Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

We used to have a blog and readers. Now we have a blog, readers and customers from the blog. Niche articles played a role here. These are articles where product advertising is packaged to solve a specific problem in a narrow niche. We tell how we do them and how many customers they bring to us. And yes, you can too.

The content of the article

What are niche articles?

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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions


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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions


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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions


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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions


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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions


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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

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Niche content: how 10% of articles yield 61% of blog conversions

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