LinkedIn for Students and Graduates: First Steps

The LinkedIn social network, which was launched in May 2003, has 590 million users worldwide. The site is intended for people interested in interacting with professionals in their industry, job search, business contacts and news on a specialty. In 2016, the network was blocked in Russia, but continues to be the most popular networking platform in foreign countries.

The best time to start a LinkedIn profile is when the student is ready to begin their professional development, even if it is a short internship or unpaid practice. Consider how to become part of LinkedIn for the professional success of each student.

Create your LinkedIn profile

This is an important part of a personal brand. All registered LinkedIn users will be able to view the profile if it is not installed in a closed mode. The basic account is free.

The internal search algorithm of a social network finds only profiles that are rated as “complete”, and they receive 20 times more views than incomplete, so you need to make your page as detailed as possible.

The main things you should pay attention to:

  • Use a professional photo

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So, your profile is ready, now you can proceed directly to the search for vacancies! Do not forget to constantly update your profile so that it does not display outdated information about work or practice that took place in high school or first courses. A LinkedIn page is a resume that never sleeps.

Based on materials from, and

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