LANIT launches Testing School in Moscow, Penza, Sochi and Novorossiysk

Last year, a company that is engaged in testing appeared in the LANIT group - LANIT Expertise . She opens a school for testers. The best graduates will be able to become part of the LANIT team. Training will pass on all types of testing. In total, 20 courses are planned to be launched this year. 

The first course starts next Monday, March 16th. For a whole month we will teach trainees automated testing.

In addition to theory, you have to dive into the development of code, as well as learn how to use automation tools in practice.

In 4 weeks you will learn:

  • Java development to the extent necessary for writing autotests;
  • work with the popular version control system of source code Git;
  • work with a framework for automating the assembly of Maven projects;
  • - – Selenium.


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Internship format:

The course lasts 4 weeks. We study according to the schedule, in online mode. At the end of the training there will be an exam and an entrance interview to work in our team.

We are waiting for your application for participation in the course.

contact person Shcheglova Julia
Tel .: +7 (495) 967-66-50, ext. 14110

Penza, Sochi:
contact person of Yana Savinova
Tel .: +7 (965) 932-70-80

contact person of Natalya Mikhailova
Phone: + 7 (950) 834-33-24

You can also fill out a form on the site .

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