KnowledgeConf 2020 Online: implementing step-by-step knowledge management

Each team sooner or later faces the challenge of knowledge management. When newcomers do not take root, when an experienced employee leaves and this causes panic, when it is difficult to find an important document in the shared folder or the product team is constantly late with deadlines - all these are knowledge management tasks. However, we are not talking about IT, the problems in any industry are almost identical. The solution here is the introduction of a knowledge management system (CPS).

At KnowledgeConf 2020 Onlinewe talk and discuss how to implement the CPS better, more convenient, cheaper and faster. All this is based on examples and stories, on the mistakes of others and successful methods in order to take good ideas and practices, and not to repeat mistakes. Therefore, the KnowledgeConf 2020 Online program is a step-by-step plan for creating a knowledge management system from scratch to the level of the largest companies. 

We will implement the plan on May 18 and 19 through 24 online reports , the knowledge of which will be fixed on the meetings. Thanks to the online format, all this will become more accessible. Like the conference itself: the cost of the organization has decreased, while the content has become twice as much, and the price of tickets - less. For legal entities, the price has decreased by half, and for individuals by four, to 4900 rubles (until May 13). 

At the conference, new formats were added. For example, an expert room where participants share ideas with the speaker, and lightning talks - short reports with answers to questions. Of course, we’re not forgetting about networking through collaborative problem solving, round tables, brainstorming and workshops with screen demonstrations. Let's see what awaits us.

We study successful experience and do not repeat mistakes

Adaptation of newcomers is a common problem in companies that they try to solve in different ways: create documents, knowledge bases, interactive projects. Mikhail Chkalov 's report β€œ How the bot helped HR ” is another way to help beginners. Michael is a project manager in Auriga. A year ago, the HR department asked to write a chatbot for onboarding. About why they need a chat bot, how it was developed and what the result was, Mikhail will tell.

One of the problems for beginners is communication. A new employee is simply embarrassed to ask someone, distract, or seem stupid. And who to ask and what? This problem is solved by the map of knowledge. She answers the questions: β€œWho knows what?”, β€œWho knows whom?”, β€œWho is a real expert?” We learn how maps look, how to compose and apply them, from the report β€œ One Method for Mapping Knowledge ” by Evgeny Viktorov .

By the way, in the article β€œ Databases, Cards, Checklists, or Why a Knowledge Manager Is Required for a Business, ” we described communication cards as an alternative way to improve communication between employees in a company.

With communication, not only beginners have problems. For example, if a company produces a sophisticated technological product, customers want to know how it works and how it will help. Sometimes managers simply cannot explain all the benefits or the principle of work, which affects sales badly. Getintent encountered this problem, but decided using online courses. Natalia Mikhailova in her report β€œ How to systematize a corporate knowledge base with one project, make friends and increase customer loyalty: the history of creating an online course ” tells about this: how to create an online course that replaces full-time education, how to introduce it to work and how will help.

In the production of complex products, teamwork is important. The work goes smoothly and on time, when each employee knows his tasks, the roles of colleagues, can help with a problem or ask for advice. JetBrains also think so, so they created Space, an integrated environment for working teams. Space contains all the tools for teamwork and interaction. Therefore, everyone in the company already uses the product, from programmers to accountants.

Valeria Andrianova is engaged in product marketing at JetBrains, and is now responsible for marketing Space. The report β€œ How the Knowledge Sharing Process Works in JetBrains in General and in the Space Team"Valeria will tell not only about the development of Space, but also about how a distributed multilingual team of 60 people communicates, exchanges knowledge and makes product decisions.

In large companies, launching projects like Space has been put on stream. The more projects that are implemented, the more important it is to collect all the information that is associated with them. Mistakes, successful decisions, technologies and roles of team members are often repeated. Therefore, in order not to reinvent the wheel, it is important to collect design experience. Elena Popkova will tell you how it is done at CROC in the report β€œ How we collect the company's project experience ”. Elena runs CROC Corporate University and holds a unique position for the Russian IT - Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO).

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At our conferences, developers, testers and managers of large technology companies like Avito, Tinkoff or Badoo speak regularly and share their experiences. Program committees and speakers may not always meet to prepare speakers, so they use remote training through Zoom.

The same method is used by Venus Shakirova - remotely teaches speakers to speak. It turns out efficiently: its clients get cool marks on TeamLead Conf , make effective reports at internal meetings and local meetings. In the report β€œ Soft skills in video communication: how to train a remote employee in public speaking? Β»Venus will share tools and teaching methods. 

Maxim Girin 15 years in marketing, 10 years in sales and 5 years in business consulting. He also teaches, but not speakers, but experts. After training, they create training materials for employees of their companies. In the report β€œ Refactoring of training materials ” Maxim will show a universal template for training experts. The template was developed for one large bank, but experience has shown that it is universal and suitable for many companies.

We implement software and platforms

At KnowledgeConf 2020 Online, much attention has been paid to onboarding. Due to the poor adaptation system, the company loses money and time for employees, and newcomers leave anyway. Yevgeny Selevich encounters onboarding regularly as the founder and leader of the Knomary group. Eugene will make a presentation β€œ New Technologies for Managing Adaptation and the Risk of Losing New Employees ” and talk about how to build the adaptation process in medium and large businesses, and share new technologies that reduce turnover.

β€œ Does it seem to you that something is wrong with your documentation?” Doesn’t seem to you ”- a strong statement by Semyon Factorovich. In his report, he will try to prove it: if your documentation is not in order, perhaps you only think. Semyon will tell you with what errors clients come to him, how to identify them and find the real problem. Here are some of the questions he asks:

  • Developers ask how to use the API, even if there is documentation on it?
  • Are architectural notes in the product stored in Google Docs?
  • The user documentation was last updated under Medvedev and nobody reads it anyway?

How to work with answers and understand that everything is fine with your documentation, Semyon will explain at the conference. Konstantin Valeev’s

report will be useful to anyone who bookmarks dozens or hundreds of articles, videos on YouTube or stores a couple of Gigabyte courses and various other useful materials. All this is necessary, everything is interesting, but when and how to "clear the rubble"? From the report β€œ Zettelkasten: Organizing a Personal Knowledge Base ”, we learn how to maintain our own library of materials, how to efficiently organize our notes into a structured personal knowledge base, and how to use the Zettelkasten approach for personal effectiveness. The approach, by the way, is based on the productivity techniques of Niklas Luman and Richard Feynman (one of the greatest physicists of our time).

Creating a culture of knowledge sharing

The basis of the culture of knowledge exchange is an agreement: on obligations, rules and rights to the result of intellectual activity. A painful example of the NGINX case showed that agreements and legally executed intellectual property documents are important even 15 years after the dismissal of an employee. To whom the rights to knowledge belong and how to arrange everything correctly for the benefit of ourselves, we learn from the speech β€œ How to distribute knowledge rights between an employee and an employer? In the wake of the NGINX case ”by Nikolai Zaichenko and Kirill Mityagin from Nevsky IP Law.

When all the agreements are observed, you can safely work. β€œ Sharing knowledge through liberating structures”Is another look at teamwork in knowledge management. In his own Wormsoft company, Anton Morev controls all the development processes and optimizes them. From the perspective of his experience, Anton will tell you how to build teamwork through communication using a set of 33 practices.

A familiar and popular way to organize communication, stimulate the sharing of experience within and between teams, projects and departments are internal mitaps. For example, they are organized at Tinkoff, Kaspersky Lab, or Gazpromneft. Mitaps encourage participants to analyze and systematize their experience, reuse best practices, and train presentation skills. A bonus is useful as a basis for speaking at external events and articles on Habr.

Alexey Dolgushevorganizes internal meetings, participated in the organization of CodeFest, and knows how they are useful for the company and employees. In the report β€œ Launching and debugging internal mitaps ”, Alexey will share a framework for launching and improving internal mitaps.


For several consecutive conferences, we have been practicing mitaps - reports and master classes from participants and partners of the conference. They help to immediately put into practice the knowledge gained on the reports. Here are some of them.

  • At the discussion β€œ Networking at work: figuring out whether communities in a company help manage knowledge ” we will discuss how to benefit from interest groups, chatting and discussing tasks at work. Conducted by Vladimir Baronov .
  • - Zettelkasten β€” . , .
  • Β« Β» .

Also at KnowledgeConf 2020 Online a new format has appeared - an expert room. The main speaker in the room is not the speaker, but the participants. In the expert room β€œ How to Sell a Knowledge Management Project to Leadership ”, Vladimir Leshchenko will listen to any ideas about knowledge management software, evaluate, criticize or approve.

Another new format - lightning talks - short reports with answers to questions. For example, we learn how Jira can clean up documentation, how to develop a knowledge base with an emphasis on social mechanics, and dive into the evolution of learning systems.

We published the full list of mitaps on the website . If you want to offer your activity - apply for a mitap or workshop in your account until May 10 and vote for other events.

We evaluate the effectiveness

The knowledge base helps not to waste time solving already known problems, simplifies the onboarding of beginners, and if it is also public, then clients can solve the problems themselves. But it is not always possible to create a dream knowledge base. Sometimes it takes years. 

In order not to waste time and money in vain, listen to the report of Angelica Fedko " 5 criteria for an ineffective knowledge base and ways to fix it." You will learn how it is not necessary to build bases, whether it is time to change something and how to fix everything.

Now we have more than 2000 reports from all conferences over the past few years in our database. Now they are all open and tagged. Choose interesting topics (tags) in your account , and we will select the appropriate reports.

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