Gyenno stabilization cookware compensates for up to 80% tremor

Tremor imposes not only functional, but also emotional limitations, sometimes forcing a person to give up the most familiar things, including eating.

Sometimes, even with the closest ones, one does not want to show weakness. To compensate for some of the problems and to help people return to their proper independence, Gyenno offered its own sets of cookware with stabilization.

Once upon a time (users of the then GeekTimes should remember) we even compared the first model of the Gyenno spoon with the pioneer of this category - LiftWare. At the end of the 17th year, the forecast price was to amount to 14,990 rubles, however, to date, due to the fact that the kit has been replenished with a replaceable nozzle-fork, it has slightly increased . Also in the range appeared a second set .

Briefly about spoons

Spoons Gyenno - stabilizing dishes, which compensates for tremors with an amplitude of up to 7 cm in all directions. The main movable part is the nozzle. The handles themselves have an enlarged size intentionally, so that they can be taken on purpose incorrectly for a better fit in the hand.

The company chose a deliberately difficult path, trying to solve individual problems with one common solution. He explains his work with two simple motives:

  • Emotional . Some older people, up to depression, lose interest in life, believing themselves helpless. They should be restored to independence, if possible, but in a delicate manner.
  • Functional . Due to the reluctance to seem โ€œridiculousโ€, a person may refuse to eat. Also, during the meal, he will spill / spill the products, which also will not ensure proper saturation.

Gyenno, in turn, promises to take up to 80% of the problems associated with this disease.

You should not expect any superpowers from the product: it was not created for greater purity around or to increase the speed of food intake. Her task is to help in a difficult situation in a fairly intimate process.

Bravo Twist vs Bravo Lite

The main features are generally equivalent. The first development kit is a little larger, a little heavier. Replaceable nozzles metal.

In a hand, such a spoon sits comfortably, and generally performs its tasks. A few years ago, we tried to test it somehow, imitating uncontrolled movement for the previous review - it takes some getting used to, but it works.

The second model is somewhat more interesting and has additional features. The handle is also large, but has a different shape.

The controls are simple: the on / off button is assigned to the lower part of the case so that it is not accidentally touched in the process.

The design is lighter, but the nozzles here are made of plastic. The main feature and a new function is the ability to rotate the nozzle 360 โ€‹โ€‹degrees.

This function is activated by pressing the large button on the case. This should make some processes more convenient, for example, if you need to mix something. Or allow you to wind spaghetti on a fork.

Bravo Twist - a smart spoon

A curious additional feature of the older model is also the ability to work in tandem with the application. It is simple: it allows you to monitor the frequency and amplitude of oscillations.

A small result of

Gyenno - two sets of smart dishes with interchangeable nozzles (spoon and fork) costing 17,990 and 24,990 rubles . In their basic functionality they are equal: spoons compensate up to 80% of tremor with an amplitude of 7 cm in all directions.

A more modern model has an additional function of rotating the nozzle in a circle. This version is also synchronized with a mobile application for monitoring and maintaining tremor statistics.

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