Real programming for the humanities from the ground up ... 3DS Max

Programming from scratch

The article is primarily intended for the "humanities".

Runtime environment and 

Why 3DS Max?

I propose a slightly unusual, but effective, in my opinion, a way to get acquainted with practical programming for the β€œhumanities”. 

The article will be very simple and accessible, but for the sake of thoroughness, let's try to start with the β€œhistory of anatomy":

 What is programming? 

  • writing programs! 

Programs of what? 

  • A program is a sequence of instructions!

Instructions to whom?
 - Ultimately, the processor of a computer or smartphone, i.e. physical, real device.

Theoretically, everything is true, but the processor understands only the machine code, in fact, the stream of numbers or, if absolutely anatomical, the electrical signals of β€œhigh” (for example 3 volts) and β€œlow” (1 volts) voltage, which are β€œunderstood” by the processor circuitry as zeros and units, binary signals.

We won’t go into the physics of semiconductors, but who cares - google β€œsemiconductors and logic elements")

Nothing prevents the implementation of both β€œdecimal” signals and decimal mathematics, but it is cumbersome and not economical. Although in telecommunications there are a lot of precisely β€œternary" elements and mathematics.

, β€œ" β€œ", β€œ".

β€œ" , , , β€œ ” .

- β€œkeyboard” .

β€” !

add, mov .. β€” . " " , β€œ ”.

β€œ" β€” - , β€œ". , β€œβ€. β€” .

β€œ" , β€œ , ?” 

, - β€œ ", , , () β€” , , β€œ ”.

β€” : .

β€œ " - , --.

, . β€œβ€, , β€œ".

β€œ" .

, β€œ ” , .

- , β€” , β€” .

, , " ", ?

β€œ ”, β€œ ”.

β€œ" , , .

β€œ " .NET v8, NodeJS WEB .

, β€œ ” . 
C++ Unity , β€” ! 

- " " .NET Unity, .

, , WEB. WEB , , .


, ( , ).

3DS Max 

, , , , β€” , β€œ ” .

3DS Max , β€œ ".

β€œ ”? β€”   , .

β€œ " . - !

3DS Max , , . ?

: MaxScript Python.

Python 3DS Max   , MaxScript.

WEB β€” Javascript!

, , )

MaxScript . β€” β€œ ", - (, , ..)

, β€œ ", β€œβ€, β€œ", β€œ" .. β€” β€œ " β€” β€œ , ” )

, !



β€” ! 

3DS Max β€” , . , 3DS Max ( )


, 3DS Max.

Scripting Script Editor

Script Editor MaxScript 3DS Max.

, 3DS Max β€œβ€ 3DS Max " " .

! β€œ " " " .

3DS Max F11

β€” β€” , .
… !?

, () . - β€œ ". 3DS Max , , , , , , .

, )

: , , ..

" "

β€œ !”

β€œ " , :

Print  β€œ !” β€œenter”

: β€œ " β€œ ". , !

Print , β€œ". .

β€œ" (3DS Max ). , β€œ ", β€” β€œ " β€œ - ”

, . .

Print -, ! 


-- :


  • , ! β€” !


β€œ ” .

, .

β€œ ". , : β€œ ", β€œ ”, β€œ ”.

, , .. 

β€œ/ ", β€œ " .. . 

- , β€œ !” β€” , :



MAXScript Listener ( F11) :

MAXScript Listener (F11) :


β€œ" . 

- ( Z) .

( ): !

β€œ ” , β€œ" , ?

β€œβ€, β€œ", β€œ" ..

β€œ" . , .

β€œ", β€œβ€ , β€œβ€ (Teapot) , . , :

: β€œBox”, β€œTeapot” ..

β€” : Box001, Teapot001

β€œ ” :



- ? β€” β€œ" !

. , .


80% . . .


JavaScript jQuery React -, " " .

show $Box001

Box001 β€” .

β€œ ” .

.height , , β€œ"

height Box001:



Z - β€œZ" β€œposition” ( β€œpos”) , β€œ" - :

 $Teapot001.pos.z = 25

β€œenter” !

, β€œ" )



, β€œ" !

, max script listener :

\$ . 

max script listener ( ) .

β€” , .

, "" .

() .

, , , , .. " " . 

, )


  1. ! WEB javascript, β€” .NET C# Unity 3D # 3DS Max β€” MaxScript Maya β€” Python(). .
  2. β€œ " , β€œ " . .
  3. (, , ..) . , , .., β€” , .
  4. Do not get carried away excessively by the programming itself, keep in focus what you need it for and do not be afraid to part with what has stopped or failed to solve your problems, do not blame yourself and do not listen to the arguments of critics: β€œOh, you didn’t drag Java and rolled to html! ” Remember, it’s important that you create and not what you do)

So we got acquainted with practical programming in a real executable environment and almost did not even mention variables.

For the real benefit of such programming, you must be familiar with variables and loops, as well as arrays. What we will do in the next part of the article.

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