PHP Digest No. 175 (February 25 - March 10, 2020)

Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In the release: Laravel 7 and CodeIgniter 4 releases, v2 attributes and other RFC sentences from PHP Internals, a portion of useful tools, videos, podcasts and much more.

Enjoy reading!

News and Releases

PHP Internals

  • [RFC] Attributes v2 β€” PHP <<...>>. . , .
    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
    <<ORM\Entity(["repositoryClass" => UserRepository::class])>>
    class User
        <<ORM\Id, ORM\Column, ORM\GeneratedValue>>
        public int $id;
        <<ORM\Column(["unique" => true])>>
        public string $email;
        public ?Address $address;
  • [RFC] Increment/Decrement Fixes β€” , / . :
        $a = [];
        $a = ++$a; // [] and no errors
        $a = $a + 1; // Fatal error
    PHP 8 TypeError .
  • [RFC] Stringable β€” Nicolas Grekas . PHP 8 union- string|Stringable , , __toString(). .
  • [PR] Make sorting stable β€” PHP . , (). . , .





Async PHP


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