (another class of viruses), but:
- swine flu in 2009 (A / H1N1): 255 716 infections and 2627 deaths in more than 140 regions of the world (mortality rate 1%);
- bird flu: less transmitted, but mortality reaches 30–50%.

The number of infected people doubles every 4 days.
In China, it was possible to reduce the speed to 21 days (hard quarantine).

With such a speed, 500 infected people turn into 1 million for 11 doublings (one and a half months), and 1 billion for another 10 doubles (that is, only three months to infect all people).
(in more detail )

4. Coronavirus in Russia and the world: everything you need to know about infection


6. Habr: Novel Coronavirus nCOV / 2019-nCoV / NCP / COVID19: Forecasts, Statistics, Protection, News [constantly updated]

7. Habr:Hold COVID-19. All about air filtration in case of a pandemic

8. Habr: Educational program for respirators. Does the respirator help with virus infection? The review of 11 respirators

9. Habr: Coronavirus 2019-nCoV. FAQ on respiratory protection and disinfection

10. “How in 1960, Moscow almost died out of smallpox”

Publications about Covid-19 on Habré from March 10 to 12


(who speak / write humanly)

Alexei Yakovlev , Medical Advisor in Russia and Central Asia at Schlumberger, Chairman of the National Society of Industrial Medicine:

Alexey Moskalev , Leading Researcher at the Institute of Molecular Biology:

SARS-CoV-2 virus, which in elderly or debilitated people can cause Covid-19 pneumonia, is a self-assembled nanoparticle ...

Fedor Katasonov , pediatrician at the GMS clinic:
Coronavirus and me: learning to live together


Alisa Kuznetsova
Sergey Karelov
Andrey Dunaev
Nikita Trifonov
Alena Morgan

Collective translations


We are now translating What's your risk of dying of COVID-19 - or inadvertently allowing the death of someone in your community? You can help with the translation and proofreading here


FlattenTheCurve , you can help with the translation / proofreading here .

Priority on translation


More materials in Russian

They say that the mask will help to save yourself from the coronavirus. Is it time to run to the pharmacy? Wait, wait!





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