Life hack to quickly get into the search engine Zero-click

On the open spaces of Habr there was an article: Zero-click issuance and On SERP SEO: how to get to the zero position in Yandex and Google , which refers to getting not just in the TOP, but directly to the very zero position of the search results. An impressive list of SEO activities recommendations is also provided to achieve the desired result.

Overcoming some doubts, I nevertheless decided to share a randomly discovered simple life hack for getting into the TOP or even in Zero-click search results for individual requests without a complicated and most importantly long tuning site.

I want to warn you right away, this method is not suitable for everyone, as it is associated with the development of a mobile application and does not scale to a large number of search queries.

Nevertheless, if the method described under the cat is not applicable for permanent use, I hope that it can be used as an additional SEO tool.


All examples given in the article are random and do not correspond to real data. This reservation is necessary so that flying UFOs would not notice them involuntarily promoting any Internet resources.

Moreover, the results of the experiments carried out continue to remain at zero positions in the search results, therefore, in the case of publishing real data, identifying a real site will not be difficult.

Link to the description for the most impatient. For some reason, the link to go to the end of the article for the most impatient did not work, so read the story from the very beginning ;-)

Accidental hit in the TOP

The story began a few months ago when I needed to make several mobile applications for the online store loyalty program. In the applications themselves there is nothing special - these are ready-made small casual games, for which it was required to make only a small rebranding and publish them on Google Play.

There were no requirements for application names. Therefore, with the name of the first application, I did not bother for a long time. A simple phrase on the topic of the game, not directly related to either the site or the product being sold.

After some time, I noticed that the selected combination of words from the application name got into the TOP of search results and even began to appear in Yandex Sorcerer. And this is without any gestures to advance it in the search or purchase of contextual advertising!

True, the combination of words in the name of the mobile application did not apply to high-frequency search queries. But still, this behavior of the search engine was very interested. Including due to the fact that the application began to show at zero position just a couple of weeks after publication.

And since the manufacturer was indicated in the application description and there was a link to the site, then a small search traffic immediately flowed for this keyword phrase.

No accidental hit in the TOP

Putting it one with another, when publishing the second mobile application, I already specially selected its name in such a way that it would include a high-frequency search phrase related to the subject of the website, in the hope of seeing what happens as a result.

And what was my surprise when, again after a couple of weeks, the name of the mobile application with a description and a link to the site began to appear in Yandex Sorcerer for this high-frequency request!

Moreover, the link to the page of the site in organic search results continued to remain on the second, third and further page of organic search results.

Unfortunately not TOP

When publishing the third application, I decided to conduct an even bolder experiment.

Having reasoned that the found way of getting to the zero position is most likely connected with the absence of other alternatives for these key phrases among the names of mobile applications, so I decided to test the name of the application, similar to the existing ones.

The miracle, as expected, did not happen. The third appendix, in the name of which the word β€œtetris” is present, did not even appear in the first 50 results of organic chemistry. Based on this, I concluded that in order to trigger this method of getting into the TOP, the absence of alternative results in the search results plays a very important role.

And this can explain the rise to Zero-click in the search results for the names of mobile applications associated with search queries. The love of search engines for mobile applications and the lack of alternatives for key phrases (lack of mobile applications with similar names).

Life hack to hit the zero position

If everything is brought together, it turns out the following:

  • The simplest way to get search results in Zero-click can be implemented by using the desired search phrase in the name of the mobile application .
  • The type of mobile application and its functionality do not matter.
  • The maximum result is quickly and easily achieved in the absence of mobile applications with the same name.
  • The influence of the application rating or user ratings on the positions in the search results has not been identified (possibly due to the lack of competitor applications)
  • These tips work the same for both Yandex and Google.

If you give an example, then for the name of the mobile application of the abstract real estate agency My City from Oryol, it’s better to use not the trivial Real Estate Agency My City , but something like Buy or exchange an apartment in Orel , thereby intercepting most of the search queries without serious investment in SEO.

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