Cloud 1C. Everything is cloudless

Moving is always stress, whatever it may be. To move from a less comfortable kindergarten to a more comfortable one, move from city to city, or even pull yourself together and move away from your mother at 40. With the transfer of infrastructure, everything is also not so simple. It’s one thing when you have a small website for a couple of thousand unique readers a day, and you are ready to spend several hours and a couple of mugs of coffee on data transfer. Another is when you have a complex infrastructure with a bunch of dependencies and crutches set up for specific places in a particular cloud.

And if you add 1C to this, the process begins to play with new colors.

My name is Sergey Kondratyev, I am responsible for our striped cloud, BeeCLOUD, and in this post I will tell you about moving to our AeroGeo cloud.

Why move at all

First of all, let's talk about the specifics of the AeroGeo business. This is the Krasnoyarsk airline, which has been engaged in the transportation of passengers and goods for 13 years, they have more than 40 aircraft in the fleet, including helicopters. Fly only in Russia, but throughout the territory. That is, the company's aircraft can be found from Altai to Kamchatka. A special calling card was the fact that AeroGeo provides the full-fledged operation of the Seasonal Drifting Station of the Russian Geographical Society.

Bell 429, photo from the company's website

In general, there are enough customers, more than 350 internal employees, aerial work of any complexity. Therefore, an adequately working infrastructure for a company is very, very critical. And how capricious are 1Cs, you know, without me.

So here. A year ago, the client had a clear need for updating the infrastructure. Of course, they began to look in the direction of working cloud solutions, and it turned out that, firstly, the company’s management doubted the cloud solutions a little (whether everything would actually be available 24/7 or not), and secondly, they definitely didn’t want to work through a public channel. We must give them credit, deciding to move, we had a serious check: the IT director personally flew in order to look around and understand what works for us. He looked like, looked, made conclusions and gave the go-ahead for a pilot project.

The infrastructure that was required to be transferred was tailored for the work of 30 specialists at the peak of three different offices (read - from three different networks, the head office, Emelyanovo Airport and AeroGeo Airport). We thought and decided to unite all this into a single network, which was then reserved using IPSec protocol, tossed through a dedicated 100 Mbps tunnel “Krasnoyarsk-Moscow”. The dongle is in our data center on a USB hub and sent to the client pool.

The migration took only one evening, because the representative of AeroGeo simply took and brought us the main database on physical media directly to the data center, in which the platform is deployed. Actually, just about the key binding we were worried about, there were a number of fears that during the migration the keys would fall off together, but no, everything went fine, because the keys were bound to similar hosts.

The pilot project lasted about a month, we actively collected feedback from 1C specialists. During this month, they did not notice any subsidence in performance or inconvenience.

Why to us

There are a lot of clouds now, almost every major player in the market already has its own cloud with a bunch of goodies. It’s understandable, if you want to compete, make a great cloud and a little more from above.

We still have three data centers (Moscow), a cloud on OpenStack (if you are interested, I’ll write about it in detail and in a separate post), we managed to get our hands on moving very different 1C-ok to the cloud, BeeCLOUD has hosts at 3 GHz, and at 3.5 GHz (just the one with a dedicated 3.5 GHz HP Synergy cluster selected in AeroGeo), depending on what the client needs.

And since the 1C thing is such that the principle “Who is what” is active in its tuning and finishing, we made an excellent cluster where the client can drag their most customized, capricious and demanding iron 1C-ku and not splash anything along the way. Everything will work. TIER 3, SLA 99.97, FZ-152, classic scenario.

But these are all numbers and technologies. The main thing in our product is people. We managed to assemble an excellent team of cool engineers who sit both in Moscow and work distributed in the regions. This gives us a very important opportunity - to help the client on the ground. It’s one thing when you (even as a VIP client) call support and hang on the line for a while, explaining that you have broken this time, after which support goes remotely to check everything. Another thing is when networkers and experts are able to solve all potential problems on the spot, with these hands.

Of course, the cloud is also good because it removes all headaches from the client and solemnly transfers them to the provider. At "AeroGeo" everything was tied to this 1C. Now they know that we support the relevance and availability of the system. It turns out that the vendor has something new, you need to roll some kind of patch and so on - we just write to the client about it, agree on a time convenient for work in his time zone and work. For example, when fresh patches from Intel and HP were rolled onto hosts, this was done by our guys during the lowest load in Krasnoyarsk time.

And it turned out to do everything within one window. Different services sometimes have gags in the idea that you, as a provider, provide a service, but you have a bunch of contractors. And if something goes wrong with the contractors, then time is also wasted communicating with them. The client doesn’t care, since he pays you, then you should solve all the problems.

Therefore, in the case of BeeCLOUD, we decided to get away from this and do everything ourselves. Your main canal, your support, your iron. This is faster for the client if something happens, if a problem arises, then this is definitely our problem, we will solve it. Plus, it really (actually) saves time on internal processes, when you have everything yours - you and your service desk are the same, without a bunch of clones and synchronization or a constant ping pong by contractors.

And about money

Where without it. I can disclose not so many numbers as part of the post, but they will still make it clear the scale. When AeroGeo considered how much the modernization of the existing infrastructure would cost, they totaled more than 2,000,000 rubles. And this is preliminary data, those that usually go on papers marked “From”. Only update, without maintenance and support.

For the infrastructure transferred to BeeCLOUD, including the facilities themselves and round-the-clock support, the client pays 45,000 rubles per month. That is, two million rubles is enough for almost 4 years of work without fuss and other things.

We try to be as open as possible, if the client wants to call on us and see what everything is about - please. By the way, about the cloud itself: you can see it here .

If you have questions about this case or in general about our cloud - write, I will be glad to answer.

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