Results of IT motivation research: are developers happy with their work?

At the end of 2019, we conducted a user survey at Habré Career in order to understand the current state of the IT market - how satisfied the specialists are with their work, what factors motivate and demotivate them, whether they plan to change jobs and where they would like to work. Now we are ready to share the results.

Who participated in our survey
1900 — . 63% — , 58% — 25 35 , 82% — . 

78% middle , 82% , 64% .






Key research issue

Are you planning to look for another job in the near future?

Only 40% of developers do not plan to look for work. The rest are already looking, or plan to search in the near future.

Does the desire to change work affect the amount of time an employee has worked in the company?

The proportion of specialists who are not going to change jobs, depending on the length of work in the company.

As we can see, the proportion of specialists who want to change jobs increases with the duration of work in the company. The least stable are specialists working in the company from 3 to 4 years, among them 70% of respondents are interested in a new job. If employees overcome a critical period of 4 years, the proportion of those wishing to change jobs among such “centenarians” is slightly reduced.

It is also interesting to see how many respondents work on average in one company:


60% of respondents work on average 2 years or less; 20% work 3-4 years and among them the highest proportion of those who want to leave; 20% work 4 or more years.

What is the reason that 60% of developers want to change jobs? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Are IT professionals satisfied with their work?

We asked respondents to rate their satisfaction with their current work on a five-point scale, where 1 - I do not like it at all, 5 - I like it very much.


In general, it seems that IT professionals are more likely satisfied with their work - almost 60% of respondents gave grades 4 and 5. But let's compare this with another indicator - eNPS.

What are eNPS?
eNPS ( Employee Net Promoter Score) — , . , . 

, : « , ?» , 9 10. 0 6. , 7 8 . 

eNPS = % − %

, 7 8, , .

Dependence of eNPS on satisfaction

Correlation between satisfaction rating and job search plans

Among those who really like his job, 80% are supporters of the company and do not plan to look for work. But already among those who rated their satisfaction at 4, the number of supporters drops sharply to 20%, and 50% of respondents are looking for or plan to look for work. Among those who are neutral about work - do not feel either positive or negative emotions - more than 70% of those who are critic of the company and 85% of such employees want to leave. 

Thus, we see that only very high satisfaction ensures employee loyalty, companies have to be “excellent students”, evaluating “good” is no longer enough to keep the employee. At the same time, as we already know, only 18% of the respondents ranked their five companies.

What do IT professionals not like at their current place of work?

TOP 10 factors that do not suit the current place of work
In the first place are dissatisfaction with the level of remuneration, in the second, with a small margin, dissatisfaction with management processes. The third place is shared by uninteresting tasks and the lack of professional growth.

Among the negative factors that did not fall on the schedule, there are also: the atmosphere in the team, relations with management, the scope of the company, the schedule and mode of operation, the incompetence of colleagues, the instability of the company.

What factors motivate developers?

In the first place is a high level of wages, in the second - with a very small margin - interesting tasks. In third place is the possibility of training and development, in fourth and fifth respectively - the ability to apply modern technology and a convenient mode of operation.

Let us compare these motivating factors with the advantages that respondents note with their current employers:

83% of respondents believe that they are motivated by high wages, while only 36% said that their wages currently correspond to their professional level and the complexity of their tasks. 

Similarly to the tasks that IT specialists are working on, 80% believe that they are motivated by interesting tasks, and only 35% consider their tasks interesting. 

We observe the smallest gap for the operating mode - 48% of developers consider the convenient mode of work motivating and 42% consider that they have a convenient mode.

Financial motivation

Since 40% of specialists noted their level of wages as a demotivating factor, and 83% consider high wages to be a motivating factor, let's take a closer look at financial motivation.

50% of respondents believe that their income is lower than their knowledge and skills are on the market. 

At the same time, 62% of respondents say that their income increased in 2019 compared to 2018, while 24% of respondents did not change income.

The proportion of respondents who do not plan to change jobs, depending on the assessment of the level of salary


It is interesting to note that remuneration above the market does not provide additional employee loyalty - the proportion of those who do not plan to change jobs is the same among those who consider their remuneration to be fair, and those who consider their remuneration higher than the market average.

Let us take a closer look at other factors of financial motivation: the

survey participants consider training at the company's expense the most valuable component of the package of benefits and compensations - 67% of respondents are interested in it, but only 26% are currently receiving it, and 58% are in demand in second place. of respondents, 33% of respondents receive it, in third place is the opportunity to attend specialized conferences, 52% of respondents want this, now 25% of respondents have this opportunity.  

Also, 30% of respondents said that their employer does not provide any benefits and compensation. 

Only 6% of respondents said that they did not need any benefits or compensation. At the same time, 50% noted that they would prefer to refuse some benefits and receive monetary compensation instead.

Does job satisfaction depend on place of residence?

Only 28% of respondents are satisfied with their place of residence and do not want to move. More than half - 52% of respondents want to move to work in another city or country.

Where did the respondents want to move to another city
? St. Petersburg residents love their city most of all - only 3.5% want to move to another city , Moscow residents are in second place, 5% of them are ready to move. The situation is worse in the regions - 20% want to move to another city.

Where do the respondents want to move to another country
We see the opposite picture with the desire to move to another country - least of all such a move is desirable for residents of the regions - 32% want to move to another country, while in Moscow already 46% of respondents want to change their country of residence.

Which country would the respondents like to move to

What city would the respondents like to relate to?
If we talk about a possible country of relocation, European countries, as well as the USA and Canada, are by a wide margin. Of the cities of Russia, the expected leaders are Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Speaking about the reason for the move, the vast majority - 61% noted that in another region the standard of living is higher. Only 21% of respondents said that in their current place of residence there is a low level of salaries and 18%, which is not enough suitable vacancies. 

Also, participants could indicate their answer to this question. We analyzed these answers, and here are some other popular reasons for the move indicated by respondents:

  • Climate and ecology. “I live in Siberia and here in the winter of −50. What other questions may be? :) " .
  • It is interesting to see other cities and countries, change something in life, get a new experience. "A change of location opens the door to new acquaintances, experiences, prospects . "
  • Political and economic aspects. "The economic and political situation in Russia . "

It can be concluded that the main motivation for moving is not the state of the local market - the level of salaries and ease of employment, but rather some global factors that are difficult or impossible to influence for a particular IT company or even the community of IT companies to retain specialists in the region.

Main conclusions

  1. More than half of the developers are interested in finding a job - they are already looking for a new job or plan to search in the near future.
  2. 3-4 , 70% .
  3. 20% , . .
  4. — .
  5. — .
  6.   , , , .
  7. . , , , , . 
  8. . — , .
  9. . -; , , , .

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