Looking for footprints in the sand of fathers and children

CJM. Looking for footprints in the sand of fathers and children

What is CJM? A vital question for any novice Product Manager. In fact, CJM, like everything in product management, is based on numbers and a small amount of ingenuity.
Studying CJM as part of my studies at Product University, I came to the conclusion that the Customer Journey Map (or CJM for short) is essentially the tunnel that a customer goes through to buy your product. And the further he goes through the tunnel, the more he realizes that this is the treasure that he has been looking for for a long time and, finally, he could find.

Why did I use the treasure hunt analogy as a description of CJM? A person who is far from Product Management, seeing conversion figures, often perceives them statistically: a certain number of people typed in a Google request “How to learn English?”, 80% of them went to YouTube, 15% of those who watched went to the site, 10 % of them called to find out about classes, another 10% of them signed up for a trial lesson. And 15% of them paid a month. Everything is simple and clear.

But let's look at the product manager for conversion through the eyes

For a specific example, in this article I will give figures for the case that I am currently working on. Namely, the supplement to the SberKids application for teens from 14 to 16 years old, which I called SberTeens, which provides employment opportunities for Sberbank partners.

In the SberTeens project, I wondered how teenagers of this age live. On the one hand, these are games, films, music, sports or other activity. On the other hand, there is already a circle of friends, among whom I want to have respect. Hence the desire for new things. Not those practical ones that parents are trying to buy, but those that look really cool right now. So just like your favorite singer or model.

On the third hand, these are thoughts that parents actively talk about the profession and about exams. And it seems to be a solution to the situation with money, but it is practically no different from the study that is now. Money is still very soon. But I want a new phone now.

And here comes one question that leads to the majority of problems. Where to get the money? There are no sources of income. But parents either can not afford to buy this, or limit the ability to buy new things. And I want more.

What does this mean in terms of CJM?

This means that the teenager has a clearly formulated need - "Feel cool because you can be on a hype." And being on a hype means, among other things, buying fashionable things. And the teenager will think regularly about the solution to this problem. Except for one big fat “BUT”.

He will not spend money to solve this problem.

When we talk about the client, we need to talk about the fact that this particular client is currently taking some actions in order to satisfy his need. That is, he spends resources that are of the greatest importance to him to solve his problem. And our task is to offer a more favorable solution for the client according to the parameter in which he is most limited and, as a result, needs more. If, for a business owner due to the large number of cases, this is time, then for a teenager the parameter of social recognition and money is more important than the parameter of time. And if he is ready to spend money on something, then this is our field of working with him, as with our target audience.
Returning to the example with SberTeens, a teenager of 14-16 years old wants to live here and now. And if there is no way to get what you want, he will in the present tense replace expensive things with cheaper analogues that give the same recognition. Yes, let it not be Jordan sneakers, but it will be the most fashionable sneakers from those for which parents will give money. Or it may not be the iPhone 11 Pro, but the Android at all. But it will have an application installed that will make cool masks for Instagram.

And what about the parent?

The parent in his head at this time thinks that he needs to pay the bills for the apartment, arrange a romantic evening for his wife, make a report at work, pay for repairs at school, sharpen knives, pick up the car from repairs, help the child decide on his profession. For him, the time parameter plays a much larger role. And the limited budget due to the large number of obligations also adds a second parameter.

It is because of such a variety of needs that are not coordinated among themselves that reduce the effect of the offer of SberTeens at this stage to zero. Well, not really to zero. From 0.05% to 4.71%, if we talk about Russia. But we'll talk about numbers later.
Tough conversation "for life."

The second stage that changes the situation for the parent and adolescent is the decision that it is time to prepare the child for adulthood. The teenager himself, in the realities of the third decade of the 2000s, may also be the first to understand that for money he can buy more things that will give pleasure from recognition by peers.
From the point of view of CJM, this means that the client has acquired a priority task for which he will spend his efforts. So, the question is and it needs to be addressed. But what is the question?
At this stage, you can meet the following dialogue between the parent and the child:

- Dad, my friends and I want to go to the disco. Will you give me the money?
“Am I printing them to you?” If you work, you will spend. Take 500 rubles and be at 10 at home!

A simple conversation that causes a teenager to feel a limited resource of money and can cause a desire to either:

  • put up with the fact that money is limited and you need to look for another way to the desired without money;
  • try to get money somewhere yourself or accumulate those that he receives in order to reduce the limited money for his desires.

And if the second thought prevails in the head of a teenager, then he begins to understand that he himself can somehow get money and begins to make requests on the Internet “How to make money at age 14”, “How to make money fast”.

The parent’s mood color changes from “green” to “yellow”, and he understands that the child’s needs have increased and it’s time to prepare him for adulthood. So that he understands how hard the money is made and thinks about how to get a job in life, and not about entertainment.
That is, translating into the language of needs, the parent has needs:

  • Feel like a good parent who secured the future for your child;
  • relieve yourself of the time and effort spent on thoughts and feelings that the child does not think how to provide for himself, but simply asks for money.

And here the parent may also have two wishes:

  • invest time and money in education, reconciling with the requests of the child until he stands on his feet;
  • already teach him how to make money in order to save himself from constantly increasing requests.

There is a third option, which is intermediate:

  • teach a child to work so that he asks less for money, understanding how hard money is made.

What will happen if we offer at this stage our SberKids product?

As I said earlier, if a person spends those resources that are of the greatest value to him, then this is our field of working with him, as with our target audience.

But if we analyze the situation at this stage, we will see that the teenager still does not invest in solving the issue, and the adult begins to invest time in case of finding an answer on the Internet or communicating with friends, without investing significant time in solving this issue. The only thing he can start investing at this stage is to address the issue of choosing a profession and career guidance courses. Thus, the percentage probability of success of 4.71% has not changed, since the idea of ​​choosing a future profession and the idea of ​​ensuring a successful future for the child at the given stage are one and the same. Have a profession = earn.

The reason for this low percentage lies in psychology. When we talk about a person’s worldview, the brain always tries to build a complete picture from known facts. Thus, if a parent does not initially ask himself a question of financial literacy, then this thought will not come from the air. And this means that a person must pass at least to the second stage of studying the issue of finance.

Let me remind you that, as in any topic, a person goes through four stages when studying:

  • Ignorance of what he does not know (unconscious ignorance)
  • The knowledge that he has gaps (conscious ignorance)
  • The knowledge that he knows the topic (conscious knowledge)
  • Understanding a topic as a matter of course (unconscious knowledge)

But the percentage is still reduced due to the fact that in the case when it comes to the child, the parent will never risk his future, if he is not exactly sure that he gives him what he understands. Therefore, the shift goes from the second to the third level.

In relation to SberKids, this means that the parent does not just use banking services, but does it with a regularly increased frequency. For external reasons, even in a simplified version, the statistical percentage is lower than mathematically calculated.


’ll go to the left ...” The next part of the article will be dangerous for the psychological peace of those who think that the welfare of the child and his success is the main desire of the parent.

In order to understand the main essence of the work of the Product Manager, you need to understand that it proceeds from the task of building and modernizing the product in such a way that it makes money predictably. And this means that the product must be a solution expressed in the product to the problem of a specific audience, which has common features. And we are talking not only and not so much about formalized signs like “Our target audience is men 40 to 45 years old, having three children, living in Las Vegas.” It is about the reason for each of them to buy a product, because it is best suited to solving its specific problem. The reasons may be different (for some people the car needs to be moved, for some people it’s a comfortable cabin, for some people it looks like it is overclocking. Someone will be different products), but the main task of the Product Manager is to make surethat this product, in the form in which it is now, satisfies the personal needs of a specific audience.

Personal needs are always associated with a person’s personality. But the result of satisfying these personal needs is always expressed outwardly.

So, if we are talking about food, then the outward expression will be a satisfied well-fed person. If we are talking about the sale of plastic windows, then the expression will be the good mood of the owners when they are at home. Especially in winter. Even if we are talking about pickup trainings, the outward expression will be the presence of more sex in a person’s life.

The task of the Product Manager at this stage is:

  • the identification of patterns that he sees in the behavior of various people when buying certain things;
  • identification through interaction with people of those personal needs that people satisfy;
  • Finding a more favorable way for a client to satisfy a person’s needs than the one for which he is paying now.

Thus, the Product Manager always looks for personal reasons for the purchase.

If we are transported to our example with SberTeens, the main reason why a person is trying to put a child on his feet is a sense of self-esteem for himself, as a person who is able to solve all arising issues within his home. If for men this is expressed in a literal acceptance of responsibility and solving issues, then for women - the creation of psychological comfort for family members and comfort in the home.

That is why, if we return to the three options for the desires of the parent, the option to teach the child how to earn a living is born out of desires:

  • feel like a good parent who has decided the issue of becoming a child;
  • get rid of the waste of time and effort that you have to constantly do when planning a difficult-to-control item of expenses for a child.

And, as we have already said, from these two desires three different options are born:

  • invest time and money in education, reconciling with the requests of the child until he stands on his feet;
  • already teach him how to make money in order to save himself from constantly increasing requests;
  • teach a child to work so that he asks less for money, understanding how hard money is made.

If at the previous stage it was a question of a parent thinking only about providing his child with education, choosing the first of three ways, then when we are talking about a parent who understands the financial sphere and the importance of financial literacy for a child, then such a parent has a need to teach how to make money and subsequently generate capital. But not with emphasis on a lot of work, as the parent does in the third case, but with emphasis on the second, more rational approach to investing forces. How to invest, increasing your value in the labor market, and then generate passive income in the form of investments.

And what does this mean in terms of CJM?

And from the point of view of CJM, this is a parent who has a need to teach a child how to manage money. At the same time, do it in such a way that the child himself becomes interested in this topic.
Moreover, this is already not just a search for vocational guidance courses, but also financial literacy courses. Including paid.

The child, seeing also the example of financially competent parents, is himself interested in how he can earn money at the age of 14. Often by this time he already has applications like SberKids or Step on his phone (if we are talking about an analogue abroad).

Is this parent our target audience for SberTeens?

Based on statistics (with certain assumptions in the pessimistic direction), the probability of success of the offer is 9.62%, which is higher than the average conversion of online stores in the segment of children's goods in 2019 (9.62% compared to 7% for online stores in 2019 according to Data Insight). Given the 71% confidence in Sberbank according to a survey of the Superjob recruiting agency, as well as the recent sale of a share of the Central Bank in favor of the state in the amount of 2.45 trillion. rub. the percentage of individuals' confidence is expected to grow. This means that conversion can also be more optimistic.

Her Majesty's Strategy

The next step for the parent is the definition of those courses that provide high-quality knowledge of financial literacy, but which are not financially too expensive.

That is, the following desires appear here:

  • find an effective solution to financial literacy training;
  • so that this method is not too costly in finance;
  • so that the child is interested.

At the same time, the teenager is trying to learn about those specific ways of earning that are available to him.

And only during this period, from the point of view of CJM, the client is fully prepared to listen to our offer. But what is the reason that he will begin to listen to us?
The reason is simple. And her name is "Strategy: To be better."

If you do not go into various marketing strategies, then in the case of SberTeens we have many companies that work in the money making market. This is Alfa Bank with its youth cashback card Alfa Bank Next, which positions itself as a youth bank, and Freelance sites. In addition to this various offline work part time. And of course, various career counseling courses.

Despite the fact that they have different positioning - as you, I think they already understood, they all help to solve the same tasks of the parent and the same specific tasks of the teenager.

For parent:

  • to feel like a good parent due to the fact that he ensured the child is on his feet;
  • I decided to reduce unforeseen expenses by training the skill of making money.

For a child:

  • the opportunity to learn how to make money on those things that he cannot afford to buy.

And it is the understanding of CJM and the elaboration of the portrait of the target audience that gives an understanding of what this target audience is faced with.

How is CJM knowledge applied in a marketing strategy: to be better?
This strategy is that for the client we can be better in one or more of 3 parameters:

  • be cheaper than competitors;
  • help the client achieve his goal faster;
  • be better in quality. services (that is, for the same money to give the client more useful things).

Thus, as a leader in the banking services market, according to the “be better” strategy, Sberbank needs to offer new products to the same audience that will cover their needs. In this case, the positioning should not be eroded.

The concept of the bank, which is broadcast in advertising, namely, “Always near”, is based on the idea of ​​freedom of action if Sberbank’s service is within walking distance. Therefore, the product must meet this general concept. Therefore, SberTeens gives just such freedom both for a parent who does not need to spend time and money on training in financial literacy, and for a teenager who, thanks to the functionality, initially builds his big goals himself, consciously choosing a profession based on market salaries, and also learning the basics of investment literacy at the age of 19.

So what's the numbers?

Remember how we talked about conversion at the beginning of the article? So this is an indicator of the path that the client goes through. Only conversion is the fingerprint of the CJM that the client goes through. In fact, figuratively speaking, the client goes his own way, and our task is to conduct an investigation on the traces that he leaves and understand - where there are many traces, who went along this path, where they came from and why they stepped in this way and in such shoes . And to calculate the future actions of the people who are here, so that next time they come to you.

What traces of CJM did I get from SberTeens?

Given that Sberbank supports the Ministry of Finance in the National Strategy for Improving Financial Literacy, the SberTeens funnel will expand. But at the moment, the conversion is as follows:

1. The first task is to study a key parameter for any application: the number of downloads and ratings on Google Play and the App Store. Based on the number of downloads over 100 thousand on Google Play and an average rating of 4.4 (out of 3957 ratings, 290 are 1 and 2 stars, the rest are positive. 4 and 5), we understand that in general the conversion to long-term use is 92.67% . In our case, this is 1 year, which generally corresponds to the picture of 290 negative comments for the entire duration of the application from 1.09.2018.
Since the SberKids application is installed without fail by a parent and a child, since we don’t know how many more than 100,000 installations happened on Google Play, we proceed from a pessimistic version of 100,000 people. Thus, in fact there were 50,000 unique installations.

As for the App Store, according to the ratio of the average rating in the App Store to the rating of Google Play (4.6 and 4.4, respectively), we can see an approximate conversion in the App Store application. Namely, 4.34% higher, or 97.01%. But with the number of downloads, everything is a little more interesting.

Given that the number of comments in the App Store is 1,300+ (which we accept as exactly 1,300), we can assume that despite the fact that the conversion is expected to be higher (due to the cost factor of an iPhone as a phone for a child, and , which means more income for parents), the number of comments is less by 67.18% and is 32.82%. Thus, if on Google Play the number of downloads was 50,000, then in the App Store this number, based on this logic, will be 16,410. Total 66,410 users who downloaded the application on 2 platforms.

As for the average conversion on both platforms from the downloaded user to the user who will use it for a year (or in other words, it will reach the first indicator for calculating ARPPU), this indicator will be 94.84%. But since we can’t say by these numbers how many people actually used for at least a year, we are laying a more realistic scenario 15% less, on the understanding that, on the whole, with 71% trust in the bank, we can completely lay down such an indicator conversions. In total, we will calculate a conversion of 79.84% of those who downloaded to those who have used the application for at least a year. At the same time, I also proceeded from the logic that people write positive comments less often than negative ones due to the fact that if everything works as it should, there is no point in writing.

Thus, the number of people who use the application for at least 1 year according to this logic is 53,021 people.

2. So, with the first two indicators figured out. Now the task is to understand - what is the conversion of those who watched the educational videos on the application among parents in those who install the application?

Here, in the absence of data and based on the fact that the main work has been completed (viewing video tutorials), we can assume that the installation of the application with a high-quality video will be 85%. But you need real information, which is currently unavailable, as being a bank secret. Total 66 410 + 15% = 78 129 people.

3. The next indicator is conversion. Here you also need to make an estimate for previous programs of Sberbank. Here I proceeded from a very mundane 42.6%, based on the experience that I had when using the business opening program that Sberbank did with Google. Perhaps this is the weakest indicator in the calculations. However, that the previous one, that this indicator is considered quite realistic in view of the pessimistic indicators at the later stages of the funnel. It also requires verification. Total 78 129 + 57.4% = 183 401 people.

4. Now we turn to more specific indicators, which are known.
And the first of them will be an indicator of the conversion of customers from those who use online services to those who switched to watching training videos for the application.
In accordance with the nearest available annual report of Sberbank on the situation with Sberbank Online, namely the report of 2018, the conversion from Sberbank Online to sales is 37%. Thus, 183 401 + 63% = 495 678 people.

5. The next indicator that needs to be calculated is an indicator of the number of active users who are age-appropriate as parents of adolescents 14-16 years old. It is necessary to understand here that since we are already calculating based on the indicators of attitudes, I consider the use of narrowing the audience’s indicators based on age to be acceptable. Thus, we will take the control group for calculation from 35 to 54 years old, which generally corresponds to the average age of becoming a mother from 1961 to 2008 according to Rosstat at 25.9 years.

Thus, in accordance with the report of Sberbank for the same 2018, the number of active users of Sberbank Online is 90% of all users of Sberbank Online. In general, given the vector of movement for the digitalization of Sberbank, this indicator for 2019 should not have become lower. Thus, the number of active users of Sberbank Online between the ages of 35 and 54 should be around 550,753 people.

6. The penultimate conversion rate is the calculation of the number of Sberbank users online between the ages of 35 and 54. Given the information that was published in the Sberbank Press Release for September 18, 2019, the proportion of the total number of Sberbank Online is 48.95%. Thus, 550,753 + 51.05% = 1,125,133 customers.

7. And the last conversion indicator is the ratio with the total number of customers for 2019, which is published in the annual report of Sberbank for 2019, namely 96 million people. Thus, the proportion of customers whose age is between 35 - 54 years can be in the region of 1.17% of the total.


Summing up, it should be said that this article essentially demonstrates the capabilities of such a concept as Customer Journey Map. It is extremely important to understand CJM in order to understand your client, as well as choose the marketing strategy that will not only help to convey a message to your Target Audience, but also to find shortcomings from competitors and use them to improve performance in your company.

Of course, the calculations are hypothetical in nature until they are actually tested in practice by conducting conversion tests in practice, but it is CJM that allows you to go in building a product and further marketing not from the product, but from the real needs of people.
And remember, footprints in the sand are your guide ...

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