Product very first. Burnout


I once worked at a California medical startup. There were 20 people, but not a single doctor.

There was not even a nurse. But there were 10 programmers. I myself googled whether there is breast cancer in men, about what women have, I know, thanks to Angelina Jolie. Figs knows how many Americans were treated on the basis of my valuable recommendations to American doctors :)

I left there because I did not understand how I can determine which tests to recommend in a prolapse if I don’t have a medical education.

My wife and I have an agreement before buying medicine, she googles it, and if it does not say dietary supplements or homeopathy, she buys it.

Thank you Yandex.Medicine, you stick out 460 rubles for my wife Ergoferon bought. I considered Ya.Meditsina adequate, sorry.

When I graduated, marketers were in fashion. I was a marketer, and it was believed that the marketing director is the second person after the general director.

All problems were resolved by increasing the marketing budget. Dirty toilets? Get marketing done! Purchased rotten meat for sausage, marketing buyers or quality.

I’ll tell you a secret: if you have dirty toilets, you need to give a cleaning lady a pendulum, and not write a toilet plug for 1C.

Nothing has changed, just now programmers instead of marketers. If you have dirty toilets, then you need to make an application for clean toilets, toilets will remain dirty, but digitalized :)

The time for marketers has passed, all of a sudden realized that they are just sitting and eating up a budget, preparing reports that no one reads and charts that no one looks at, the time has come for programmers. PEST changed to REST, SWOT to SOLID, component segmentation to microservices, the essence remains.

They are trying to solve product problems with a lifesaver, a silver bullet, the role of which was previously played by marketing (before that, lawyers, by the way), and now IT.

Suddenly Yandex.Taxi, Yandex.Food, Yandex.Medicine appeared. Restaurant, medical, and logistics businesses are not made by drivers, doctors or cooks, but by programmers.

Yandex, I understand that every June you can write the last reaction from scratch on a piece of paper, using coroutines in parallel goroutines inside multi-threaded threads on reactive service workers.

I understand that you have super-fail-safe clusters of database clusters, inside of which there are clusters where no damn bits of information are lost, even if an atomic explosion occurs inside the data center.

The problem is that you don’t say there that “Energoferon is bullshit and homeopathy”, and your food is rotten and tasteless, and the taxi doesn’t come. (I'm talking about food and taxi for a red word, food is like food and taxi is normal).

What is the point of making a cool product from a technical point of view, if it is written in the most reliable data warehouse on Earth that "Homeopathy is normal"?

And suddenly, the site is written in php, jquery, which instead of the database file parses medicine.txt and is deployed on the old system under the bed and crashes when the author goes to bed and pinches the power cord, but where it says that “Ergoferon is Homeopathy, do not buy it never "- a more reliable, protected, good product than Y. Meditsina, where it is written
that" The use of Ergoferon components in viral infectious diseases has been experimentally and clinically proven: influenza A and influenza B, acute respiratory viral infections ... "And yes, I not against advertising any bullshit (loot is loot), but Y. Meditsina is positioned as a reference.

And yes, I understand that Y. Meditsina is written on the last reaction, on the most fashionable nosql database cluster, and is logged reactively and multithreaded, according to your article, to some damn cloud, figs understand why, if it says bullshit. You can deposit trilliard once bullshit about ergoferon, but why? Can this just be the case when data can and should be lost?

The product is based on the idea: Food should be based on a cook who wants to feed people with his tasty and healthy food, and fresh products, not patron with post-heat and not even a SWOT analysis (this is from marketing). At the heart of medicine is a doctor who wants and knows how to treat people, and programmers are there on the side of the pripe. Website to do - business for five minutes actually. Whether the doctor is a good one does not depend on which site he has. Marketing, accounting, IT - all these are auxiliary services, the destiny of which is to advertise a product, pay taxes and scrape a website.

And now to the conclusions:

My first work was in the theater building Et Cetera, which is one of the ten ugliest buildings in Moscow (well, because the director of the theater designed the appearance).

Many architects demanded that their names be deleted from this project, although they were not guilty that the building was so ugly, they made an electricity supply system or foundations.

Ferdinand Porsche tried not to associate his name with Hitler’s tanks, although these were successful tanks from a technical point of view. They had professional pride. Programmers from Y. Medicine? How are you? Can you change your nickname on a gita to an unrecognizable one?

Programmers often abstract from real tasks, such as there is TK on it and I will do it. It is said that the queue held 200,000 per second -> I will dig the kafka settings, but why do not care. Let PM think. It is said that the productivity of the stove was 200 people per hour? Let's try to increase the temperature. You cannot write good code without understanding why it is because often, the best solution is not to write it at all.

Burnout does not happen when the result of your work is cured smiling children and grateful people, fast beautiful cars or warm comfortable houses. Yes, just comfortable snowboard mounts - it's already cool! Why so pathetics !?

Burnout happens when you switch from majskul to a postgri cluster for three months, simply because you have a budget for it ... Well, there are three more pages of any justification, of course, but it worked, to be honest.

When you suddenly and successfully ran an advertising company and sold the goods, there will be no burnout. When you made a strategic marketing report for three months that no one will open, burnout is guaranteed.

High-quality code is not where the correct variable names are, but one that does good right things that benefits people. This code does not burn.

PS: Yandex, do you want a free audit of your code on medicine? Erase it to figs all - this is the right decision.

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