How we make videos at Alconost and how the client participates in this

β€œ Tell us, how is your work process built?” What is needed from us? How soon will the video be ready? "- this interests almost everyone who contacts Alconost for a video. Let's push back the imaginary black screen separating the display case from the workshop. Today we will tell:

  • How our process of creating commercials about IT products is built.
  • What is needed from the client.
  • How long does it take to create a video on average.

Blitz answers

Creating a video about a game, service or application in Alconost is a step-by-step process controlled by the client. The client is required to fill out a brief at the beginning and comment on the interim results as they become available. You can make a video in three weeks or even faster, although the exact production time depends on the specific task and the pace of approvals on the client side.

Below you will find the details and description of the steps for creating the video.

Step 1: getting to know

We call the client online and in 20-30 minutes we find out which product the client has and for which audience, where exactly it is planned to place the video and in which budget it is necessary to keep within. Sometimes, right in the course of a conversation, together with a client, we fill out a small questionnaire - a brief. We always send a briefing link by email so that the client can fill out or supplement it with colleagues. For example, add links to a vector logo or corporate art.

We get acquainted not only with the client, but also with the product itself. We install the application from the store or build, sent by the client, and try the functionality as ordinary users.

Step 2: create a script

We usually write a draft in two to three days. A link to an online document with a draft is sent to the client, and we are waiting for comments. Having processed the client’s response, we prepare a final script - another day or two - and coordinate it.

If during the crystallization of an idea there is a need for additional materials, for example, character models, we request them from the client.

If the video is needed in a foreign language, our native translator translates the finished script in one or two days, and the translation is verified with the client.

Step 3: create a storyboard

First, we prepare key frames that define the style: for example, an opening screensaver with a slogan and one scene with functionality. After the approval of the visual style, a full storyboard is made and certified.

At this stage, we also take screenshots with the necessary functions or draw a simplified interface layout.

Depending on the number of scenes and their complexity, creating a storyboard takes an average of three to ten days.

Step 4: Recording a Speaker

The client selects from our database the voice of the speaker - a native speaker , and the voiceover is voiced by the selected artist. The client certifies the recorded track: reading style, pronunciation of the product name.

To save time, dubbing is usually recorded in parallel with the creation of storyboards.

Step 5: selecting music

Music is usually matched to the finished dubbing track so that the timbre and tempo of the recitation are combined with the sound of the track. We select several options for background music, send a selection to the client, and after approving a specific track we buy a license for it.

Step 6: Animation

The most exciting stage! The details begin to form an integral picture, and you can usually evaluate the first seconds of a future video within three to five days after the start of animation work.

While the client shares with us his impressions of the finished fragment, we continue to assemble the following scenes and, if necessary, grind the already assembled part. Step by step, scene by scene - every new piece is sent to the client.

When the animation work is completed - in one or two or three weeks, depending on the complexity of the visualization, the duration of the video and the adjustments at the request of the client - we look at the video with a fresh look, make final touches and approve the final animation.

Step 7: sound design

The previously selected track is mounted so that its fragments match each scene in mood. Sound effects are added that accompany cursor clicks and other events in the animation. This step takes a couple of days.

When the result is approved by the client, all that remains for us is to bring out the final render, gladly pass it on to the client and add the finished video to our portfolio.

Cool Products - Cool Videos

Want to go with us seven steps and get a meaningful and beautiful video about your product? Send a link to your product to and let us know when it will be convenient for you to phone and get to know us!

about the author

Alconost creates videos for applications , games , sites and businesses . We make turnkey videos : from script to sound design. In any languages!

Alconost also localizes games, applications and sites in 70+ languages.

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