About the benefits of reading

Hello everyone!

Last Friday, we decided to find out how modern users prefer to receive information about new features and capabilities of updated or newly installed software. And by today we have figured it out. Moreover, as it turned out, Habr’s readers are slightly different in preferences compared to the bulk of users. Results with pictures under the cut.

In the official Vivaldi blog, the answers are arranged in the following order by popularity:

It should be clarified that official announcements include not only articles in official sources about the release of the next version, but also lists of changes, also known as Changelogs , which are published simultaneously with the release of each new stable version programs. Well - usually published. We have for the browser Vivaldi certainly and constantly.

And now the answers collected in a poll on Habré :

Here, the method called the “scientific poking method” came first in terms of popularity - or, in other words, Habr’s readers often prefer to explore the capabilities of programs on their own, experimenting with buttons, options and other tricky settings.

In principle, there is nothing special in these results - it is understandable that professionals are less likely to turn to manuals and announcements, relying on their experience. True, sometimes the hope of experience can also fail in the modern dynamic world, which is indicated, for example, by the results of a previous survey . Then it turned out that 55% of Habr readers did not know about the function of placing tabs, but among ordinary users this figure was slightly less - 41%.

Below is the combined data for the current survey:

Thank you all for the answers and until next Friday!

Photo by Russ Ward

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