How to make a start menu and minimap

Good day to all

In this short article I will tell you how to make a start menu and minimap using assets from the Unreal Engine Marketplace.

Start menu

The standard way to create menus is widgets with buttons, lists, and text fields. However, their standard appearance is too simple, and to make it prettier you need to apply a lot of design skills (for creating and arranging pictures) that I don’t have. Of course, it’s not necessary to draw everything yourself and you can take it from the Internet ... but you need to know all the licenses, nuances and marketplaces (and sites with free materials) or sit down to study it. And laziness. Therefore, I decided to rivet the starting mini-level with the menu functionality from the available (and free) UEM assets. It turned out like this:

in the "raw":

, Image -. , «» . Event Construct . Event Tick, . , — ;)

, , (« Delay!») . : ( ), , , . Widget > GetDesiredSize Tick! ( 0,0, 0, Tick ), Tick . Delay > Duration=0,4 BeginPlay ( «» ), !

That's all for now. If anyone knows a separate Event when all widgets already have dimensions (GetDesiredSize) - I will be grateful for the help. The plans tell about all the WTF, which was spent on 4+ hours and about the created basic system of missions. Thank.

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